official LLG Projects
The LLG Community Projects Page
For a list of recent changes, look at What's New? he news page.
This page needs to support auto-mailing of reminder e-mails, so the formatting of the comments is important. Please don't alter them.
-Robin (
This page consists of a list of projects which are officially recognized by the LLG as being potentially useful contributions to the lojban language. This list is non-exclusionary, meaning that the LLG supports just about anything people want to do that involves lojban or the LLG. The projects here are simply those that people have asked to have official recognition for.
The only requirement for those holding official project recognition is that you more or less regularly (and informally) report to LLG what you are doing and what progress is being made. The LLG will send you a regular reminder asking you to report.
To be added to this list, please e-mail he webmaster with a bit of information about your project, a contact e-mail, and how often you would like to be auto-pestered for updates. The frequency of these mailings can be no less often than once a month, for implementation reasons.
A report of some kind must occur at least once a quarter, or the project will be removed from this list, possibly with an announcement to the main mailing list in case someone else wants to take over.
For a less static list of projects, see Ongoing Projects he wiki ongoing projects page.
Some tasks are organized as committees instead of projects. See Official LLG Committees for more information.
Active Projects
~hc~ #START#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#NAME# "jbovlaste" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CONTACT# "," ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CRONTAB# "0 0 1 * *" ~/hc~
jbovlaste: The Lojban Dictionary Editing System
bovlaste is a lojbanic dictionary editing system that is now in full production. It was created primarily by ay Kominek and Robin Powell.
Project Report As Of 2 Jan 2005
jbovlaste is fully functional, highly utilized throughout the community, and has lots of words in it.
Unfortunately, things are a bit of a mess internally. The noralujv imports have never been finished, for example. This sort of work is currently taking a backseat to the BPFK.
~hc~ #END#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #START#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#NAME# "chrestomathy" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CONTACT# "" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CRONTAB# "0 0 1 * *" ~/hc~
This project is headed by regory Dyke. The goal is to produce a collection of translated and original writings designed to show a wide sampling of a language. We need translations of texts generally a bit longer than the typical effort (1000-10000 words), and as wide a variety of texts and styles, from as many different source languages as possible. Original works in Lojban that exercise a variety of aspects of the language are even more important.
~hc~ #END#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #START#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#NAME# "phrasebook" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CONTACT# "" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CRONTAB# "0 0 1 * *" ~/hc~
Lojbanic Phrasebook Project
This project is run by obert Griffin, and the goal is to produce a Survival Guide to Lojban, based on the WW II language guides given the common American soldier. Presents a minimal vocabulary, based on common basic needs, to help in developing a small active vocabulary in Lojban.
If you were stranded in Lojbanistan, away from the nearest English speaker this is the minimal vocabulary you would need to get by.
~hc~ #END#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #START#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#NAME# "newsletters" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CONTACT# "" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CRONTAB# "0 0 1 * *" ~/hc~
ay Kominek has been charged with producing a new issue of the JL newsletter for board approval.
JL and LK will resume publication as soon as the LLG address data base is brought up to date. Changes and additions were recorded on paper for around 6 years without being entered onto the computer, and we are obliged to account to people for their money balances.
~hc~ #END#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #START#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#NAME# "archives" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CONTACT# "" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CRONTAB# "0 0 1 * *" ~/hc~
Lojban Archives Project
Bob LeChevalier is serving as project leader of the Lojban Archives Project. He collects any and all Loglan and Lojban materials that people send them, thus serving as a historical repository for the language development and growth. He also uses the material to research and respond to questions about the history of the Loglan Project, and the intentions of JCB and the early developers of Lojban; if you have any such questions please e-mail him.
~hc~ #END#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #START#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#NAME# "Announcements" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CONTACT# "" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CRONTAB# "0 0 1 * *" ~/hc~
Monthly Announcement Project
A project send monthly announcements of general interest to the Lojbanic community. Headed by Jay Kominek.
~hc~ #END#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #START#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#NAME# "xartum" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CONTACT# "" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CRONTAB# "0 0 1 * *" ~/hc~
xartum: The Lojban Internet Nation and Online Game
Those who make a nominal donation to the LLG would be mailed a naturalization certificate and/or passport. No proficiency in Lojban required. This would carry a membership in a text-based online storytelling and world-building game, although they need not participate to receive citizenship. The self-amending game process would develop a fictional setting to serve for Lojban what Star Trek serves for Klingon. This game might also involve the upcoming Lojban "MOO" persistent text adventure world. Matt Arnold; when he is not writing [
medicine essays]; will be heading this up.
Project Report As Of January 1, 2006
I last updated the Wiki page "xartum" on Tuesday. I have decided to wait until the Lojban MOO is usable before offering citizenship.
Project Report As Of February 4, 2006
In my last report I probably should have specified "usable by me." Technically it could launch now, I think. But I'll wait until Robin feels that the Lojban MOO is ready for the general Lojbanic populace.
~hc~ #END#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #START#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#NAME# "hebrew" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CONTACT# "" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CRONTAB# "0 0 1 * *" ~/hc~
Hebrew Translation Project
A project to translate Lojban materials into Hebrew, headed by Adam Raizen. So far, a Hebrew gismu List is being worked on. Please contribute!
Project Report as of 1 Dec 2002
The first draft of the translation of gismu which begin with B is complete.
~hc~ #END#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #START#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#NAME# "parser" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CONTACT# "" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CRONTAB# "0 0 1 * *" ~/hc~
Lojban Parser
Robin Lee Powell is creating et another software parser that can parse lojban text, this one using Parsing Expression Grammars.
Project Report As Of 28 Dec 2005
The parser basically works, and I'd love to see more people using it and etting me know what they think.
~hc~ #END#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #START#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#NAME# "beginners" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CONTACT# "," ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CRONTAB# "0 0 1 * *" ~/hc~
Lojban for Beginners ick Nicholas and obin Turner are working on an introductory text for those with no prior exposure to lojban. Take a look at he current version of Lojban for Beginners.
~hc~ #END#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #START#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#NAME# "eu_patent" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CONTACT# "phm@A2E.DE" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CRONTAB# "0 0 1 * *" ~/hc~
Lojban Use in the European Patent System
ailto:phm@A2E.DE artmut Pilch is promoting the use of lojban in the European Patent System.
~hc~ #END#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #START#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#NAME# "logic" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CONTACT# "" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CRONTAB# "0 0 1 * *" ~/hc~
Lojban and Logic book and webpage ohn Clifford is creating a book and companion web page on the use of and relationship between lojban and predicate logic. This project is currently considered inactive until the byfy work is completed.
~hc~ #END#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #START#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#NAME# "mailing_list" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CONTACT# ",," ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CRONTAB# "0 0 1 * *" ~/hc~
Lojban List
The Lojbanic Forums ojban Mailing List is an ongoing project maintained by Bob LeChevalier, ohn Cowan, and Robin Powell.
Project Report As Of 2 Jan 2005
Still exists, although being hosted by the computers instead of Yahoo now. Very popular of late. There is also a beginners list.
~hc~ #END#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #START#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#NAME# "ckafybarja" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CONTACT# "," ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CRONTAB# "0 0 1 * *" ~/hc~
ckafybarja is a compound word which appears to mean "coffee bar". It sounds vaguely Norwegian. ick Nicholas and eijo Vilva are in charge of this project, and many others are working on it.
~hc~ #END#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #START#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#NAME# "alice" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CONTACT# "" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CRONTAB# "0 0 1 * *" ~/hc~
Alice in Wonderland translation orge Llambias is the project manager for this translation, which aims to translate the complete text of Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland into lojban. Many others are assisting with the translation.
~hc~ #END#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #START#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#NAME# "website_lojban" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CONTACT# "" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CRONTAB# "0 0 1 * *" ~/hc~
Lojban Website Translation
This project aims to translate the web site into lojban. Robin Powell is the project maintainer, although lately xorxes has been doing a lot of the work.
Project Status As Of 18 Jan 2006
The following is from xorxes:
- I translated almost everything that appeared visible to me on the web interface. I see now a few new menu items untranslated ("What's New", "Donate", "Recent Changes" and " Public Pages"), but they don't seem to show up on the list for translations.
- There are a huge number of things still left untranslated (and the list seems to keep growing), but for most of them I can't find the context in which they are supposed to appear, so I stopped working on them.
- I'm sure many of the translations need improvement, but without some feedback from others it's hard to know which ones.
Very little of the site content has been translated.
~hc~ #END#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #START#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#NAME# "website_french" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CONTACT# "" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CRONTAB# "0 0 1 * *" ~/hc~
French Website Translation
This project aims to translate the web site into French. This project is headed by regory Dyke.
~hc~ #END#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #START#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#NAME# "website_esperanto" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CONTACT# "" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CRONTAB# "0 0 1 * *" ~/hc~
Esperanto Website Translation
This project aims to translate the web site into Esperanto. heodore Reed is the project manager.
~hc~ #END#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #START#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#NAME# "website_russian" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CONTACT# "" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CRONTAB# "0 0 1 * *" ~/hc~
Russian Website
A eb site in Russian dedicated to lojban was planned. The content has since been moved to
~hc~ #END#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #START#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#NAME# "russian_gismu" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CONTACT# "" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CRONTAB# "0 0 1 * *" ~/hc~
Russian gismu list vgeny Sklyanin is compiling a Russian translation of the lojban gismu list.
Info as of 20 Jan 2006
Evgeny Sklyanin has finished his translation of the Lojban gismu list. It is now being proofread by Yanis Batura.
~hc~ #END#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #START#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#NAME# "arabian_nights" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CONTACT# "" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CRONTAB# "0 0 1 * *" ~/hc~
Burton Arabian Nights Translation
Bob LeChevalier is helming a project to translate the Sir Richard Burton translation of One Thousand Nights and a Night into lojban.
~hc~ #END#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #START#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#NAME# "harsh_mistress" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CONTACT# "" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CRONTAB# "0 0 1 * *" ~/hc~
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress Chapter 1 Translation
Bob LeChevalier is helming a project to translate the first chapter of Robert Heinlein's The Moon is a Harsh Mistress.
~hc~ #END#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #START#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#NAME# "zelda" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CONTACT# "" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CRONTAB# "0 0 1 * *" ~/hc~
The Legend of Zelda Translation heodore Reed is working on a lojban localization of the classic NES game, The Legend of Zelda.
Project Report As Of 01 Aug 2004
I've translated just about everything, but hit a road block when it comes to the method by which the game stores colored text data. I could make a translated version, but the opening story would be somewhat unreadable. Also, I'd need an artist to redraw the main screen, since it's in English.
~hc~ #END#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #START#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#NAME# "prophet" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CONTACT# "" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CRONTAB# "0 0 1 * *" ~/hc~
The Prophet Translation
Matt Arnold is translating The Prophet 'The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran into Lojban on this wiki.
Project Report As Of January 1, 2006
Someone else has joined me in this translation on the Wiki. All I know about him or her is the wiki username: brablonau. A total of 50 out of 870 verses have been translated so far.
Project Report As Of February 4, 2006
Wiki user adamgarrigus has joined the effort and has done a commendable amount of translation in a short period. Also, there is now a very helpful wiki page for problems in the translation to be discussed.
~hc~ #END#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #START#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#NAME# "wiki" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CONTACT# "" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CRONTAB# "0 0 1 * *" ~/hc~
Lojban Wiki
There is a iki dedicated to lojban that you can contribute to.
Project Report As Of 2 Jan 2006
The Lojban Wiki (a Tiki, to be exact) is now being used to host the main website. The user-maintained portions are being updated regularily.
~hc~ #END#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #START#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#NAME# "russian_list" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CONTACT# "" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CRONTAB# "0 0 1 * *" ~/hc~
Russian Mailing List vgeny Sklyanin moderates a mailing list dedicated to discussion of lojban in Russian.
~hc~ #END#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #START#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#NAME# "french_list" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CONTACT# "" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CRONTAB# "0 0 1 * *" ~/hc~
French Mailing List
There is a mailing list dedicated to discussion of lojban in French. You can subscribe at he mailing list interface.
~hc~ #END#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #START#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#NAME# "webring" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CONTACT# "" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CRONTAB# "0 0 1 * *" ~/hc~
Lojban Webring
Robin Powell maintains the ojban webring, which you can join if you have a web site which has lojban-related content.
~hc~ #END#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #START#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#NAME# "links" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CONTACT# "" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CRONTAB# "0 0 1 * *" ~/hc~
Lojban Links Page vgeny Sklyanin is building page of Lojban-related links.
~hc~ #END#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #START#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#NAME# "faqs" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CONTACT# "" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CRONTAB# "0 0 1 * *" ~/hc~
Mailing List and Language FAQS harles Hope is maintaining FAQ lists covering the lojban language and the lojban Mailing List.
~hc~ #END#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #START#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#NAME# "jbosnu" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CONTACT# "," ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CRONTAB# "0 0 1 * *" ~/hc~
jbosnu Mailing List harles Hope and orge Llambias are moderating the jbosnu list, which is for discussion is Lojban only. You can subscribe at ahooGroups.
~hc~ #END#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #START#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#NAME# "beginners_list" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CONTACT# "" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CRONTAB# "0 0 1 * *" ~/hc~
Lojban Beginners List ay Kominek moderates a mailing list for beginning speakers and readers of lojban. You can subscribe at he mailing list interface.
~hc~ #END#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #START#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#NAME# "eaton" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CONTACT# "" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CRONTAB# "0 0 1 * *" ~/hc~
Eaton Interface
Bob LeChevalier is working on a translation of the Helen Eaton concept list into lojban.
~hc~ #END#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #START#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#NAME# "jbofi'e" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CONTACT# "" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CRONTAB# "0 0 1 * *" ~/hc~
bofi'e (aka jbofihe) is a feature-rich parser for Lojban. ichard Curnow is the manager of this project.
~hc~ #END#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #START#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#NAME# "valfendi" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CONTACT# "" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CRONTAB# "0 0 1 * *" ~/hc~
alfendi is a program implementing a more rigorous version of the Lojban morphology. ierre Abbat is the manager of this project.
Project Report As Of 4 Aug 2004
Valfendi is, as far as I can tell, producing correct output and ready for review by others. It consists of an algorithm for breaking a stream of Lojban phonemes into words and an implementation of the algorithm. The algorithm needs editing for precision and checking for consistency with the implementation and checking for correctness. Proofs of correctness would also be nice (there's one theorem already in the text). Future plans include various output formats (HTML with word type coloring, XML with selrafsi indicated; the latter needs a lookup table which I'll implement as a CDB) and translating the algorithm to PEG (which I was going to do, but a sequence of foot injuries got in the way).
~hc~ #END#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #START#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#NAME# "random" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CONTACT# "," ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CRONTAB# "0 0 1 * *" ~/hc~
Random Sentence Generator
Bob LeChevalier and ora LeChevalier are working on a random generator which will produce a complete, well-formed lojban sentence from tokens.
~hc~ #END#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #START#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#NAME# "tli" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CONTACT# ", " ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CRONTAB# "0 0 1 * *" ~/hc~
TLI Loglan Interface teven Belknap and Bob LeChevalier are defining the linguistic relationships between Lojban and TLI Loglan and developing cross-language translation and teaching aids.
~hc~ #END#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #START#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#NAME# "wiki_phrasebook" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CONTACT# "" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CRONTAB# "0 0 1 * *" ~/hc~
CVS/Wiki Lojban Phrasebook ierre Abbat is constructing a phrasebook iki- and CVS-based lojban phrasebook. This is independent of Robert Griffin's phrasebook.
~hc~ #END#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #START#PROJECT# ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#NAME# "Parliamentary Rules" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CONTACT# "" ~/hc~
~hc~ #PROJECT#CRONTAB# "0 0 1 * *" ~/hc~
Parliamentary Rules
xod heads the committee on creating Lojban terms for parliamentary actions. Mark Shoulson is on the committee.
Report as of September 2002
I am actively working on it as I read and learn the Standard Parliamentary Rules.
~hc~ #END#PROJECT# ~/hc~
Web Sites
Robin Powell maintains the ain lojban site, based in California. xod maintains the ojban Web ring, which has sites created by several other Lojbanists.
Completed Projects
Lojban Adventure
Nick Nicholas translated the text portion of the classic Colossal Cave text adventure game into Lojban several years ago. At the time there were plans to update an old Adventure program to support the new text, but the current state of adventure game design suggests that someone use the game engine called Inform (which has a specific manual for writing adventure games in translation). See the FAQ.
Update Late November 2002
This project has been completed with the help of a number of lojbanists. See Colossal Cave for details.
You can also look at a list of Old LLG Projects.