Vocab Lessons
This page is still a pre-draft. Please don’t touch! (put ev. comments in Discussion)
Any kind of comments in Discussion on this page or any lesson are very welcome.
These are vocabulary lessons for lojban.
Some grammar might be reviewed, but don't count on it.
These are now in pre-alpha, bring your own knowledge of colors:
(they are only missing picture(s) (and polish))
Lesson 1 - Hi and bye [pre-alpha, slightly useable]
L2- Colors [pre-alpha, not useable]
L12- Numbers 1a (with learning advice) [pre-alpha, slightly useable]
L3- Fruit [pre-alpha, slightly useable]
L4- Materials 1a [alpha-level]
(Feel free to suggest pictures for those lessons that have none or incomplete pictures.
Or replacement pictures that are less eyesores than the current ones
(the colors have to be pretty much the same thou).)
I probably want to put these here, since I think they will allow me to write more of the following lessons in lojban:
(even through they are barely pre-drafts as of yet)
These are perhaps pre-drafts (or perhaps drafts):
L5- Family (1a)
L6- Pronouns 1a (grammar and ideoms ahoy)
L18- Numbers 1b (w usage advice)
L19- Geography 1a - continents
Magic Words
Logic 1abc [Probably just telling people to read the chapter in the CLL mostly]
Reading lojban texts found in the wild I
Protodrafts (not to become single lessons with contents nearly as-is):
comparison BLV:
Colors 1
people 1
Drinks 1
food 1
clothes 1
Body parts
-body 1
-head 1
Clothing parts
Places 1
not containers
Not books
not community, but bad ref
comparison AK1
greetings 1