lojban by Choice/LojbanPod newbie lesson A0112
What Is Your Telephone Number?
This lesson is full of useful phrases: how to ask for a phone number, how to give one's phone number, how to say that you are going to call, etc. Moreover, Liliana and JP discuss differences between continents and generations with respect to phoning. And all that in just 13 minutes! The keyword had to be a bit shorter than usual: móvil – mobile.
- related LojbanPod lessons: A0056: What time is the train?, A0072: Here is my card, A0092: How old are you?
- discussion: visit the readers' forum for this lesson to discuss it or to ask questions about it
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Audio Lesson
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Title: “What is your telephone number?” noicon Dialogue only (file info) noicon | |
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lo ninmu: ¿Cuál es tu número de teléfono? noicon lo nanmu: Mi número de móvil es el seis, cinco, dos, doce, cincuenta y seis, cincuenta y seis. noicon lo ninmu: OK, te llamo en la noche. noicon lo nanmu: Vale. noicon
Dialogue with Translation
lo ninmu: ¿Cuál es tu número de teléfono? noicon what (it) is your number of telephone woman: What's your phone number?
lo nanmu: Mi número de móvil es el seis, cinco, dos, doce, cincuenta y seis, cincuenta y seis. noicon my number of cell phone (it) is the six five two twelve fifty-six fifty-six man: My cell phone number is 6-5-2-12-56-56.
lo ninmu: OK, te llamo en la noche. noicon OK you (I) call in the night woman: OK, I call you at night.
lo nanmu: Vale. noicon worthy man: Great.
Vocabulary for Dialogue
la mujer noun (feminine) the woman el hombre noun (masculine) the man ¿cuál? interrogative pronoun what?, which? ser verb (infinitive) to be (él/ella) es verb (present tense) he/she(/it) is tu possessive adjective your (informal, singular) el número noun (masculine) the number de preposition of el teléfono noun (masculine) the telephone mi possessive adjective my el móvil noun (masculine) the mobile phone el/la article (m./f.) the seis number 6 cinco number 5 doce number 12 cincuenta y seis number 56 OK phrase OK te direct object pronoun you (informal, singular) llamar verb (infinitive) too call (yo) llamo verb (present tense) I call en preposition in la noche noun (feminine) the night valer verb (infinitive) to be worth vale phrase great, OK
Vocabulary for Audio Lesson
igual adjective (m./f.) equal el cellular noun (masculine) the cell phone el cell noun (masculine) the cell phone el número de cellular phrase the cell phone number hasta luego phrase see you later
More Vocabulary
This section includes grammatically related words. Some of them are required by the exercise Dialogue Recast.
ser | infinitive | to be |
(yo) soy | present tense | I am |
(tú) eres | you are (informal, singular) | |
(él/ella) es | he/she(/it) is | |
(usted) es | you are (formal, singular) | |
(nosotros/-as) somos | we are (m./f.) | |
(vosotros/-as) sois | you are (informal, plural, m./f.) | |
(ellos/ellas) son | they are (m./f.) | |
(ustedes) son | you are (formal, plural) | |
mi | possessive adjective | my |
mis | poss. adjective (plural) | my |
tu | possessive adjective | your (informal, singular) |
tus | poss. adjective (plural) | your (informal, singular) |
su | possessive adjective | his/her(/its)/their |
sus | poss. adjective (plural) | his/her(/its)/their |
su | possessive adjective | your (formal) |
sus | poss. adjective (plural) | your (formal) |
nuestro/nuestra | poss. adjective (m./f.) | our |
nuestros/nuestras | poss. adj. (plural, m./f.) | our |
vuestro/vuestra | poss. adjective (m./f.) | your (informal, plural) |
vuestros/vuestras | poss. adj. (plural, m./f.) | your (informal, plural) |
me | direct object pronoun | me |
te | you (informal, singular) | |
lo/la | him/her(/it) | |
lo/la | you (formal, singular, m./f.) | |
nos | us | |
os | you (informal, plural) | |
los/las | them (m./f.) | |
los/las | you (formal, plural, m./f.) | |
llamar | infinitive | to call |
(yo) llamo | present tense | I call |
(tú) llamas | you call (informal, singular) | |
(él/ella) llama | he/she(/it) calls | |
(usted) llama | you call (formal, singular) | |
(nosotros/-as) llamamos | we call (m./f.) | |
(vosotros/-as) llamáis | you call (informal, plural, m./f.) | |
(ellos/ellas) llaman | they call (m./f.) | |
(ustedes) llaman | you call (formal, plural) | |
uno | number | one |
un/una | article (m./f.) | a |
Dialogue Translation
Translate from Lojban to English. Click each bar to check your answer. If possible, read the Lojban sentences aloud.
What's your phone number?
My cell phone number is 6-5-2-12-56-56.
OK, I call you at night.
Dialogue Recall
Now translate from English to Lojban. Remember to say the Lojban sentences aloud.
¿Cuál es tu número de teléfono?
Mi número de móvil es el seis, cinco, dos, doce, cincuenta y seis, cincuenta y seis.
OK, te llamo en la noche.
Dialogue Remix
Translate this variant of the dialogue from English to Lojban.
¿Cuál es tu número de teléfono?
Mi número de móvil es el seis, cinco, dos, doce, cincuenta y seis, cincuenta y seis.
¡Vale, vale! Seis, ...?
Es el seis, cincuenta y dos, ...
¿Seis, cincuenta y dos o seis, cinco, dos?
Es igual.
El número es el seis, cinco, dos, uno, dos, cinco, seis, cinco, seis. ¿Vale?
Vale, te llamo en la noche.
Dialogue Recast
This translation exercise requires some of the words from the More Vocabulary section.
¿Cuál es su número de teléfono?
Mi número de móvil es el seis, cinco, dos, doce, cincuenta y seis, cincuenta y seis.
OK, lo/la llamo en la noche.
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