BPFK Section: Case sumtcita
- This page is imported from version 27 of the page BPFK Section: Case sumtcita from the lojban Tiki.
Proposed Definitions And Examples
- KEY Tags a sumti as fitting the NTH place of BRIVLA. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the BRIVLA place of NTH and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is LONGDESC the referent of the tagged sumti. See also:
cmavo: si'u (BAI)
Proposed Definition
Aided by. Tags a sumti as fitting the 1st place of sidju. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 1st place of sidju and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is aided or assisted in some way by the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {se si'u}
- {te si'u}
- {sidju}
Proposed Keywords
- aided by
- assisted by
Usage Examples
.aicu'i ga nu mi tavla di'o la .ai,ar,si. gi nu mi dansyslugu'a si'u la .ritcrd .simyns.
It's either talking on IRC or dancersizing assisted by Richard Simmons.
mi bevri lo pipno si'u la .djan. joi la .frank.
I carry the piano, helped by John and Frank.
cmavo: se si'u (BAI*)
Proposed Definition
Assisting. Tags a sumti as fitting the 2nd place of sidju. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 2nd place of sidju and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is involved in assisting or aiding (in doing or acheiving something) the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {si'u}
- {te si'u}
- {sidju}
Proposed Keywords
- assisting
Usage Examples
coi bancus mi pu za gunka tu'a la bais se si'u do
"Hey Bancus, in a bit I'll work on Bais to help you out."
mi bevri lo pipno se si'u la .djan.
I carry the piano to help John.
cmavo: te si'u (BAI*)
Proposed Definition
Assisting in. Tags a sumti as fitting the 3rd place of sidju. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 3rd place of sidju and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with assisting in or with doing or achieving the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {si'u}
- {se si'u}
- {sidju}
Proposed Keywords
- assisting in
- assisting with
Usage Examples
mi bevri lo pipno te si'u lo nu la .djan. kakne lo nu rapyzu'e I carry the piano so John can practice.
cmavo: va'u (BAI)
Proposed Definition
Benefiting from. Tags a sumti as fitting the 1st place of xamgu. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 1st place of xamgu and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with an object or event which is good and is the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {xamgu}
- {se va'u}
- {te va'u}
Proposed Keywords
- benefiting from
Usage Examples
- mi jerna lo jdini va'u lo nu lo kagni pikta be mi cu zenba lo vamji
- I earn money with the beneficial event of my stocks going up.
cmavo: se va'u (BAI*)
Proposed Definition
With beneficiary. Tags a sumti as fitting the 2nd place of xamgu. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 2nd place of xamgu and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is a beneficiary, someone or something that benefits from it, and that beneficiary is the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {xamgu}
- {va'u}
- {te va'u}
Proposed Keywords
- with beneficiary
Usage Examples
- le mi patfu cu ca xusra le du'u ri joi le mi mamta cu te vecnu lo gerku se va'u le mi mensi
- My father says that he and my mother will buy a dog for my sister.
- mi pu terve'u lo nanba se va'u do
- I bought the bread for your benefit.
cmavo: te va'u (BAI*)
Proposed Definition
Goodness standard. Tags a sumti as fitting the 3rd place of xamgu. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 3rd place of xamgu and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is good or beneficial in some way according to a standard indicated by the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {xamgu}
- {va'u}
- {se va'u}
Proposed Keywords
- goodness standard
Usage Examples
- mi dunda lo nanba do te va'u lo si'o lo nu sidju cu vrude
- I gave you bread, which is a good thing because helping is virtuous.
cmavo: fi'e (BAI)
Proposed Definition
Created by. Tags a sumti as fitting the 1st place of finti. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 1st place of finti and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with the creation of something, and that the creator is the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {finti}
- {se fi'e}
- {te fi'e}
- {ve fi'e}
Proposed Keywords
- created by
Usage Examples
mi pilno lo karce be fi'e la .ford. I use a car invented by Ford.
cmavo: se fi'e (BAI*)
Proposed Definition
Creating work. Tags a sumti as fitting the 2nd place of finti. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 2nd place of finti and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with the creation of the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {finti}
- {fi'e}
- {te fi'e}
- {ve fi'e}
Proposed Keywords
- creating work
Usage Examples
- le tixnu cu cmila se fi'e lo lisri
- "The daughter's laughter is associated with a made-up story."
cmavo: te fi'e (BAI*)
Proposed Definition
Created for purpose. Tags a sumti as fitting the 3rd place of finti. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 3rd place of finti and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with some event of creation, for a purpose indicated by the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {finti}
- {fi'e}
- {se fi'e}
- {ve fi'e}
Proposed Keywords
- creation for purpose
Usage Examples
- la djan zbasu lo lisri lo se viska te fi'e lo nu le tixnu cu cmila
- John makes a story out of what they see, so that his daughter laughs.
cmavo: ve fi'e (BAI*)
Proposed Definition
Created from. Tags a sumti as fitting the 4th place of finti. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 4th place of finti and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with an act of creation using pre-existing ideas or elements indicated by the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {finti}
- {fi'e}
- {se fi'e}
- {te fi'e}
Proposed Keywords
- created from
Usage Examples
- mi ciska lo lisri be ve fi'e lo ranmi
- I write a story using mythological elements.
cmavo: ci'o (BAI)
Proposed Definition
Emotionally felt by. Tags a sumti as fitting the 1st place of cinmo. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 1st place of cinmo and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with the emotions of the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {cinmo}
- {se ci'o}
- {te ci'o}
Proposed Keywords
- emotion
Usage Examples
- ci'o ko'a mi pu tavla do
- He/She/It was emotionally affected by my talking to you.
cmavo: se ci'o (BAI*)
Proposed Definition
Emoting. Tags a sumti as fitting the 2nd place of cinmo. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 2nd place of cinmo and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with the emotion indicated by the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {cinmo}
- {ci'o}
- {te ci'o}
Proposed Keywords
- emoting
- feeling
Usage Examples
la .alis. cadzu se ci'o lo ka gleki Alice is walking and there is a happy feeling.
cmavo: te ci'o (BAI*)
Proposed Definition
Emoting about. Tags a sumti as fitting the 3rd place of cinmo. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 3rd place of cinmo and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with some feelings or emotions about the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {cinmo}
- {ci'o}
- {se ci'o}
Proposed Keywords
- emoting about
Usage Examples
la .bab. cusku te ci'o la .alis. Bob spoke, with feelings for Alice.
cmavo: ri'i (BAI)
Proposed Definition
Experienced by. Tags a sumti as fitting the 1st place of lifri. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 1st place of lifri and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is experienced by the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {lifri}
- {se ri'i}
Proposed Keywords
- experienced by
Usage Examples
- le trene cu mutce sutra ri'i do
- The train is very fast, as you experienced.
cmavo: se ri'i (BAI*)
Proposed Definition
Experiencing. Tags a sumti as fitting the 2nd place of lifri. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 2nd place of lifri and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with an experience indicated by the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {lifri}
- {ri'i}
Proposed Keywords
- experiencing
Usage Examples
- mi gleki plipe se ri'i la'e di'u
- I jumped for joy when that happened.
cmavo: ra'i (BAI)
Proposed Definition
From source. Tags a sumti as fitting the 1st place of krasi. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 1st place of krasi and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is from the source or origin or starting point indicated by the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {krasi}
- {se ra'i}
Proposed Keywords
- from source
Usage Examples
- doi xod ra'i ma do smadi
- "Xod, on what basis did you guess [that]?"
- mi finti lo lisri ra'i lo nu mi pensi lo ranmi
- I write a story, based on my thinking about myths.
cmavo: se ra'i (BAI*)
Proposed Definition
As an origin of. Tags a sumti as fitting the 2nd place of krasi. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 2nd place of krasi and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with an origin or starting point of the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {krasi}
- {ra'i}
Proposed Keywords
- origin of
Usage Examples
mi vitke la .torontos. pe se ra'i la .maik.maiyrs. I visit Toronto, which Mike Myers is from.
cmavo: ka'a (BAI)
Proposed Definition
Gone to by. Tags a sumti as fitting the 1st place of klama. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 1st place of klama and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with the going of the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {klama}
- {se ka'a}
- {te ka'a}
- {ve ka'a}
- {xe ka'a}
Proposed Keywords
- gone to by
Usage Examples
- mi vitke lo dinju be ka'a le jibri jatna be mi
- "I visit the building associated with the going of my boss."
cmavo: se ka'a (BAI*)
Proposed Definition
With destination. Tags a sumti as fitting the 2nd place of klama. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 2nd place of klama and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with a destination of going indicated by the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {klama}
- {ka'a}
- {te ka'a}
- {ve ka'a}
- {xe ka'a}
Proposed Keywords
- with destination
Usage Examples
mi cliva se ka'a le zdani be mi .i mi ba xruti I'm leaving to go to my house; I'll be back later.
- mi cadzu se ka'a le zarci
- I walk to the store.
cmavo: te ka'a (BAI*)
Proposed Definition
With origin. Tags a sumti as fitting the 3rd place of klama. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 3rd place of klama and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with an origin of going indicated by the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {klama}
- {ka'a}
- {se ka'a}
- {ve ka'a}
- {xe ka'a}
Proposed Keywords
- with origin
Usage Examples
May Be Artificial:
la frank. bajra se ka'a je te ka'a le zdani Frank runs to and from the house.
- mi cadzu te ka'a le zarci
- I walk from the store.
cmavo: ve ka'a (BAI*)
Proposed Definition
Via route. Tags a sumti as fitting the 4th place of klama. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 4th place of klama and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with a route of going indicated by the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {klama}
- {ka'a}
- {se ka'a}
- {te ka'a}
- {xe ka'a}
Proposed Keywords
- via route
Usage Examples
- mi cadzu ve ka'a le re moi dargu
- I walk via second street.
cmavo: xe ka'a (BAI*)
Proposed Definition
By transportation mode. Tags a sumti as fitting the 5th place of klama. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 5th place of klama and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with a transportation mode or method indicated by the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {klama}
- {ka'a}
- {se ka'a}
- {te ka'a}
- {ve ka'a}
Proposed Keywords
- by transportation mode
Usage Examples
mi vitke la .kalifornias. xe ka'a lo trene I visit California on a train.
cmavo: pu'a (BAI)
Proposed Definition
Pleased by. Tags a sumti as fitting the 1st place of pluka. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 1st place of pluka and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with someone's being pleased by the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {pluka}
- {se pu'a}
- {te pu'a}
Proposed Keywords
- pleased by
Usage Examples
mi joi la .djen. casnu pu'a le nu ri cisma Jen and I discussed, and her smile was pleasant.
cmavo: se pu'a (BAI*)
Proposed Definition
Pleasant to. Tags a sumti as fitting the 2nd place of pluka. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 2nd place of pluka and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with something that is pleasant to or pleases the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {pluka}
- {pu'a}
- {te pu'a}
Proposed Keywords
- pleasant to
- in order to please
Usage Examples
- do tavla mi se pu'a mi
- You talk to me; I find something (presumably said talking) pleasant.
cmavo: te pu'a (BAI*)
Proposed Definition
Pleasing conditions. Tags a sumti as fitting the 3rd place of pluka. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 3rd place of pluka and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with something being pleasant under condictions indicated by the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {pluka}
- {pu'a}
- {se pu'a}
Proposed Keywords
- pleasing conditions
- conditions for pleasantness
Usage Examples
do sazri le karce .ui sai te pu'a lo nu mi bilma You operate the car [Happiness!] which is pleasant when I'm sick.
cmavo: be'i (BAI)
Proposed Definition
Sent by. Tags a sumti as fitting the 1st place of benji. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 1st place of benji and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with an act of sending or transferring initiated by the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {benji}
- {se be'i}
- {te be'i}
- {ve be'i}
- {xe be'i}
Proposed Keywords
- sent by
Usage Examples
- ko cusku zo coi la noras be'i mi
- Say "hello" to Nora from me.
mi nelci le se dunda be be'i la .kim. I like the present Kim sent.
cmavo: se be'i (BAI*)
Proposed Definition
Sending. Tags a sumti as fitting the 2nd place of benji. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 2nd place of benji and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with the transmission or sending of the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {benji}
- {be'i}
- {te be'i}
- {ve be'i}
- {xe be'i}
Proposed Keywords
- sending
- transmitting
Usage Examples
- la djan ckire le bruna se be'i lo xatra
- John thanks his brother with a sent letter.
cmavo: te be'i (BAI*)
Proposed Definition
Sent to. Tags a sumti as fitting the 3rd place of benji. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 3rd place of benji and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with the transmission or sending of something to the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {benji}
- {be'i}
- {se be'i}
- {ve be'i}
- {xe be'i}
Proposed Keywords
- sent to
Usage Examples
- ti tanxe te be'i le bruna
- This is a box sent-to the brother.
cmavo: ve be'i (BAI*)
Proposed Definition
Transmission origin. Tags a sumti as fitting the 4th place of benji. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 4th place of benji and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with the transmission or sending of something from the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {benji}
- {be'i}
- {se be'i}
- {te be'i}
- {xe be'i}
Proposed Keywords
- transmission origin
- transmit origin
Usage Examples
- la djan ckire le bruna ve be'i la paris
- John thanks his borther with-sent-from Paris.
cmavo: xe be'i (BAI*)
Proposed Definition
Transmitted via. Tags a sumti as fitting the 5th place of benji. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 5th place of benji and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with the transmission or sending of something using as a means or medium the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {benji}
- {be'i}
- {se be'i}
- {te be'i}
- {ve be'i}
Proposed Keywords
- transmitted via
Usage Examples
ma se cusku la lojbab. xe be'i la jboskes. What did Lojbab say on jboske? (jboske is a e-mail list)
mi joi la .djan. casnu xe be'i lo skami John and I talk with transmission medium computer(s). (this would more commonly be ve cu'u)
cmavo: pi'o (BAI)
Proposed Definition
Used by. Tags a sumti as fitting the 1st place of pilno. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 1st place of pilno and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with something being used by the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {pilno}
- {se pi'o}
- {te pi'o}
Proposed Keywords
- used by
Usage Examples
mi klama fu le karce be pi'o la .deivid. I go by means of the car used by David.
cmavo: se pi'o (BAI*)
Proposed Definition
Using tool. Tags a sumti as fitting the 2nd place of pilno. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 2nd place of pilno and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with the use of the tool indicated by the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {pilno}
- {pi'o}
- {te pi'o}
Proposed Keywords
- using tool
Usage Examples
- mi cusku se pi'o lo skami
- I express using a computer.
cmavo: te pi'o (BAI*)
Proposed Definition
Usage for purpose. Tags a sumti as fitting the 3rd place of pilno. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 3rd place of pilno and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with the use of a tool for a purpose indicated by the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {pilno}
- {pi'o}
- {se pi'o}
Proposed Keywords
- usage for purpose
Usage Examples
- mi na djuno rau datni tepi'o le nu smadi
- I don't have enough information to guess.
- mi ka'argau fi lo mudri te pi'o lo nu finti lo larcu dacti
- I cut wood (using a tool unspecified) for the purpose of creating an object of art.
cmavo: gau (BAI)
Proposed Definition
With active agent. Tags a sumti as fitting the 1st place of gasnu. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 1st place of gasnu and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is performed by the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {gasnu}
- {se gau}
Proposed Keywords
- agent
- with active agent
Usage Examples
- lo mlatu cu tarmi le mudri gau mi
- I caused the wood to be shaped like a cat.
cmavo: se gau (BAI*)
Proposed Definition
With agentive result. Tags a sumti as fitting the 2nd place of gasnu. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 2nd place of gasnu and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with an agent's action resulting in the event indicated by the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {gasnu}
- {gau}
Proposed Keywords
- with agentive result
- with agent in doing
Usage Examples
- mi pilno lo dakfu se gau lo nu mi ka'argau fi le degji be fi mi
- I use a knife, with the result that I cut my finger.
cmavo: zu'e (BAI)
Proposed Definition
With actor. Tags a sumti as fitting the 1st place of zukte. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 1st place of zukte and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is goalfully enacted by the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {zukte}
- {se zu'e}
- {te zu'e}
Proposed Keywords
- with actor
Usage Examples
- lo mlatu cu tarmi le mudri zu'e mi
- I caused, with some goal in mind, the wood to be shaped like a cat.
cmavo: se zu'e (BAI*)
Proposed Definition
Goalfully acting by doing. Tags a sumti as fitting the 2nd place of zukte. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 2nd place of zukte and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with some entity goalfulling enacting the actions indicated by the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {zukte}
- {zu'e}
- {te zu'e}
Proposed Keywords
- goalfully acting by doing
- goalfully acting at
Usage Examples
- lo tricu cu farlu se zu'e lo nu katna
- A tree fell, there having been cutting.
cmavo: te zu'e (BAI*)
Proposed Definition
With goal. Tags a sumti as fitting the 3rd place of zukte. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 3rd place of zukte and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with some entity pursuing the goal indicated by the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {zukte}
- {zu'e}
- {se zu'e}
Proposed Keywords
- with goal
Usage Examples
- ca ku mi cliva te zu'e le nu cpacu lo cidjrpitsa
- Now, I leave to get a pizza.
- mi katna te zu'e lu no lo tricu cu farlu
- I cut to make the tree fall.
- Some of the examples suck.
- I marked artificial examples after the fact; I may be wrong.