Vocab Lessons/12- Numbers 1a
This is pre-alpha (only picture(s) and bonus answer missing).
re mlatu cu pinxe lo ladru
ci mlatu cu citka re -meat-
Practice the numbers by reciting
"«parecivomu» «xazebisono»"
, being <12345'67890> but eventually
"«lipa lire lici» «lici livo limu» «lixa lize libi» «libi liso lipano»"
, and then
"«lipa lire lici livo limu» «lixa lize libi liso lipano»"
(Bonus: Count the various groups of cats (remember to use «li»).)
New Words:
no - 0
pa - 1
re - 2
ci - 3
vo - 4
mu - 5
xa - 6
ze - 7
bi - 8
so - 9
li - number nounifier
mlatu - x1 is a cat/[puss/pussy/kitten] [feline animal] of species/breed x2.
ladru - x1 is made of/contains/is a quantity of milk from source x2.
rectu - x1 is a quantity of/contains meat/flesh from source/animal x2.
pinxe - drinks[FIX]
citka - eats[FIX]
lo - verb nounifier
cu - nounphrase-verb separator