a Place for Official Definitions
jbocre: 09:04 <vensa> btw: where does it say that {xorlo} is official?
jbocre: 09:04 <ctino> ...
jbocre: 09:05 <selckiku> xorlo was ruled official by some meeting of the LLG or something
jbocre: 09:05 <vensa> where does it say that?
jbocre: 09:05 <selckiku> in my memory, for one place
jbocre: 09:05 <vensa> ha ha
jbocre: 09:05 <ctino> I wish I could search some database for a word and have it return to me a giant list of ALL of the grammar rules associated with it...
jbocre: 09:05 <treed> "interim baseline"
jbocre: 09:05 <treed> check the meeting minutes
jbocre: 09:05 <selckiku> i remember them saying it was a "christmas gift" somewher!
jbocre: 09:05 <vensa> isnt threre an official site of the LLG's meeting summaries?
jbocre: 09:05 <treed> it was a christmas gift to the community 3-4 years ago
jbocre: 09:06 <vensa> treed: where can I see the "interim baseline"?
jbocre: 09:06 <ksion> IIRC neither xorlo nor dotside is official, but at least xorlo is mentioned in dictionary :)
jbocre: 09:07 <tomoj> ydrc
jbocre: 09:07 <vensa> wha?!
jbocre: 09:07 <tomoj> he doesn't remember correctly
jbocre: 09:07 <vensa> In that case: vensa is officialy denouncing xorlo as of now
jbocre: 09:07 <vensa> mi nelci lenu mi tavla fi le jbobau fo le jbobau
jbocre: 09:07 <tomoj> xorlo was accepted unanimously, but is technically still subject to change, according to the tiki
jbocre: 09:08 <vensa> oh...lol: I thout ydrc=You do recall correctly :)
jbocre: 09:08 <ksion> Yes.
jbocre: 09:08 * ctino cries at the ruinous state of their favorite language
jbocre: 09:08 <vensa> ctino: welcome to reality
jbocre: 09:08 <vensa> I had that crisis a while back
jbocre: 09:08 <selckiku> most languages don't have any official anything and they do fine
jbocre: 09:08 <vensa> but I'm still here
jbocre: 09:08 <vensa> you get over it
jbocre: 09:08 * ksion thinks ctino could finally specify eir gender and stop annoying lindar.
jbocre: 09:09 * ctino likes annoying Lindar.
jbocre: 09:09 * vensa likes ctino's likes
jbocre: 09:09 <ksion> selckiku: AFAIK this is untrue. Most (major) languages have official standarising comitees.
jbocre: 09:09 <vensa> yep
jbocre: 09:09 <ksion> ctino: Don't get me wrong; I also like lindar being annoyed ;)
jbocre: 09:09 <vensa> treed: where can I see this official acceptance of xorlo?
jbocre: 09:09 <ctino> Hahaha
jbocre: 09:10 <selckiku> i guess "major" in that case means 1st world, european? anyway i stand by my claim
jbocre: 09:10 <selckiku> and no one listens to those committees in languages that do have them, anyway
jbocre: 09:10 <treed> .g lojban "interim baseline"
jbocre: 09:10 <la_fen> treed: No results found for 'lojban "interim baseline"'.
jbocre: 09:10 <ksion> selckiku: Anything being spoken by more than 10 milion people.
jbocre: 09:10 <treed> wat
jbocre: 09:10 <treed> http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=chrome&client=ubuntu&channel=cs&ie=UTF-8&q=lojban+%22interim+baseline%22
jbocre: 09:10 <vensa> selkik: .ienaisai
jbocre: 09:11 <ksion> selckiku: Just by the fact your language is weird coglomerate of funky stuff, don't assume everyone else's languages are the same ;P
jbocre: 09:11 <vensa> what is the {zasni gafyfantymanri }?
jbocre: 09:11 <ctino> I think lojban's committe should be as together as Sun(screw you Oracle) is with Java... Or more so.
jbocre: 09:12 <vensa> lol computer analogy
jbocre: 09:12 <treed> interim baseline
jbocre: 09:12 <ctino> :P
jbocre: 09:12 <vensa> oh
jbocre: 09:12 <treed> can you just like... read the whole page?
jbocre: 09:12 <vensa> does "interim" mean "temporary"?
jbocre: 09:12 <ksion> Currently is more like C++ Standard Comitee.
jbocre: 09:12 <ctino> ksion: xD
jbocre: 09:12 <vensa> treed: I cant read patiently AND pay attention here
jbocre: 09:12 <vensa> and I have to pay attention here to annoy certian ppl :P
jbocre: 09:13 <treed> Yes, it means "until we finish".
jbocre: 09:13 <vensa> I C
jbocre: 09:13 <vensa> treed: isnt it possible for anyone to theoretically tamper with this tiki? shouldnt this be placed on a more secure site?
jbocre: 09:14 <treed> there are people watching the change list
jbocre: 09:14 <vensa> I C
jbocre: 09:14 <selckiku> i watch the changes
jbocre: 09:14 <vensa> fair enough
jbocre: 09:14 <vensa> however, I still think that all Official material should be kept totally seperate from unofficial material (like most of the rest of the tiki)
jbocre: 09:15 <vensa> it gives a greater sense of importance in the eye of the reader
jbocre: 09:15 <ctino> If it's official it should be put on the wikibooks site.
jbocre: 09:15 <ctino> IMO
jbocre: 09:15 <vensa> there should be seperate sites: LLG definitions, BPFK stuff, and all the rest
jbocre: 09:16 <vensa> IMO it should be put in CLL, but thats another thing
jbocre: 09:16 <vensa> obviously no one has the time to do that
jbocre: 09:16 <vensa> ctino: what is the wikibooks site?
jbocre: 09:16 <ctino> What does BPFK stand for?
jbocre: 09:16 <vensa> something in lojban
jbocre: 09:16 <ctino> http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Lojban
jbocre: 09:16 <selckiku> baupla fuzme kamni
jbocre: 09:16 <selckiku> something like that
jbocre: 09:17 <selckiku> languageplan responsible committee
jbocre: 09:17 <ctino> Ah. Cool.
jbocre: 09:17 <vensa> ctino: I never, in all my timeof lojban, saw that site.
jbocre: 09:17 <ctino> And how does it differ (in responsibility/power) fro LLG?
jbocre: 09:17 <vensa> y the heck should it be the "official"?
jbocre: 09:18 <ctino> vensa: Because it's a great medium to house the information. And if it were updated with all of the official info it would be excellent.
jbocre: 09:19 <vensa> ctino: but no one would fine it. it doesnt come up in the top results in google
jbocre: 09:19 <vensa> IMO, the tiki should have a private area that cant be updated by everyone
jbocre: 09:19 <vensa> with a big link from the homepage to it saying "official deefinitions"
jbocre: 09:19 <selckiku> the only vandalism problem on the tiki is wow gold spammers
jbocre: 09:19 <vensa> whats that selkik?
jbocre: 09:20 <selckiku> i dunno, every week or so there's an edit where someone puts in something about where to buy wow gold
jbocre: 09:20 <vensa> selkik: it's not only a matter of vandalism potential. it's a matter of fact that something seperate that looks serious and official is more highly regarded by readers
jbocre: 09:20 <ctino> vensa: ...It's the sixth on google search for lojban.
jbocre: 09:21 <vensa> ctino: anything on the results list that is lower than a personal site (http://neptune.spaceports.com/~words/lojban.html) IMO is bogus
jbocre: 09:22 <vensa> not just concerning lojban
jbocre: 09:22 == jcowan jbocre: ~John@cpe-98-14-172-204.nyc.res.rr.com has quit jbocre: Quit: Leaving
jbocre: 09:22 <ctino> So, because the personal site has better SEO it's got more credibility?
jbocre: 09:22 <vensa> no
jbocre: 09:22 <ctino> That's horrible thinking there.
jbocre: 09:22 <vensa> becuz the wikibooks has less SEO it has less credebility
jbocre: 09:22 <lindar> ?
jbocre: 09:22 <ksion> vensa: When you Google 'lojban' in Polish, my personal site which only contains seven blogposts about lojban is 4th - right after wikipedia ;P
jbocre: 09:22 <lindar> What is SEO?
jbocre: 09:22 <ksion> Search Engine Optimalisation.
jbocre: 09:22 <vensa> ksion: is it b4 lojban org?
jbocre: 09:22 <ctino> Search Engine Optimization.
jbocre: 09:23 <vensa> IMO: only lojban.org and wikipedia\lojban are the "worthy" sites
jbocre: 09:23 <ksion> vensa: lojban.org is not in Polish.
jbocre: 09:23 <vensa> thats why lojban org should link to the official site
jbocre: 09:23 <vensa> *offical data site