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TLI Loglan - the original version of Loglan, being developed by the Academy of Loglan. In 1987 based on the original Loglan a new language called Lojban appeared thus leading to a split between the two languages.

The Logical Language Group claims that the word Loglan is generic, and applies to Lojban as well. It was vindicated after a drawn-out legal process. Because the Loglan effort was coordinated by The Loglan Institute, one will also see the older variant of the language called Institute Loglan. TLI itself grants this point, and refers to the language it develops as TLI Loglan when the context requires a distinction from the sister languages.

This wiki uses angular brackets to mark texts in TLI Loglan, e.g.: <blanu>, <djifoa>.

Lojban vs. Loglan. Comparison

Correspondence between English names of grammatical terms for Loglan and their names in Lojban.

  • terminology
  • Phonetics/Orthography
    • Vowels
      • diphthongs are <ai>, <ei>, <oi>, <ao> (= au in Lojban)
      • optional diphthongs are "iV", "uV"
      • all other vowel pairs are pronounced with glides
      • no equivalent of Lojbanic ', so no contrast like ai/a'i
    • Consonants
      • role of x is taken by <h>
      • Extra letters (used only in names, borrowings):
        • <x>, pronounced as in Lojban
        • <q>, IPA [T] = English unvoiced th
        • <w>, IPA [y] = German ü, French u
    • Capitalization follows the pattern standard for the European languages: used in the beginning of a sentence and for proper names. Nonstandard stress is marked by an apostrophe preceding the stressed syllable.
  • Morphology
    • basically the same at time of split
    • Loglan has added a new rule: in any lujvo beginning CVCC, where CC is a permissible initial, change to CVCyC. This eliminates the need for the slinku'i test. There are some other differences, notably in formation of borrowings.
  • Vocabulary
    • Gismu
    • Rafsi
      • don't necessarily have just one of CVC, CCV, or CVV forms, but maximum is still three
    • Fu'ivla
      • often use <h>-clusters to "solve" morphological problems (e.g. <athomi> = x1 is an atom)
    • Cmavo
      • show various "sound law" changes, e.g. Loglan <gu> = Lojban ku (but much more general "universal" terminator), Loglan <no> = Lojban na, Loglan <noi> = Lojban nai, Loglan "kek"s = Lojban GA, Loglan "cek"s = Lojban JA.
  • Grammar
    • masses/sets
    • abstraction
    • modals
    • tenses
    • relative clauses
    • Imperative
      • formed by omitting the x1 argument
    • mekso
    • attitudinals
    • negation
    • termsets
    • Vocatives: <hoi> instead of doi (as in <rano, hoi Spat. I prano.>)
  • Usage/Style


Here are the current trial drafts of the English-to-Loglan and Loglan-to-English dictionaries with latest trial words by Randall Holmes, the CEO of TLI, added.

Mapping between Loglan "prims" and Lojban brivla

