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Doing the Laundry


Searching for something can be quite frustrating; thus, it's usually better to ask. Liliana and JP teach us how. Moreover, we learn about an easy way to express the future, how to say “there is” in Lojban, and more. The keywords are: no sé – I don't know; and ¿dónde? – where?

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Audio Lesson

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lo nanmu: Voy a lavar la ropa. ¿Hay detergente? noicon
lo ninmu: Sí hay, abajo en la cocina. noicon
lo nanmu: ¿Dónde? ¿En qué parte? noicon
lo ninmu: No sé. ¡Búscalo! noicon
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Dialogue with Translation

lo nanmu: Voy a lavar la ropa. ¿Hay detergente? noicon
(I) go to wash the clothes there is detergent
man: I'm going to wash clothes. Is there detergent?
lo ninmu: hay, abajo en la cocina. noicon
yes there is down in the kitchen
woman: Yes, there is, downstairs in the kitchen.
lo nanmu: ¿Dónde? ¿En qué parte? noicon
where in what part
man: Where? In what part?
lo ninmu: No sé. ¡Búscalo! noicon
no (I) know (you) search it
woman: I don't know. Look for it.
la ropa – the clothes
la cocina – the kitchen

Vocabulary for Dialogue

el hombre noun (masculine) the man
la mujer noun (feminine) the woman
ir verb (infinitive) to go
(yo) voy verb (present tense) I go
a preposition to
lavar verb (infinitive) to wash
voy a lavar phrase I'm going to wash
la ropa noun (feminine) the clothes
hay verb (present tense) there is, there are
el detergente noun (masculine) the detergent
adverb yes
abajo adverb down, below, downstairs
en preposition in
la cocina noun (feminine) the kitchen
¿dónde? adverb where?
¿qué? interrogative pronoun what?
la parte noun (feminine) the part
no adverb no
saber verb (infinitive) to know
(yo) sé verb (present tense) I know
buscar verb (infinitive) to search
¡(tú) busca! verb (imperative) (you) search! (informal, singular)
lo direct object pronoun him, it
¡(tú) búscalo! phrase (you) look for it! (informal, singular)

Vocabulary for Audio Lesson

la comida noun (feminine) the food
la gasolina noun (feminine) the gasoline
las mujeres noun (plural, feminine) the women
guapo/guapa adjective (m./f.) beautiful
guapos/guapas adjective (plural, m./f.) beautiful
la mujer guapa phrase the beautiful woman
las mujeres guapas phrase the beautiful women
comer verb (infinitive) to eat
voy a comer phrase I'm going to eat
bailar verb (infinitive) to dance
el cine noun (masculine) the cinema
al (= a el) phrase to the
voy al cine phrase I'm going to the movies
el teatro noun (masculine) the theater
voy al teatro phrase I'm going to the theater
hasta luego phrase see you later
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More Vocabulary

This section includes grammatically related words. Some of them are required by the exercise Dialogue Recast.

ir infinitive to go
(yo) voy present tense I go
(tú) vas you go (informal, singular)
(él/ella) va he/she(/it) goes
(usted) va you go (formal, singular)
(nosotros/-as) vamos we go (m./f.)
(vosotros/-as) vais you go (informal, plural, m./f.)
(ellos/ellas) van they go (m./f.)
(ustedes) van you go (formal, plural)
saber infinitive to know
(yo) sé present tense I know
(tú) sabes you know (informal, singular)
(él/ella) sabe he/she(/it) knows
(usted) sabe you know (formal, singular)
(nosotros/-as) sabemos we know (m./f.)
(vosotros/-as) sabéis you know (informal, plural, m./f.)
(ellos/ellas) saben they know (m./f.)
(ustedes) saben you know (formal, plural)
buscar infinitive to search
¡(tú) busca! imperative (you) search! (informal, singular)
¡(usted) busque! (you) search! (formal, singular)
¡(nosotros/-as) busquemos! (let's) search! (m./f.)
¡(vosotros/-as) buscad! (you) search! (informal, plural, m./f.)
¡(ustedes) busquen! (you) search! (formal, plural)
me direct object pronoun me
te you (informal, singular)
lo/la him/her(/it)
lo/la you (formal, singular, m./f.)
nos us
os you (informal, plural)
los/las them (m./f.)
los/las you (formal, plural, m./f.)
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Dialogue Translation

Translate from Lojban to English. Click each bar to check your answer. If possible, read the Lojban sentences aloud.

Voy a lavar la ropa. ¿Hay detergente?

I'm going to wash clothes. Is there detergent?

Sí hay, abajo en la cocina.

Yes, there is, downstairs in the kitchen.

¿Dónde? ¿En qué parte?

Where? In what part?

No sé. ¡Búscalo!

I don't know. Look for it.

Dialogue Recall

Now translate from English to Lojban. Remember to say the Lojban sentences aloud.

I'm going to wash clothes. Is there detergent?

Voy a lavar la ropa. ¿Hay detergente?

Yes, there is, downstairs in the kitchen.

Sí hay, abajo en la cocina.

Where? In what part?

¿Dónde? ¿En qué parte?

I don't know. Look for it.

No sé. ¡Búscalo!

Dialogue Remix

Translate this variant of the dialogue from English to Lojban.

I'm going to wash the clothes in the kitchen.

Voy a lavar la ropa en la cocina.

There is no detergent.

No hay detergente.

I'm going to look for it.

Voy a buscarlo.



The detergent.

El detergente.

There is no detergent!

¡No hay detergente!

Yes, I'm going to look for it.

Sí, voy a buscarlo.



Downstairs in the kitchen.

Abajo en la cocina.

¿In what part?

¿En qué parte?

I don't know.

No sé.

Look for it.


Dialogue Recast

This translation exercise requires some of the words from the More Vocabulary section.

We're going to wash clothes. Is there detergent?

Vamos a lavar la ropa. ¿Hay detergente?

Yes, there is, downstairs in the kitchen.

Sí hay, abajo en la cocina.

Where? In what part?

¿Dónde? ¿En qué parte?

You don't know (informal). Let us look for it!

No sabes. ¡Busquémoslo!

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