Talk:BPFK Section: Syntactic Numbers
I suggest that these words be broken up into two basic types:
1. Words that fundamentally divide the number into two sections of distinct type: ce'i, fi'u, ki'o (sort of), pi, pi'e, ra'e
2. Words that scope to the right: ma'u, me'i, ni'u, za'u
Hmm. I thought ji'i was in this section, which is why I was writing this; it seems that ji'i should scope to the right.
Oh well; I think this breakdown still applies.
> Hmm. I thought ji'i was in this section, which is why I was writing > this; it seems that ji'i should scope to the right.
ji'i, me'i and za'u are included in "Inexact numbers", because they are part of quantifiers. They go together with su'o and su'e. (da'a is not exactly in their group, but it also has scope to the right.)
mu'o mi'e xorxes
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