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  • Lojban was not designed to be written IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, so don't do it!
    • read my lips: RO LEDO ZBEPI CU TUTRA MI'A
      • Jay Kominek:
        • bebna fa le me la uikis pilno .i zo'osai mi .enai do'o vlipa fi'o se tutra la uikis .i mi kakne le nu lebna le barda lerfu pe do vau .uunaizo'o
    • If the Romans can do it, why can't the lojbo?
      • 'Cause the Romans weren't using capitals to indicate stress.
        • I suspect the Romans were trying to make life easier for their chisel workers.
    • .i zmadu; fi leni lakne kei; fa lenu le temci litru marce po loi latmo na snada se sazri...
    • maikl:
      • I apologize for having lifted some of my egroups postings directly onto the wiki; when i use hotmail, i don't have italics, but that shouldn't be ya'll's problem.
    • doi maikl. mi na jimpe .i do xenru ma poi fasnu zi'epe la .uikij zi'epoi srana loi salpo lerfu?
    • Plastic Raven
      • mi na jinvi zo'e lenu pilno lo barda lerfu kei le du'u le smuni na binxo