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Proposed definitions
- fi'o (FIhO)
- Converts a selbri into a tag. The tag modifies a sentence or connects two sentences. When modifying a sentence, the tag can take an argument that further specifies it and which fills the first argument of the converted selbri. (See also: {fe'u})
doi .deivid. do no roi klama lo cinri fi'o kansa mi
David, you never come to interesting places with me.
- fe'u (FEhU)
- Terminator for FIhO. (See also: {fi'o})
Formal definitions
||broda fi'o brode ko'a| |broda .i joi ko'a brode||
The connection between the two relationships is {joi}, not {je}, because the two relationships are not independent of each other. They are inextricably linked, but what exactly the link is is not specified and
can vary with context.
fi'o selbri zo'u sentence | lo nu sentence cu jai selbri
fi'o selbri sumti zo'u sentence | lo nu sentence cu jai selbri fai sumti
fi'o selbri gi sentence1 gi sentence2 | lo nu sentence1 cu selbri fai lo nu sentence2
sentence1 i fi'o selbri fe'u bo sentence2 | lo nu sentence1 cu jai selbri fai lo nu sentence2
Some selbri with a short fi'o-form:
{FANCYTABLE(head="BAI | BRODA | BAI = fi'o BRODA | se BAI = fi'o se BRODA | te BAI = fi'o te BRODA | ve BAI = fi'o ve BRODA | xe BAI = fi'o xe BRODA]]
ba'i | basti | replaced by | instead of | | |
bai | bapli | compelled by | compelling | | |
bau | bangu | in language | in language of | | |
be'i | benji | sent by | transmitting | sent to | with transmit origin | transmitted via
ca'i | catni | by authority of | with authority over | | |
cau | claxu | lacked by | without | | |
ci'e | ciste | in system | with system function | of system components | |
ci'o | cinmo | felt by | feeling emotion | | |
ci'u | ckilu | on the scale | on scale measuring | | |
cu'u | cusku | as said by | expressing | as told to | expressed in medium |
de'i | detri | dated | on the same date as | | |
di'o | diklo | at the locus of | at specific locus | | |
do'e | co'e | vaguely related to | | | |
du'i | dunli | as much as | equal to | | |
du'o | djuno | according to | knowing facts | knowing about | under epistemology |
fa'e | fatne | reverse of | in reversal of | | |
fau | fasnu | in the event of | | | |
fi'e | finti | created by | creating work | created for purpose | |
ga'a | zgana | to observer | observing | observed by means | observed under cond. |
gau | gasnu | with agent | as agent in doing | | |
ja'e | jalge | resulting in | results because of | | |
ja'i | javni | by rule | by rule prescribing | | |
ji'e | jimte | up to limit | as a limit of | | |
ji'o | jitro | under direction | controlling | | |
ji'u | jicmu | based on | supporting | | |
ka'a | klama | gone to by | with destination | with origin | via route | by transport mode
ka'i | krati | represented by | on behalf of | | |
kai | ckaji | characterizing | with property | | |
ki'i | ckini | as relation of | related to | with relation | |
ki'u | krinu | justified by | with justified result | | |
koi | korbi | bounded by | as boundary of | bordering | |
ku'u | kulnu | in culture | in culture of | | |
la'u | klani | as quantity of | in quantity | | |
le'a | klesi | in category | as category of | defined by quality | |
li'e | lidne | led by | leading | | |
ma'e | marji | of material | made from material | in material form of | |
ma'i | manri | in ref. frame | as a standard for | | |
mau | zmadu | exceeded by | more than | | |
me'a | mleca | undercut by | less than | | |
me'e | cmene | with name | as a name for | as a name to | |
mu'i | mukti | motivated by | motive therefore | | |
mu'u | mupli | exemplified by | as an example of | | |
ni'i | nibli | entailed by | entails | | |
pa'a | panra | in addition to | similar to | similar in pattern | similar by standard |
pa'u | pagbu | with component | as a part of | | |
pi'o | pilno | used by | using tool | | |
po'i | porsi | in the sequence | sequenced by rule | | |
pu'a | pluka | pleased by | in order to please | | |
pu'e | pruce | by process | processing from | processing into | passing through stages |
ra'a | srana | pertained to by | concerning | | |
ra'i | krasi | from source | as an origin of | | |
rai | traji | with superl. | superlative in | at extreme | superlative among |
ri'a | rinka | caused by | causing | | |
ri'i | lifri | experienced by | experiencing | | |
sau | sarcu | requiring | necessarily for | necessarily under cond. | |
si'u | sidju | aided by | assisting in | | |
ta'i | tadji | by method | as a method for | | |
tai | tamsmi | as a form of | in form | in form similar to | |
ti'i | stidi | suggested by | suggesting | suggested to | |
ti'u | tcika | with time | at the time of | | |
tu'i | stuzi | with site | as location of | | |
va'o | vanbi | under cond. | as conditions for | | |
va'u | xamgu | benefiting from | with beneficiary | | |
zau | zanru | approved by | approving | | |
zu'e | zukte | with actor | with means to goal | with goal | |
{FANCYTABLE(head="PU | BRODA | PU = fi'o BRODA", colwidths=5%|20%|75%, headaligns=||left)}
pu | selpru (se purci) | in the past of
ca | selcabna (se cabna) | in the present of
ba | selbalvi (se balvi) | in the future of
{FANCYTABLE(head="ZAhO | BRODA | ZAhO = fi'o BRODA", colwidths=5%|30%|65%, headaligns=||left, colvaligns=middle||middle)}
ba'o | selmulcabna (se mulno cabna) | complete when
ca'o | selra'i (se ranji) | ongoing when
pu'o |selfaubrecabna
(se fasnu bredi cabna)| about to happen when
za'o | selmulre'i (se mulno renvi) | still happening beyond completion when
co'a | krasi | from
co'u | fanmo | until
mo'u | mulfa'o (mulno fanmo) | completing when
co'i | selmokca (se mokca) | at point in time
de'a | dicra | interrupted at
di'a | toldrica (to'e drica) | resuming at
{FANCYTABLE(head="FAhA | BRODA | FAhA = fi'o BRODA", colwidths=5%|25%|70%, headaligns=||left)}
bu'u | selzva (se zvati) | at
ca'u | selcra (se crane) | in front of
ti'a | selti'e (se trixe) | behind
zu'a | selzunle (se zunle) | on the left of
ri'u | selpritu (se pritu) | on the right of
ga'u | selgapru (se gapru) | above
ni'a | selni'a (se cnita) | below
ne'i | selne'i (se nenri) | within
ru'u | selsru (se sruri) | around
pa'o | selgre (se pagre) | through
ne'a | selmla (se mlana) | next to
te'e | selkoi (se korbi) | bordering
re'o | selyla'i (se lamji) | adjacent
fa'a | farna | towards
to'o | tolfa'a (to'e farna) | away from
zo'i | seltolragve (se to'e ragve) | this side of
ze'o | selragve (se ragve) | across
zo'a | selylamgre (se lenji pagre) | tangential
be'a | selberti (se berti) | north of
ne'u | selsnanu (se snanu) | south of
du'a | selstuna (se stuna) | east of
vu'a | selstici (se stici) | west of
- Tags have two related but distinct functions, as unary bridi operators and as binary bridi operators.
- As unary operators, they can take an argument that specifies the tag.
- The sense of {fi'o selbri} as a bridi operator has to be defined for each selbri. In many cases it will correspond to the sentence filling the x2 or some other place of selbri, but this only works when selbri will admit a sentence as one of its arguments. A general orientative rule might be that the sentence fills the first place (after the x1, which is already accounted for) that will admit a sentence. If there is no place that will admit a sentence, then the relationship is a vague one.
- The negation unary operator, NA/NA KU, can also be expressed as {fi'o natfe} or {fi'o natfe lo fatci}. For example {mi fi'o natfe fe'u klama le zarci} that I go to the market is contradicted by the facts" {mi na klama le zarci} I don't go to the market.
- Bridi operators in general are not commutative, so the order in which tags appear with respect to negation, quantifiers, connectives or other tags matters. The general rule is that a bridi operator has scope over the operators that follow and is within the scope of preceding operators.
- As binary operators, only some tags are meaningful. For example {pu gi ... gi ...} and {ri'a gi ... gi ...}, but not {bau gi ... gi ...} or {ka'a gi ... gi ...}. In general, {fi'o selbri} will be meaningful as a connective if the x1 of selbri is meaningful with a sentence.