BPFK Section: Epistemology sumtcita

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Proposed Definitions And Examples

cmavo: du'o (BAI)

Proposed Definition

'du'o' (BAI)
Known by... Tags a sumti as fitting the first place of djuno. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the first place of djuno and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is known by the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

djuno modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • According to, known by.

Usage Examples

du'o la rodjer.klark lo datni cu kakne lo nu djica lo nu zifre

Data is capable of wanting to be free, as Roger Clarke knows.

(Heavily edited from the original)

cmavo: se du'o (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

Knowing facts... Tags a sumti as fitting the second place of djuno. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the second place of djuno and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with the known facts indicated by the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

se djuno modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • Knowing facts
  • given the fact that.

Usage Examples

go'i sedu'o ma

"Yeah, that, but knowing what?"


ma'a klama lo zarci se du'o le du'u la tom cu zvati zy

"We go to the market, knowing that Tom is there.

cmavo: te du'o (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

Knowing about... Tags a sumti as fitting the third place of djuno. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the third place of djuno and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with a subject of knowledge indicated or described by the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

te djuno modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • Knowing about.

Usage Examples

.i di'a jundi .i .u'e mi tcidu te du'o la .loglan.

I'll be right back. Wow, I'm reading, knowing something about Loglan.


mi ne te du'o lo mikce saske cu ka'e sidju

"I, knowing about medicine, can help."

cmavo: ve du'o (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

Under epistemology... Tags a sumti as fitting the fourth place of djuno. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the fourth place of djuno and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with an epistemology (that is, a method of distinguishing true knowledge from false knowledge) indicated the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

ve djuno modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • Under epistemology.

Usage Examples

ve du'o le do selsne do mi klina viska

Under the epistemology of your dream, you clearly see me.

la .iesos. cevni ve du'o lo xriso

"Jesus is God in Christianity."

cmavo: zau (BAI)

Proposed Definition

Approved by... Tags a sumti as fitting the first place of zanru. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the first place of zanru and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is approved by the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

zanru modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • Approved by.

Usage Examples

zo zau valsi zau mi

"zau" is a word, which I approve.


mi cliva zau la patfu

"I left with Dad's permission."

cmavo: se zau (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

Approving... Tags a sumti as fitting the second place of zanru. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the second place of zanru and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with the someone's or something's approval of that which is described or indicated by the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

se zanru modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • Approving.

Usage Examples

(no natural example)


mi pu zi vitke lo kagni nunpenmi be se zau lo cnino kagni platu

"I was just at the company meating, where the new business plan was approved."

cmavo: cu'u (BAI)

Proposed Definition

As said by... Tags a sumti as fitting the first place of cusku. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the first place of cusku and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is spoken, written or otherwise expressed by the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

cusku modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • As said by
  • said.

Usage Examples

i cu'u la donri mi ciska lu traji lo ka kukte li'u lo vitke vreji cukta pe lo gusta ca lo prulamdei

As said by Dag, I wrote, "It was the most delicious." on the guest-book of the restaurant yesterday.

cu'u le jbogri .e le flalu la lojban cu ba'e du la loglan

As said by the LLG and the law, Lojban is 'equal' to Loglan.

Artificial? From the CLL:

la .apasionatas pe cu'u la .artr. rubnstain. cu se nelci mi

"The Appassionata", played by Arthur Rubinstein, is liked by me.

cmavo: se cu'u (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

Expressing... Tags a sumti as fitting the second place of cusku. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the second place of cusku and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with the writing, speaking, or other expression of the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

se cusku modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • Expressing
  • saying.

Usage Examples

se'o verba selsanga se cu'u le se du'u lo za'i jmive cu selsenva po'o

I know internally that it is a children's song that express that life is only a dream.

mi se zdile le si'o minde se cu'u lu ko mledi li'u

I am amused by the idea of commanding by saying "Be mold!".

cmavo: te cu'u (BAI)

Proposed Definition

As told to... Tags a sumti as fitting the third place of cusku. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the third place of cusku and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is spoken, written, or otherwise expressed to referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

te cusku modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • As told to.

Usage Examples

mi na nelci lo nu lo rirni cu krixa te cu'u lo cifnu

"I don't like when parents yell at infants."


mi tcidu lo pemci te cu'u le lanzu be mi

"I read the poem for my family."

cmavo: ve cu'u (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

Expressed in medium... Tags a sumti as fitting the fourth place of cusku. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the fourth place of cusku and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is being expressed in the medium indicated by the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

ve cusku modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • ...expressed in medium...
  • ...with medium of expression...

Usage Examples

.ai mi ba mulno ciksi ve cu'u la uikis

"I am going to explain it completely on the wiki."


mi joi la bancus cu casnu ve cu'u la .irk.

"Bancus and I had a conversation on IRC."

cmavo: ji'u (BAI)

Proposed Definition

Based on... Tags a sumti as fitting the first place of jicmu. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the first place of jicmu and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is based on or arises out of the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

jicmu modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • Based on...
  • Given that...

Usage Examples

doi .camgusmis. do na bilga .i ku'i zdile ji'u le seljinvi be do (slightly edited)

Hey Camgusmis, you aren't obliged. However, it's amusing, based on your opinion.


mi krici lo prane ji'u la .platon.

"I believe in perfection, based on Plato."

(Presumably, based on his writings.)

cmavo: se ji'u (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

Supporting... Tags a sumti as fitting the second place of jicmu. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the second place of jicmu and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with the basis or supporting principle for the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

se jimcu modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • Supporting
  • as a basis for.

Usage Examples

i ji'a lo da'i nu do ba'e tirna lo zgike se ji'u le do zgike datni ku se pi'o ly cu jai nitcu lo nu pleji

Also, supposedly when you hear music as a basis for your music file using L, it necessitates a payment.
(I can't translate this!)


mi nelci lo se prije be la .sokrates. bei se ji'u la .platon.

"I enjoy the wisdom of Socrates, which was the basis for Plato."

cmavo: ca'i (BAI)

Proposed Definition

By authority of... Tags a sumti as fitting the first place of catni. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the first place of catni and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is enacted by the authority of the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

canti modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • By authority of...

Usage Examples

lo'e jbonei cu mo ca'i do

As an authority on such things, how can you describe the typical Lojban-enthusiast?


mi pu klama le bilni ginka ca'i la .kordobas.

"I went to the military camp with Kordobas's authorization."

cmavo: se ca'i (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

With authority over... Tags a sumti as fitting the second place of catni. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the second place of catni and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with having authority over the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

se canti modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • With authority over.

Usage Examples

(no natural example)


lo nu sonci cu jibri mi se ca'i lo jbama

"Being a soldier is my job, where I have authority over bombs."

cmavo: te ca'i (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

With basis for authority... Tags a sumti as fitting the third place of catni. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the third place of catni and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with having the referent of the tagged sumti as a basis for some form of authority.

Proposed Tag

te canti modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • With basis for authority.

Usage Examples

(no natural example)


lo nu mi cliva cu curmi te ca'i lo te minde be fi lo nolraitru

"My leaving is permitted, based on the command of the king.

cmavo: ta'i (BAI)

Proposed Definition

By method... Tags a sumti as fitting the first place of tadji. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the first place of tadji and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is enacted using the methodology described or indicated by the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

tadji modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • By method
  • with method.

Usage Examples

ta'i ma do zbasu le danmo

"How do you make the smoke?"

ta'i ma do cilre la lojban

"By what method did you learn Lojban?"


xu do tadni ta'i lo nu casnu

"Do you study by discussing?"

cmavo: se ta'i (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

As a method for... Tags a sumti as fitting the second place of tadji. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the second place of tadji and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is a method associated with doing or performing the actions described or indicated by the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

se tadji modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • As a method for.

Usage Examples

va'i so'i tcana cu ru'i benji lo zgike vreji se ta'i lo nu mi na kakne lo nu fukpi gasnu

In other words, many nodes continuously stream music files as a method of preventing me from copying them.


mi mutce bajra se ta'i tu'a la .olimpiks.

"I run a lot as a method for the Olympics."

cmavo: te ta'i (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

Method conditions... Tags a sumti as fitting the third place of tadji. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the third place of tadji and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with necessary conditions for performance (of some method or technique unspecified) described or indicated by the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

te tadji modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • Method conditions.

Usage Examples

mi sevzi lumci te ta'i lo nu mi to'e jinsa

"I wash myself under the condition that I am unclean."

"I wash myself, this being sensible in the case that I am dirty."


mi bajra te ta'i lo nu na carvi

"I run under the condition that it's not raining."

cmavo: ta'i ma (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

By what method? Tags a sumti question marker as fitting the first place of tadji. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the first place of tadji and then fills it with a sumti question cmavo (ma). In other words, the tagged sumti asks what methodology is used to enact the event described by the bridi.

Proposed Tag

tadji modal question

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • By what method?
  • how?

Usage Examples

ta'i ma do zbasu le danmo

"By what method do you make the smoke?"

ta'i ma do zbasu le danmo

"How do you make the smoke?"

ta'i ma do cilre la lojban

"By what method did you learn Lojban?"


do gasnu co spofu lo dinju ta'i ma

"How do you destroy a building?"

(please note this is literal and not 'how does one destroy a building?', but specifically asking how -you- in particular do such a thing)

cmavo: pu'e (BAI)

Proposed Definition

By process... Tags a sumti as fitting the first place of pruce. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the first place of pruce and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is enacted by the processed described or indicated by the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

pruce modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • By process.

Usage Examples

do stidi lenu mi co'e kei pu'e ma

By what process do you suggest I do something?


mi finti lo lisri pu'e lo nu ciska ro da poi mi pensi

"I invent stories by writing down whatever I think of."

cmavo: se pu'e (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

Processing from... Tags a sumti as fitting the second place of pruce. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the second place of pruce and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with a process that has as its input(s) the referent(s) of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

pruce modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • Processing from
  • processing from inputs.

Usage Examples

i da'i vimcu se pu'e lo kerfa noi gutci be li pa be'o ku'o ku fo lo kerfa noi gutci be li fi'u re .i lo nu go'i cu nu krevi'u xu (edited)

Suppose I remove, starting with hair one inch in length, leaving hair a half inch in length. Is that shaving?


mi zbasu lo botpi se pu'e lo blaci grana

"I make bottles starting with glass rods."

cmavo: te pu'e (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

Processing into results... Tags a sumti as fitting the third place of pruce. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the third place of pruce and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with a process that has as its output(s) the referent(s) of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

te pruce modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • Processing into results
  • processing into outputs.

Usage Examples

(no natural example)


mi cpacu lo blaci grana te pu'e lo botpi

"I got some glass rods and processed them into bottles."

cmavo: ve pu'e (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

Passing through stages... Tags a sumti as fitting the fourth place of pruce. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the fourth place of pruce and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with a process that is passing through stages indicated or described by the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

ve pruce modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • by stages...

Usage Examples

.i jmina la'e zoi gy. gloss word .gy. la jbovlaste vepu'e ma (heavily edited)

When one adds a 'gloss word' to Jbovlaste, through what stages does it pass?


mi zbasu lo botpi ve pu'e lo nu cpacu lo blaci grana vau ce'o lo nu rumgau lo grana vau ce'o lo drata

"I make bottles by the stages of getting glass rods, melting the rods, and others."

cmavo: ja'i (BAI)

Proposed Definition

By rule... Tags a sumti as fitting the first place of javni. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the first place of javni and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is enacted according to the rule described or indicated by the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

javni modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • By rule
  • by rule governing.

Usage Examples

ko ja'i casnu ti bau la lojban

Talk by the rules, to this thing, in Lojban.


mi cpacu lo bolci ja'i le vo moi

"I take the ball by rule #4."

lo prenu na pinfu ja'i no da ku'u lo te flalu

"People are not held prisoner for no reason in a law-based culture."

cmavo: se ja'i (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

With rule prescribing... Tags a sumti as fitting the second place of javni. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the second place of javni and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is enacted according to a rule that prescribes or requires the actions indicated or described by the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

se javni modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • With rule prescribing...

Usage Examples

(no natural example)


mi cpacu lo bolci se ja'i lo nu da poi se darxi cu zifre

"I take the ball by the rule that says that one who is hit is permitted."

cmavo: te ja'i (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

By rule within... Tags a sumti as fitting the first place of javni. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the first place of javni and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is enacted according a rule that holds within the community or system indicated or described by the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

te javni modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • by rule within.

Usage Examples

(no natural example)


mi kavbu do te ja'i la mergu'e

"I arrest you by the laws of America."

cmavo: ku'u (BAI)

Proposed Definition

In culture including... Tags a sumti as fitting the first place of kulnu. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the first place of kulnu and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with the cultural idea or custom indicated or described by the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

kulnu modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • In culture.

Usage Examples

ku'u lo softo lo snuji cu gleki tu'a ba'e do (slightly modified)

In Soviet-Russia, a sandwich is happy about you.


lo prenu na pinfu ja'i no da ku'u lo te flalu

"People are not held prisoner for no reason in a law-based culture."

cmavo: se ku'u (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

In the culture of... Tags a sumti as fitting the second place of kulnu. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the second place of kulnu and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with the culture of the nation, people or ethos indicated or described by the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

se kulnu modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • In the culture of.

Usage Examples

(no natural example)


so'a da nelci lo rismi se ku'u lo ponjo

"Almost everyone likes rice, according to Japanese culture."

cmavo: ra'a (BAI)

Proposed Definition

Pertained to by... Tags a sumti as fitting the first place of srana. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the first place of srana and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with something that is pertained to by the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

srana modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • Pertained to by.

Usage Examples

mi na birti tu'a ma kau poi cukta vau pe ra'a le do jufra

"I am not certain what book your sentence is about."

ma pe ra'a le do jufra cu tadji

"What method is pertained to by your sentence?"

"What method is your sentence about?"


le nuntalyli'u be la .odiseus. cu lisri lo nu klama lo se xabju kei la .xomer. ra'a le cukta be ro da bei la .xomer.

"The adventure of Odysseus is a story about going home by Homer and is pertained to by The Collected Works Of Homer."


cmavo: se ra'a (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

Pertaining to... Tags a sumti as fitting the second place of srana. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the second place of srana and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi pertains to the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

se srana modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • Concerning, pertaining to.

Usage Examples

mi samymri do sera'a le narju

I'm e-mailing you regarding the orange.


mi cusku fi do se ra'a lo cmaci

"I talk to you about mathematics."

do tcidu ma pe se ra'a la arxentinas

"You read what about Argentina?"

cmavo: tai (BAI)

Proposed Definition

In form... Tags a sumti as fitting the first place of tamsmi. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the first place of tamsmi and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi shares an ideal or idealized form of some kind with the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

tamsmi modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • In form.
  • Conceptually similar to...

Usage Examples

loi cidjrburito noi barda tai tu'a lo'e stedu

"A burrito as big as a head."


mi zbasu lo blaci pe tai le vi bolci

"I make glass in the form of this here ball."


The definition on this is extremely confusing.

I understood it to mean "similar in shape", which is crazy as a tcita. If tarmi extends to meaning "concept" like I could talk about the tarmi of ideas or conversations, then this makes sense and should include the keyword "conceptually similar to...", which I've added just in case.

cmavo: se tai (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

Resembling... Tags a sumti as fitting the second place of tamsmi. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the second place of tamsmi and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is in a form similar to or resembles the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

se tamsmi modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • Resembling
  • as a form of.

Usage Examples

See tai above; they are functionally identical.

cmavo: te tai (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

With ideal form... Tags a sumti as fitting the third place of tamsmi. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the third place of tamsmi and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with an ideal or idealized form indicated or described by the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

te tamsmi modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • With ideal form
  • sharing ideal form.

Usage Examples

ko na cidydzu je klaku tetai lo na se rirni

Don't crawl and cry like an orphan.


mi zbasu lo blaci be te tai lo bolci

"I make glass in the form of a ball."

cmavo: ve tai (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

Similar in property... Tags a sumti as fitting the fourth place of tamsmi. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the fourth place of tamsmi and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is similar to some ideal or idealized form in a property indicated or described by the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

ve tamsmi modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • Similar in property.

Usage Examples

vetai xasne

It's sweaty. (best translation I could manage!)


mi galfi le ti bolci le ta bolci ve tai lo ka skari

"I turn this ball into that ball with respect to colour."

cmavo: bau (BAI)

Proposed Definition

In language... Tags a sumti as fitting the first place of bangu. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the first place of bangu and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is in the language indicated or described by the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

bangu modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • In language.

Usage Examples

mi ka'e to'e jundi ro sanga pemci pe bau le glico

I am capable of ignoring all sung poetry which is in English.


mi nelci lo nu cusku bau la .lojban.

"I like expressing in Lojban."

cmavo: se bau (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

In language of... Tags a sumti as fitting the second place of bangu. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the second place of bangu and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is in the language used by the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

se bangu modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • In language of.

Usage Examples

.i zo'oi .kebab. zoi gy. shish kebab .gy. simsa se bau le'e merko

"Kebab" and "shish kebab" are similar in the language of the stereotypical American.


mi pu tavla la .guen. se bau ri

"I was talking to Gwen in her language."

cmavo: te bau (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

Expressing... Tags a sumti as fitting the third place of bangu. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the third place of bangu and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with an idea or fact, expressed in some language, indicated or described by the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

te bangu modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • Expressing.

Usage Examples

ma poi se cusku cu xamgu te bau lo si'o tatpi pe'a

What expression is beneficial for expressing the idea of figuratively being tired?


mi nelci la .mozart. pe te bau lo samselpla

"I like Mozart, which is a programming language."

cmavo: ma'i (BAI)

Proposed Definition

In reference frame... Tags a sumti as fitting the first place of manri. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the first place of manri and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is in a frame of reference or observation standard indicated or described by the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

manri modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • In reference frame.

Usage Examples

ma'i le kulnrnorge ku le'e citno nixli cu posydji lo cmaxirma

In Norwegian culture, stereotypical little girls want ponies."


le mi ckafi cu dukse glare ma'i lo se pinxe

"My coffee is too hot, by the standard of drinks."

"My coffee is too hot to drink."

ma'i lo xriso mi na cevni

"By the standards of Christians, I am not a god."

cmavo: se ma'i (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

With standard for observing... Tags a sumti as fitting the second place of manri. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the second place of manri and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with a frame of reference or observation standard used for measuring or determining that which is described or indicated by the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

se manri modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • As a standard for
  • with standard for observing.

Usage Examples

doi ibuton do certu se ma'i lo'e cnino jboselbau

Hey Ibuton, you're an expert as a standard for observing a typical unfamiliar lojbanic expression.


mi tadni lo te bilma se ma'i lo selci

"I study disease with standardized observation of cells."

cmavo: te ma'i (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

With rules for observation... Tags a sumti as fitting the third place of manri. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the third place of manri and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with observation or measurement rules indicated or described by the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

te manri modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • With rules for observation
  • rules of standard.

Usage Examples

la .lojbot. cu jdice lo du'u xu kau gendra kei te ma'i tu'a la .camxes. ju'o ru'e

Lojbot decides whether or not something is grammatically correct using the standards of Camxes, I think.


mi tadni lo te bilma te ma'i tu'a lo kumfa co jinsa be so'a da

"I study diseases with observation rules relating to a room clean of almost all contaminants."

cmavo: ci'e (BAI)

Proposed Definition

In system... Tags a sumti as fitting the first place of ciste. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the first place of ciste and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is in or part of the system described or indicated by the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

ciste modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • In system.

Usage Examples

iku'i mi pu na kakne lonu pilno lo kibro ci'e la debian (edited for xorlo)

However, I wasn't able to use the internet on Debian.


lo vidni cu jorne lo ralju tanbo ci'e le mi skami

"The monitor is connected to the motherboard in the system of my computer."

lo li'i bau cusku cu sidju fi lo li'i pensi ci'e lo logji

"The experience of linguistically expressing helps the experience of thinking in logical systems."

cmavo: se ci'e (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

'se ci'e' (BAI*)
With system structure... Tags a sumti as fitting the second place of ciste. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the second place of ciste and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with a system whose structure is described or indicated by the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

se ciste modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • With system structure
  • with system function.

Usage Examples

mi finti lo samselpla be se ci'e lo vipci'e

"I invent computer programs with a hierarchical structure."

cmavo te ci'e (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

Of system components... Tags a sumti as fitting the third place of ciste. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the third place of ciste and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is part of the set of system components described or indicated by the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

te ciste modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • Of system components.

Usage Examples

go'i .i lo li'i bau cusku cu sidju lo li'i pensi teci'e tu'a lo cmaci

Yeah. Having experience talking helps thinking amongst various systems of maths.

Artificial Example:

mi jongau le mi skami le ckule seltcana be te ci'e lo'i ke cmaci ckule pagbu ke'e skami

"I attach my computer to the school's network of math department computers."

cmavo: ve ci'e (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

With synergy in... Tags a sumti as fitting the fourth place of ciste. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the fourth place of ciste and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with a system that has synergistic or emergent properties described or indicated by the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

ve ciste modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • With synergy in.

Usage Examples

coi lo pu jbena veci'e lo djacu (mildly edited)

Hello, previously-birthed thing that resulted in water.

(Hey, usage is usage!)


lo besna cu mutce vlipa ve ci'e lo menli

"The brain is very powerful, with synergistic result the mind."

cmavo: ti'i (BAI)

Proposed Definition

Suggested by... Tags a sumti as fitting the first place of stidi. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the first place of stidi and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is suggested by the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

stidi modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • Suggested by.

Usage Examples

.i ti'i do mi pajni lo selsku selkei be ve cu'u dei gi'i gunka la jbosisri'i

As you suggested, am I judging the expression-game by what I'm saying, am I working on Lojban-Search-Ritual, both, or neither?


mi klama le zarci ti'i do

"I go to the store as suggested by you."

cmavo: se ti'i (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

Suggesting... Tags a sumti as fitting the second place of stidi. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the second place of stidi and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi suggests the idea or action indicated or described by the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

se stidi modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • Suggesting...

Usage Examples

mi skicu lo skami ciste do se ti'i .e'u nai lo nu do na troci lo nu pilno

I'll tell you about the computer system, but I suggest that you don't try using it.


mi skicu lo skami ciste do se ti'i .e'u nai lo nu do na troci lo nu pilno

"I'll describe the computer system to you, but I suggest you not try to use it."

cmavo: te ti'i (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

Suggested to... Tags a sumti as fitting the third place of stidi. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the third place of stidi and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is a suggestion made to the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

te stidi modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • Suggested to.

Usage Examples

(no natural example)


mi skicu lo cinse te bilma te ti'i lo tadni

"I described STDs as a suggestion to the students."

cmavo: ga'a (BAI)

Proposed Definition

To observer... Tags a sumti as fitting the first place of zgana. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the first place of zgana and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is perceived by an observer described or indicated by the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

zgana modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • To observer...

Usage Examples

i pamai lo simsa stura pu co'i tolcanci ga'a ro lo rexa drata pamei

First, the same structure had just appeared according to all 26 other individuals.


le dinju cu xunre ga'a do .e nai mi

"The building is red as observed by you but not me."

cmavo: se ga'a (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

Observing... Tags a sumti as fitting the second place of zgana. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the second place of zgana and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with the observation of the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

se zgana modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • Observing
  • taking note of.

Usage Examples

.u'i mi .e do doi tal. cu mutce le'o zei cinmo se ga'a le cabdei samselmri

"Heh. Tal, you and I are very agressive, as seen in today's e-mails."


mi pilno lo lenjo se ga'a lo tarci

"I uses lenses to view the stars."

cmavo: te ga'a (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

Observed by means... Tags a sumti as fitting the third place of zgana. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the third place of zgana and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with an observation performed in a fashion indicated or described by the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

te zgana modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • Observed by means.

Usage Examples

.i do djuno fi mi te ga'a ma

Through what means of observation do you know me?


mi catlu lo tarci te ga'a lo lenjo

"I examine the stars by means of lenses."

mi jimpe fi lo selci te ga'a lo dikca ratni cmatcatci

"I understand cells, having observed them with an electron microscope."

cmavo: ve ga'a (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

Observed under conditions... Tags a sumti as fitting the fourth place of zgana. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the fourth place of zgana and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with an observation made under the conditions indicated or described by the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

ve zgana modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • Observed under conditions...

Usage Examples

(no natural example)


mi catlu lo tarci ve ga'a lo nicte

"I examine the stars under the conditions of night."

cmavo: ji'o (BAI)

Proposed Definition

Under the diection of... Tags a sumti as fitting the first place of jitro. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the first place of jitro and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is undertaken under the direction or control of the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

jitro modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • Under the direction of...
  • under the control of...

Usage Examples

mi jbena ji'o le litru tarci

I was born under the guidance of the travel-star.


mi finti lo samru'e ji'o lo jatna co jibri be mi

"I create computer programs under the direction of my boss."

cmavo: se ji'o (BAI*)

Proposed Definition

Controlling aspects... Tags a sumti as fitting the second place of jitro. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the second place of jitro and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with some form of control over an action or event, and that the aspects of that control are described or indicated by the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

se jitro modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • Controlling apsects
  • guiding aspects.

Usage Examples

(no natural example)


mi se jibri se ji'o ci remna

"I work with three underlings."

cmavo: te ji'o

Proposed Definition

Controlling event... Tags a sumti as fitting the third place of jitro. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the third place of jitro and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with some form of control over an event described or indicated by the referent of the tagged sumti.

Proposed Tag

te jitro modal

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • Controlling event.

Usage Examples

(no natural example)


mi lerci cikna te ji'o lo nu zbasu lo zdani

"I was up late in control of building a house."


  • Many of the translations of samples are not good.
  • Many of the examples are taken from IRC.


  • None I am aware of except for clarification.

