lojban by Choice/LojbanPod newbie lesson A0021
I'm Sleepy
You only get what you ask for (in capitalism at least); thus, you better know how to express your preferences. Sometimes you might even have to give a reason for them. But don't worry, JP and Liliana tell us how. Furthermore, they talk about the many ways of saying good bye. Our keyphrase is tengo sueño – I'm sleepy.
- related LojbanPod lessons: A0002: Birthday party, A0010: I'm hungry, A0076: Jet-lag
- discussion: visit the readers' forum for this lesson to discuss it or to ask questions about it
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Audio Lesson
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LojbanPod_newbie_lesson_A0021.ogg (file info) (mp3 file) |
Title: “I'm sleepy” noicon Dialogue only (file info) noicon | |
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lo nanmu: ¿Quieres salir hoy? noicon lo ninmu: No, prefiero quedarme en casa. noicon lo nanmu: ¿Por qué? noicon lo ninmu: Tengo sueño. noicon lo nanmu: Ni modo. Nos vemos mañana. noicon
Dialogue with Translation
lo nanmu: ¿Quieres salir hoy? noicon (you) want go out today man: Do you want to go out today?
lo ninmu: No, prefiero quedarme en casa. noicon no (I) prefer stay (myself) in house woman: No, I prefer to stay at home.
lo nanmu: ¿Por qué? noicon by what man: Why?
lo ninmu: Tengo sueño. noicon (I) have sleep woman: I'm sleepy.
lo nanmu: Ni modo. Nos vemos mañana. noicon no way each other (we) see tomorrow man: Too bad. We see each other tomorrow.
Vocabulary for Dialogue
el hombre noun (masculine) the man la mujer noun (feminine) the woman querer verb (infinitive) to want, to like (tú) quieres verb (present tense) you want (informal, singular) salir verb (infinitive) to go out hoy adverb today no adverb no preferir verb (infinitive) to prefer (yo) prefiero verb (present tense) I prefer se reflexive pronoun oneself quedarse verb (infinitive) to stay (oneself) me reflexive pronoun myself en preposition in la casa noun (feminine) the house en casa phrase at home ¿por qué? adverb why? tener verb (infinitive) to have (yo) tengo verb (present tense) I have el sueño noun (masculine) the sleep tener sueño phrase to be sleepy ni modo phrase too bad, no way nos reflexive pronoun us, each other ver verb (infinitive) to see (nosotros/-as) vemos verb (present tense) we see nos vemos phrase see ya, we see each other mañana adverb tomorrow
Vocabulary for Audio Lesson
nos vemos phrase see ya, we see each other adiós interjection good bye hasta luego phrase until later bye interjection bye hasta pronto phrase until soon nos vemos al rato phrase we see each other in a while ciao interjection bye
More Vocabulary
This section includes grammatically related words. Some of them are required by the exercise Dialogue Recast.
querer | infinitive | to want |
(yo) quiero | present tense | I want |
(tú) quieres | you want (informal, singular) | |
(él/ella) quiere | he/she(/it) wants | |
(usted) quiere | you want (formal, singular) | |
(nosotros/-as) queremos | we want (m./f.) | |
(vosotros/-as) queréis | you want (informal, plural, m./f.) | |
(ellos/ellas) quieren | they want (m./f.) | |
(ustedes) quieren | you want (formal, plural) | |
salir | infinitive | to go out |
(yo) salgo | present tense | I go out |
(tú) sales | you go out (informal, singular) | |
(él/ella) sale | he/she(/it) goes out | |
(usted) sale | you go out (formal, singular) | |
(nosotros/-as) salimos | we go out (m./f.) | |
(vosotros/-as) salís | you go out (informal, plural, m./f.) | |
(ellos/ellas) salen | they go out (m./f.) | |
(ustedes) salen | you go out (formal, plural) | |
preferir | infinitive | to prefer |
(yo) prefiero | present tense | I prefer |
(tú) prefieres | you prefer (informal, singular) | |
(él/ella) prefiere | he/she(/it) prefers | |
(usted) prefiere | you prefer (formal, singular) | |
(nosotros/-as) preferimos | we prefer (m./f.) | |
(vosotros/-as) preferís | you prefer (informal, plural, m./f.) | |
(ellos/ellas) prefieren | they prefer (m./f.) | |
(ustedes) prefieren | you prefer (formal, plural) | |
me | reflexive pronoun | myself |
te | yourself (informal, singular) | |
se | himself/herself(/itself) | |
se | yourself (formal, singular) | |
nos | ourselves, each other | |
os | yourselves, each other (informal, plural) | |
se | themselves, each other | |
se | yourselves, each other (formal, plural) | |
quedarse | infinitive | to stay (oneself) |
(yo) me quedo | present tense | I stay (myself) |
(tú) te quedas | you stay (yourself) (informal, singular) | |
(él/ella) se queda | he/she(/it) stays (himself/herself/itself) | |
(usted) se queda | you stay (yourself) (formal, singular) | |
(nosotros/-as) nos quedamos | we stay (ourselves) (m./f.) | |
(vosotros/-as) os quedáis | you stay (yourselves) (informal, plural, m./f.) | |
(ellos/ellas) se quedan | they stay (themselves) (m./f.) | |
(ustedes) se quedan | you stay (yourselves) (formal, plural) | |
tener | infinitive | to have |
(yo) tengo | present tense | I have |
(tú) tienes | you have (informal, singular) | |
(él/ella) tiene | he/she(/it) has | |
(usted) tiene | you have (formal, singular) | |
(nosotros/-as) tenemos | we have (m./f.) | |
(vosotros/-as) tenéis | you have (informal, plural, m./f.) | |
(ellos/ellas) tienen | they have (m./f.) | |
(ustedes) tienen | you have (formal, plural) | |
ver | infinitive | to see |
(yo) veo | present tense | I see |
(tú) ves | you see (informal, singular) | |
(él/ella) ve | he/she(/it) sees | |
(usted) ve | you see (formal, singular) | |
(nosotros/-as) vemos | we see (m./f.) | |
(vosotros/-as) veis | you see (informal, plural, m./f.) | |
(ellos/ellas) ven | they see (m./f.) | |
(ustedes) ven | you see (formal, plural) |
Dialogue Translation
Translate from Lojban to English. Click each bar to check your answer. If possible, read the Lojban sentences aloud.
Do you want go out today?
No, I prefer to stay at home.
I'm sleepy.
Too bad. We see each other tomorrow.
Dialogue Recall
Now translate from English to Lojban. Remember to say the Lojban sentences aloud.
¿Quieres salir hoy?
No, prefiero quedarme en casa.
¿Por qué?
Tengo sueño.
Ni modo. Nos vemos mañana.
Dialogue Remix
Translate this variant of the dialogue from English to Lojban.
¿Quieres salir?
No, hoy no. Prefiero salir mañana.
¿No quieres salir hoy?
No. ¿Por qué no quieres salir mañana?
Prefiero salir hoy.
¿Por qué?
Mañana tengo sueño.
Prefiero quedarme en casa mañana.
Ni modo. ¿Nos vemos mañana?
No. Adiós.
¡Hasta pronto!
Dialogue Recast
This translation exercise requires some of the words from the More Vocabulary section.
¿Queréis salir hoy?
No, preferimos quedarnos en casa.
¿Por qué?
Tenemos sueño.
Ni modo. Nos vemos mañana.
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