
What would be the type hierarchy between property, event, state etc.? Since NU is the cmavo family, I guess nu should identify the supertype and particles such as za'i shoud mark subtypes of the latter
Good morning. I would like to add a discussion page about the (possible) relations between Lojban gismu set and Cliff Goddard and Anna Wierzbicka's Minimal English. I think it can be interesting, since this project proposes a minimal lexicon that includes the list of Semantic Primes put forth within the Natural semantic metalanguage (discussed elsewhere in the wiki), plus a number of semantic "molecules" and some less universal, yet pragmatically useful, concepts. It would be nice to start a project about building a list of overlapping items between gismu set and Minimal English list. Is it possible to create a new discussion page on this subject matter? Thank you
Another little correction to the Crash Course dictionary: x2 type in xebni is marked as clause (and the example has indeed a clause), but it can of course be an entity as well, without type raising of coercion: _mi xebni do_ is clearly perfectly fine. I think entity should be added to clause as a possible type.
Another little correction to the Crash Course dictionary: x2 type in xebni is marked as clause (and the example has indeed a clause), but it can of course be an entity as well, without type raising of coercion: _mi xebni do_ is clearly perfectly fine. I think entity should be added to clause as a possible type.
Another little correction to the Crash Course dictionary: x2 type in xebni is marked as clause (and the example has indeed a clause), but it can of course be an entity as well, without type raising of coercion: _mi xebni do_ is clearly perfectly fine. I think entity should be added to clause as a possible type.
Another little correction to the Crash Course dictionary: x2 type in xebni is marked as clause (and the example has indeed a clause), but it can of course be an entity as well, without type raising of coercion: _mi xebni do_ is clearly perfectly fine. I think entity should be added to clause as a possible type.
Another little point: is the "object" type in kukte entry in the Crash Course dictionary wrong?
kukte — x1(entity) is tasty or delicious to x2(object)
I think one should read x2(entity), since object is never an argument type in the dictionary.
I think I'm not understanding. Two distinct issues:
How should links to ELG be corrected, since e.g. Chapter ELG-ERROR in Template:Lch doesn't work? How could autonumbering be inserted in the Prepositions chapter?
Thank you!