lojbo sinxa

From Lojban
Revision as of 09:03, 6 September 2014 by Gleki (talk | contribs)
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{{#setlogo:lo uitki lojbo.svg}}

lo catni lanci lo jbobau

creka lojban-2400.svg

i ko tcidu zo'ei lo lojbo lanci

lo lojbo bankle sinxa

lo drata sinxa poi se finti la'oi Eppcott

i lo pagbu lo bi'unai pixra cu se tarmi lo parbi po la'oi Fibonacci ge'u a li fi'u a lo fi'u zei kurfa i lo go'i cu sinxa lo nu lo gerna javni ciste cu prane e lo nu This graphic element is in the shape of the Fibonacci ratio, phi, or golden rectangle, symbolizing consistency in rules, and modular expansion. It's asymmetrical in every direction, symbolizing unique decomposition and parsing. The dots symbolize the five default fill-in-the-blanks in a simple Lojban sentence. The arms embrace them into a relationship. Inside the mind is the thought of that relationship, so the head is between the first and second blanks, just like the relationship word or phrase in a Lojban sentence. The whole top section represents precise syntax. It is extended downward to become a human form. This anthropomorphic figure personalizes the ideogram and symbolizes:

Cultural neutrality, algorithmically derived from six of the largest languages of our species.

Root word choices derived from anthropomorphic concerns.

Attitudinals, which can be combined modularly into one of the most thorough catalogs of the human heart offered by any language.

lo muvdu ke lojbo sinxa

lo lojbo softo sinxa

loi vrici lanci