selma'o zi'evla
selma'o zi'evla
This page describes words for selma'o names in Lojban. The words for the main selma'o names are now entries in jbovlaste and this proposal page is left as documentation.
It is proposed to create zi'evla for all selma'o. The main purpose of these zi'evla to provide an easy way and straight-forward way to refer to selma'o. The zi'evla will thus have a definition of the form “x1 is the selma'o <WHATEVER>”.
All these zi'evla will be stage-3 zi'evla that base on “cmavo”. Currently (as of 25th of July 2013), on jbovlaste there are no type-3 zi'evla whatsoever that base on “cmavo”, so this seems to be a pretty safe choice. “cmavo” is chosen as because “selma'o” is derived from “cmavo”.
The resulting zi'evla refer to the “main” selma'o, which includes all its sub-classes / “sub-selma'o”. For subclasses, another alhorithm is needed. Here is the list of the lojbanized selma'o zi'evla:
list of selma'o zi'evla
A cmavrxavo BAI cmavrbai BAhE cmavrba'e BE cmavrbe BEI cmavrbei BEhO cmavrbe'o BIhE cmavrbi'e BIhI cmavrbi'i BO cmavrbo BOI cmavrboi BU cmavrbu BY cmavrlerfu CAI cmavrcai CAhA cmavrca'a CEI cmavrcei CEhE cmavrce'e CO cmavrco COI cmavrcoi CU cmavrcu CUhE cmavrcu'e DAhO cmavrda'o DOI cmavrdoi DOhU cmavrdo'u FA cmavrfa FAhA cmavrfa'a FAhO cmavrfa'o FEhE cmavrfe'e FEhU cmavrfe'u FIhO cmavrfi'o FOI cmavrfoi FUhA cmavrfu'a FUhE cmavrfu'e FUhO cmavrfu'o GA cmavrga GAhO cmavrga'o GEhU cmavrge'u GI cmavrgi GIhA cmavrgi'a GOI cmavrgoi GOhA cmavrgo'a GUhA cmavrgu'a I cmavrxivo JA cmavrja JAI cmavrjai JOI cmavrjoi JOhI cmavrjo'i KE cmavrke KEI cmavrkei KEhE cmavrke'e KI cmavrki KOhA cmavrko'a KU cmavrku KUhE cmavrku'e KUhO cmavrku'o LA cmavrla LAU cmavrlau LAhE cmavrla'e LE cmavrle LEhU cmavrle'u LI cmavrli LIhU cmavrli'u LOhO cmavrlo'o LOhU cmavrlo'u LU cmavrlu LUhU cmavrlu'u MAI cmavrmai MAhO cmavrma'o ME cmavrme MEhU cmavrme'u MOI cmavrmoi MOhE cmavrmo'e MOhI cmavrmo'i NA cmavrna NAI cmavrnai NAhE cmavrna'e NAhU cmavrna'u NIhE cmavrni'e NIhO cmavrni'o NOI cmavrnoi NU cmavrnu NUhA cmavrnu'a NUhI cmavrnu'i NUhU cmavrnu'u PA cmavrpa PEhE cmavrpe'e PEhO cmavrpe'o PU cmavrpu RAhO cmavnra'o ROI cmavnroi SA cmavrsa SE cmavrse SEI cmavrsei SEhU cmavrse'u SI cmavrsi SOI cmavrsoi SU cmavrsu TAhE cmavrta'e TEI cmavrtei TEhU cmavrte'u TO cmavrto TOI cmavrtoi TUhE cmavrtu'e TUhU cmavrtu'u UI cmavrui VA cmavrva VAU cmavrvau VEI cmavrvei VEhA cmavrve'a VEhO cmavrve'o VIhA cmavrvi'a VUhO cmavrvu'o VUhU cmavrvu'u XI cmavrxi Y cmavrdepsna ZAhO cmavrza'o ZEI cmavrzei ZEhA cmavrze'a ZI cmavrzi ZIhE cmavrzi'e ZO cmavrzo ZOI cmavrzoi ZOhE cmavrzo'e
How to remember
If you already memorized the English selma'o names, memorizing the selma'o zi'evla should be a piece of cake for you. These are the rules to remember the selma'o zi'evla:
- The selma'o “UI” translates to “cmavrui”.
- If the selma'o is not “UI” and does not contain a “Y” in it, the result depends on the last letter of the original selma'o name:
- “R” → “cmavn“ + selma'o
- “A”,“E”,“I”,“O”,“U” → “cmavrx” + selma'o + “vo”
- everything else → “cmavr” + selma'o
- If the selma'o name does have a “Y” in it, a brivla which decribes the selma'o at best is used.
- “BY” translates to “cmavrlerfu” (from “lerfu”)
- “Y” translates to “cmavrdepspa” (from “depspa”)
Rough rule: The vast majority of these zi'evla are “cmavr” with the lower-cased selma'o name appended to it.
Algorithms to generate the above list
Algorithm to generate zi'evla from the existing selma'o names
- Take the name of the selma'o and write it in lower case. Convert “h” to “'”. Let’s call it “it”.
- Does it contain a “y”? If yes, go to step 9. If not, go to step 3.
- Does it begin with one of “a”, “e”, “o”, “u”, “i”? If yes, go to step 6. If not, go to step 4.
- Does it begin with a “r”? If yes, go to step 7. Else go to 5.
- Your zi'evla is: “cmavr” + it. You’re done.
- If your selma'o is “UI”, go to 11. If not, go to 12.
- Your zi'evla is: “cmavn” + it. You’re done.
- Forget the word you obtained in step 1.
- Think of an existing brivla which best descibes the selma'o. Let’s call it “it”. It must not have a “y” in it. Remember that you went past this step.
- Go to 4.
- Your zi'evla is “cmavrui”. You’re done.
- Your zi'evla is: “cmavrx” + it + “vo”. You’re done.
Algorithms to fill the jbovlaste fields
- Write “$x_1$ is the selma'o ‘<English selma'o name goes here>’.”.
- Did you pass step 9 of the above selma'o-to-zi'evla algorithm? If yes, go to 3, else go to step 2.
- The etymology is: “Made from {cmavo} and the selma'o name <Name goes here> written in lower case.”
- The etymology is: “Made from {cmavo} and lojban <gismu/lujvo/valsi/cmavo/whatever> {<used valsi goes here>}.”
Gloss Word #1
- Write “<English selma'o name>” in sense “selma'o”.
Place Keywords
- Leave empty.
This part of the proposal is not part of jbovlaste and currently it is not planned to include. To generate zi'evla for the sub-classes, use this algorithm:
- Is the “sub-selma'o” name the same as the selma'o name? If yes, go to 2. If no, go to 3.
- Your zi'evla for the “sub-selma'o” is “xino'o” appended to the old zi'evla.
- Append “xi” to the old zi'evla.
- Convert “0”, “1”, “2”, “3”, “4”, “5”, “6”, “7”, “8”, “9” to “no”, “pa”, “re”, “ci”, “vo”, “mu”, “xa”, “ze”, “bi”, “so”, respectively. Append the lojbanized digits.
- If there are remaining small letters in the sub-class name, go to 6, else you’re done.
- For a consonant, translate it to <consonant> + “o”. For a vowel, translate it to “'” + <vowel>
Result for UI
UI1 cmavruixipa UI2 cmavruixire UI3a cmavruixici'a UI3b cmavruixicibo UI3c cmavruixicico UI4 cmavruixivo UI5 cmavruiximu UI6 cmavruixixa UI7 cmavruixize
For NU
NU cmavrnuxino'o NU1 cmavrnuxipa
For KOhA
KOhA1 cmavrko'axipa KOhA2 cmavrko'axire KOhA3 cmavrko'axici KOhA4 cmavrko'axivo KOhA5 cmavrko'aximu KOhA6 cmavrko'axixa KOhA7 cmavrko'axize KOhA8 cmavrko'axibi
For BY
BY1 cmavrlerfuxipa BY2 cmavrlerfuxire
For FAhA
FAhA1 cmavrfa'axipa FAhA2 cmavrfa'axire FAhA3 cmavrfa'axici FAhA4 cmavrfa'axivo
For PA
PA1 cmavrpaxipa PA2 cmavrpaxire PA3 cmavrpaxici PA4 cmavrpaxivo PA5 cmavrpaximu
For VUhO
VUhO0 cmavrvu'oxino VUhO1 cmavrvu'oxipa VUhO2 cmavrvu'oxire VUhO3 cmavrvu'oxici VUhO4 cmavrvu'oxivo
Example selma'o zi'evla
Let’s take “cmavrbai” (which stands for “BAI”) as an example for a selma'o zi'evla. This is how the fields on jbovlaste should look like, created using the algorithms mentioned earlier:
- Word: “cmavrbai”.
- Definition: “x1 is the selma'o BAI.”
- Etymology: “Made from {cmavo} and the selma'o name ‘BAI’ written in lower case.”
- Gloss words: “‘BAI’ in the sense of ‘selma'o’”
- Place words: (empty)
Example sentence
“zo dau cmavo lo cmavrpa” translates to “‘dau’ is in the selma'o ‘PA’.”.