basic nuntalylihu Instructions
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Basic Nuntalyli'u Instructions
This is for people trying to play the Lojban version of Colossal Cave, AKA nuntalyli'u
Some of the following is imprecise because I simply don't know inform very well. -- Main.RobinLeePowell - 02 Nov 2002
It's hopefully slightly more precise now -- Main.MartinBays - 13 Nov 2002
- General Notes
- Numbers up to panononono (or panoki'enonono) or so should be handled for input, and arbitrary long-form numbers can be output.
- You can talk about 'all' with roda, roti, and such.
- .enai works as 'but' or 'except' in English, so 'roda .enai le ckiku' should, at least with some verbs, have the expected effect.
- go'i repeats the last action, as does "g" and "krefu"
- You can put multiple commands on one line using .ije, gi'e, .iji'a and .i
- .e should mostly work as expected.
- No other connectives are likely to function.
- 'le drata ckiku' will refer to the keys your are not holding.
- You can generally insert cmavo such as "cu", "vau" and "kei" when they would be grammatical, or leave them out if you prefer. Be concise with your sumti, though. For example, ".i ko gasnu le nu mi cu dunda le lastu gustci la mikyl. djaksyn. vau kei vau" and ".i ko gasnu le nu dunda le gustci la mikyl." will likely be interpreted the same way. In fact, probably so will "dunda gustci mikyl.", if you can stomach the abuse of grammar.
- You can often run cmavo together (lemi, lego'i, etc.) if you really must.
- You can order someone to do something with either "le cmalu cipni cu gasnu le nu vofli" or "doi cmalu cipni ko vofli". Don't necessarily expect to get a reply, though...
- Pronouns
- Please note that these do not necessarily work the way you would expect in lojban, because Inform doesn't really understand Lojban.
- But generally, "ri" refers to the last "interesting" thing mentioned (either something you referred to, or something the story just described), "ra" to the second last and "ru" to the third last.
- "go'i" refers to your last command, so "le go'i" means whoever you just ordered (generally yourself), "le se go'i" means the first other object you mentioned and "le te go'i" the second.
- Other pronouns (might work vaguely like you'd expect) -
- do
- do'o
- ti
- ta
- ko'a
- Articles
- le mi
- le do
- le do'o
- le ri
- le ra
- le ko'a
- le
- lo
- lei
- le'i
- loi
- lo'i
- Compass Directions
- North: b berti bitmu be'a berkla
- South: n snanu bitmu ne'u nankla
- East: d stuna bitmu du'a sunkla
- West: v stici bitmu vu'a sickla
- Northeast: bd berstuna bitmu be'adu'a
- Northwest: bv berstici bitmu be'avu'a
- Southeast: nd nanstuna bitmu ne'udu'a
- Southwest: nv nanstici bitmu ne'uvu'a
- Up: ga'u gapru drudi
- Down: ni'a cnita loldi
- Out: ze'o ne'inai bartu
- In: ne'i zo'i nenri
- Note that none of these, the last four included, need be given an argument. For example, from the first screen, "nenri" takes you in the building, and "snanu" goes South.
- Meta Verbs
- Score: nilji'a
- Full Score: mulnilji'a mulno nilji'a
- Quit: s sisti morsi
- Restore: veipli
- Restart: refcfa
- Verify: veicta
- Save: vreji
- Save: rejri'a
- Save: rejgau
- Make a Transcript: verci'a, ci'arvei, verci'a cfari, ci'arvei cfari
- Stop Making a Transcript: verci'a sisti, ci'arvei sisti
- Very Brief Mode: raircmaski, traji cmalu skicu, cmalu skicu
- Verbose Mode: braski, barda skicu
- Brief/Normal Mode: kauski, kampu skicu
- Score: liste, liste le nilji'a
- Pronouns: sumbasti, liste, liste le basti, liste le sumti, liste le sumbasti
- Notify Of Score Changes: junbe'i, junbe'i le nilji'a galfi, junbe'i cfari
- Stop Notify: junbe'i sisti
- Version: gafna'u
- Places: stuzi
- Objects: dacti
- Undo Last Turn: su, srera
- This will make it as though as the last turn never happened, if the game allows it.
- "Oops" (correct typos): basti, si, sa
- If you say something the parser doesn't understand, "si foo" will replace the first word it didn't understand with foo.
- Ordinary Verbs
- Take: lebna, bevri, jgari, cpacu
- Enter: klama, cadzu, bajra, sanli
- Exit: cliva
- Remove/Take Off: vimcu
- Disrobe/Take Off: toldasni
- Wear: dasni
- Put On: punji le cpana be
- Put: punji
- Insert: setca, punji le nenri be
- Empty (as in to empty something): kutygau
- Empty Self/DropAll: kutybe'i
- Transfer: benji
- Throw At: renro
- Drop: falcru, falri'a
- Give: dunda, pleji, friti, ctigau
- Show: jarco, jarco tu'a
- Inventory: selbeiste, beiste, b
- Inv Tall: beiste to'unai, beiste tcila, beiste clani
- Look: zgana, z, viska
- Look Under: zgana le cnita be
- Consult: sisku, tidysisku, sisku tu'a fi , sisku sepi'o , tu'a , lu li'u , several others.
- Search: sisku, tidysisku, zgana le nenri be
- Open: kargau
- Unlock: kargau sepi'o
- Close: ga'orgau, gairgau
- Enter: nerkla, zutse, vreta
- Go In (enter a building or such): nergau, nenri, nerkla
- Exit: bargau, bartu
- Examine: catlu, c
- Yes: .ie, go'i
- No: .ienai, nago'i
- Swing: sligau
- Wave Hands: sligau
- Wave: sligau
- Set To (as in set a clock): tikygau
- Pull: lacpu
- Push: catke, muvdu, catke fa'a
- Turn (as in rotate an object): cargau
- Switch On: kragau, tolcadgau, tolcando
- Switch Off: famgau, cadgau, cando
- Lock: kikla'a, kikla'a sepi'o
- Un Lock: kikykalri, kikykalri sepi'o
- Attack: gunta, porpi, darxi, damba, fergau, daspo, catra
- Wait: denpa
- Answer: dafsku, spuda/cusku lu li'u , spuda/cusku lo'u le'u
- Tell: skicu
- Ask For: teryrei, cpedu le nu kei , fi fe tu'a , others.
- Eat: citka
- Sleep: sipna
- Take Off A Rind/Crust: pilvi'u
- Sing: sanga
- Buy: terve'u, terdi'a
- Squeeze: jarjai
- Swim: limna
- Blow: gacyse'a
- Wake: cikna cikygau
- Smell: sumne
- Listen: tirna
- Taste: vusygau
- Touch: pencu
- Rub: jisysa'e
- Tie: lasna
- Burn: jelgau, gusygau, jelgau sepi'o
- Drink: pinxe
- Fill: tisygau
- Cut: katna
- Jum: plipe, plipe le gapru be
- Dig: kakpa, kakpa fo
- On (as in a light): gusni
- Off: manku
- Catch (as in catching an animal): kavbu, kavbu sepi'o
- Release (a creature): tolkavbu, tolkavgau, zifre
- Empty: cavyfle, liksa'e
- Water (as in to water a plant): cavyfle le djacu, djacu, jaurgau
- Oil (as in to oil a hinge): grasu, rasygau, cavyfle le grasu
- Help: sidju
- Use: pilno
- Blast (as in with dynamite): pojri'a, spoja, pojgau, spoja sepi'o
-- Main.RobinLeePowell - 02 Nov 2002