MEX grammar proposal

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Current grammar:

sumti-6 <- ... / lerfu-string !MOI# BOI#? / (LAhE# / NAhE# BO#) relative-clauses? sumti LUhU#? /...

tanru-unit-2 <- ... / ME# (sumti / lerfu-string) MEhU#? MOI#? / (number / lerfu-string) MOI# / NUhA# mex-operator / ...

interval-property <- number ROI# NAI#? / ...

free <- ... / (number / lerfu-string) MAI# / XI# (number BOI# / lerfu-string BOI# / VEI# mex VEhO#?) 

quantifier <- number !MOI# BOI#? / VEI# mex VEhO#?

mex <- mex-1 (operator mex-1)* / FUhA# rp-expression

mex-1 <- mex-2 (BIhE# operator mex-1)?

mex-2 <- operand / PEhO#? operator mex-2+ KUhE#?

rp-expression <- operand (rp-expression operator)* 

operator <- operator-1 (joik-jek operator-1 / joik stag? KE# operator KEhE#?)*

operator-1 <- operator-2 / guhek operator-1 gik operator-2 / operator-2 (jek / joik) stag? BO# operator-1

operator-2 <- mex-operator / KE# operator KEhE#? 

mex-operator <- SE# mex-operator / NAhE# mex-operator / MAhO# mex TEhU#? / NAhU# selbri TEhU#? / VUhU#

operand <- operand-1 (joik-ek stag? KE# operand KEhE#?)?

operand-1 <- operand-2 (joik-ek operand-2)*

operand-2 <- operand-3 (joik-ek stag? BO# operand-2)?

operand-3 <- quantifier / lerfu-string !MOI# BOI#? / NIhE# selbri TEhU#? / MOhE# sumti TEhU#? / JOhI# mex-2+ TEhU#? / gek operand gik operand-3 / (LAhE# / NAhE# BO#) operand LUhU#?

joik <- SE#? JOI# NAI#? / interval / GAhO# interval GAhO#

Proposed grammar:

sumti-6 <- ... / !tag !selbri lerfu-string BOI#? / !tag !selbri (LAhE# / NAhE# BO#) relative-clauses? sumti LUhU#? / ...

tanru-unit-2 <- ... / ME# (sumti / mex) MEhU#? MOI#? / mex MOI# / NUhA# operator / ...

interval-property <- mex ROI# NAI#? / ...

free <- ... / mex-2 MAI# / XI# mex-2 

quantifier <- !selbri !sumti-6 mex 

mex <- mex-1 (operator mex-1)* 

mex-1 <- mex-2 (operator stag? BO# mex-1)?

mex-2 <- number BOI#? / lerfu-string BOI#? / VEI# mex VEhO#? / NIhE# selbri TEhU#? / MOhE# sumti TEhU#? / gek mex gik mex-2 / (LAhE# / NAhE# BO#) mex LUhU#? / PEhO# operator mex+ KUhE#? / FUhA# rp-expression 

rp-expression <- mex (rp-expression operator)* 

operator <- SE# operator / NAhE# operator / MAhO# mex TEhU#? / NAhU# selbri TEhU#? / VUhU# / JOhI# / joik-jek


It makes sense to unify conjunctions with operators because conjunctions are binary operators. Everything else basicaly follows from that.

There is more freedom for "quantifier", "mex MOI", "mex ROI", "mex-2 MAI" and "XI mex-2".