miscellaneous Lojban Stuff
Miscellaneous Lojban Wiki Pages
Miscellaneous Lojban Web Links
- The ojban File Server. This will eventually go away.
apers About Lojban{ANAME()}papers{ANAME}
This directory contains miscellaneous papers about Lojban.
- th tense
- A lengthy discussion from Lojban List about the possibility of a 4th tense for Lojban to handle relativistic issues. (Short version: nothing changed.)
- 1 long review
- review of Loglan 1 (TLI Loglan) by Lojbab and Athelstan
- lojban parser paper
- A paper about Nick Nicholas's semantic analyser. Source code available at oftware analyser.
- ujvo making
- An introductory essay on the art of tanru making and using tanru to make lujvo.
- ujvo paper
- Nick Nicholas's paper on lujvo-making and lujvo place structures. A shorter version appears as part of the reference grammar.
- nsn semantics paper
- Another paper by Nick on Lojban compositional semantics.
- crabble
- Playing Scrabble in Lojban: rules, and how to fix up a Scrabble set. Some lines longer than 80 characters.
- apir-whorf bibliography
- A series of bibliographic references for people interested in exploring the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
- 1 adaptation
- An explanation of how to patch up Loglan 1 (1975 edition) to apply to Lojban instead. Probably obsolete, but of historical interest.
- ojban aspects (zaho)
- A brief explanation of Lojban aspects.
istorical Lojban Information {ANAME()}history{ANAME}
This directory contains Lojban material which is primarily
of historical interest. Any technical information here should
be considered suspect with respect to the current language.
See also the older items in the ext archive and [http://www.lojban.org/files/jl/ JL
issues] before JL10 for considerable historical
Minutes of annual meetings of the membership (Microsoft
Word format) from 1992 through 1998 are here: 992,
The original grammar synopsis (Oct 88) (rsyn.doc (grammar syntax doument 1)
and (rsyntoc.doc (grammar syntax document 2),
the ancestor of both the current reference grammar and the
textbook, may be found here, both in Microsoft Word
The original Roget's category assignments to the gismu are
here (ROGETNEW.TX1).
The October 1988 cmavo list (mavo 1088 (.zip))
that went with the grammar synopsis, and the Feb 1990 cmavo
list (mavo 0290 (.zip))
are here.
Various historical versions of the Lojban grammar, showing
its early evolution. The earliest complete grammar on file is
GRAMMAR.NEW (28 Oct 1988). Also available are GRAMMAR.B17 (21 Nov 1988), GRAMMAR.E25 (28 Feb 1989), GRAMMAR.L23 (24 Sep 1989), GRAMMAR.506 (6 May 1990), and GRAMMAR.28 (1 July 1991) with its corresponding BNF.28.
The latter two are the earliest versions of the grammar as
modified by John Cowan.
A list showing the pre-1993 rafsi assignments side-by-side
with the final baselined set of rafsi may be found here.
Some miscellaneous writings by John Hodges (HODGES.ZIP)
and by David Twery (TWERY.ZIP)
may be found here. John Hodges wrote short essays mainly on
how we might promote Lojban to the world. David Twery wrote
text and invented words.
Finally, the announcement of the 10th anniversary of the
Lojban language development (lojban10.html)
may be found here.
This directory contains issues of ju'i lobypli
(JL), the Lojban journal through the last published
issue JL18. In addition le lojbo karni (LK) issues 8
through 11 are included because at that time LK was the news
component of JL. LK18 is also included, since it was
published a full year after JL18 and contains some news not
in JL18.
The format is plain ASCII, but many lines are longer than
80 characters. Please browse the directory to see what is
This directory contains many Lojban-related graphics in
Windows .BMP and .ICO formats. Please browse the directory to
see what is available.
This directory contains the archives of Lojban List, a
mailing list dedicated to Lojban. To subscribe, send a blank
message to amp;lt;lojban-subscribe@onelist.com>.
Note that traffic levels vary wildly.
Files are named by year and month. If a given month is
missing, it is probably consolidated with a later month or not
yet uploaded. Because of apparent inconsistencies in the
automated archives due to missing and damaged messages,
starting in November 1998 the archives contain two separate
versions of each month's archive.
onelist.com has a searchable archive covering the period
since 5 November 1998 at http://www.onelist.com/archive/lojban
This directory contains
current links to other pages of
interest to Lojbanists. The [http://www.lojban.org/files/news/projects.html projects
section of the FAQ] is kept updated here with current
status. Finally a copy of Evguenie Sklyanin's Lojban Links
pages, locally edited is here.
The original and unmodified version of that site can be linked
from here.