basic English Word List
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Basic English Word List
Please update this to include senses for every gloss where it may not be clear.
- account - (as in bank) janta
- account - (explanation) ve ciksi
- account - (judgement) se pajni
- against - fapro, fa'a, (English def. is too loose, word is built into many gismu)
- almost - na'e (?), na'e ru'e, na ru'e, jibni
- among - jbini
- amount - ni, klani
- and - .e, je, ge, gi'e, jo'u, joi, fa'u, ce, jo'e
- any -
- as - sometimes "du'i"
- at - zvati, bu'u
- between - jbini (amidst), bi'i (connective)
- boy - nanla
- branch - (literal) jimca
- by - finti, lamji, zo'a
- chain - linsi
- change - galfi, stika, cenba
- cheap - tolkargu
- cheese - cirla
- chemical - xukmi
- chest - cutne
- chief - ralju
- chin - (related to xedja)
- church - (building) xriso malsi
- church - (community) xriso cecmu
- circle - cuktai
- clean - (v: is clean) jinsa
- clean - (n: to clean) lumci
- clear - klina
- clock - junla
- cloth - bukpu
- cloud - dilnu
- coal - kolme
- coat - kosta
- cold - lenku (is cold)
- collar - karli
- colour - skari
- comb - komcu
- come - klama
- comfort - kufra
- committee - kamni
- common - fadni, kampu
- company - (corporation) kagni
- company - (having people over) kansa
- comparison - nu karbi
- competition - te jivna
- complete - mulno
- complex - pluja
- condition - (a place in many gismu; be morse specific)
- connection - terjo'e/te jorne
- conscious - cikna
- control - jitro
- cook - jukpa
- copper - tunka
- copy - fukpi
- cord - skori
- cork - korka
- cotton - mapni
- cough - kafke
- country - (nation) gugde
- country - (countryside) nurma
- cover - gacri
- cow - (bovine) bakni
- cow - (female) fetsi
- crack - fenra
- credit - dejni
- crime - zekri
- cruel - kusra
- crush - marxa, zalvi
- cry - klaku
- cup - kabri (for liquid); (???? -> hold closely and gently)
- current - cabna
- curtain - murta
- curve - kruvi
- cushion - kicne
- damage - xrani (the result);xairgau (the action)
- danger - ckape
- dark - manku
- daughter - tixnu
- day - (24 hours) djedi
- day - (daytime) donri
- dead - morsi
- dear - dirba
- death - nu morsi
- debt - se dejni
- decision - se jdice
- deep - condi
- degree - gradu;julra'o;kelvo,jacke'o;
- delicate - ralci
- dependent - lacri
- design - platu (verb); se platu (noun)
- desire - djica
- destruction - nu daspo
- detail - tcila
- development - farvi
- different - frica
- digestion - canti
- direction - farna
- dirty - toljinsa
- discovery - te facki
- discussion - nu casnu
- disease - te bilma
- disgust - se rigni
- distance - ni darno (how far); ni jibni (how close)
- distribution - nu fatri
- division - nu fendi
- do - gasnu (agentive); zukte (volitive goal-oriented)
- dog - gerku
- door - vrogai
- doubt - senpi (plus any NU for various senses)
- down - cnita
- drain - te rinci (noun); ve rinci (force); rincygau (verb)
- drawer - dacru
- dress - skaci
- drink - pinxe (verb); se pinxe (noun); xalka (alcohol); sodva (soda pop)
- driving - ma'ersazri (to operate a vehicle); se marce (to be transported by vehicle); klama fu lo karce (going by car)
- drop - falcru; dirgo
- dry - sudga
- dust - pulce
- ear - kerlo
- early - clira; (experimental) xa'o
- earth - terdi; dertu
- east - stuna
- edge - korbi
- education - ctuca (teach); cilre (learn); tadni (study); ve ckule (being taught at a school)
- effect - se rinka (the result of something happening)
- egg - sovda
- elastic - pruni
- electric - dikca
- end - fanmo
- engine - ve marce (thing propelling a vehicle)
- enough - banzu; rau
- equal - dunli (see also mintu, panra)
- error - srera
- even - lanxe (balanced); za'umai (futher more); do'anai (implying an extreme example)
- event - fasnu; nu
- ever - Undefinable. Perhaps pujeca, pujeca'o, or similar.
- every - ro (also 'each')
- example - mupli; mu'a 'for example'
- exchange - canja
- existence - nu zasti
- expansion - prenja (with NU)
- experience - lifri (verb); se lifri (noun)
- expert - certu
- eye - kanla
- face - flira
- fact - fatci
- fall - farlu
- false - jitfa
- family - lanzu
- far - darno; vu
- farm - cange
- fat - plana
- father - patfu
- fear - terpa
- feather - pimlu
- feeble - ruble
- feeling - nuncni; se ganse
- female - fetsi
- fertile - ferti
- fiction - cfika
- field - foldi
- fight - damba
- finger - degji
- fire - fagri; cecla
- first - pamoi
- fish - finpe; fipkalte in agentive sense
- fixed - nalmu'u 'unmoving' ;te lasna (something static which is attached to); pu cikre;pu lasna (in 'attached' sense); pu frati (in sense 'dealt with')
- flag - lanci; ??? in sense 'make specifically visible'
- flame - fagri
- flat - pinta; plita; ??? in sense 'compact urban dwelling'
- flight - nu vofli
- floor - loldi; lolgai in sense 'covering of bottom layer'; le darxi ku falgau (in sense 'strike down'; one might also be floored like {le nu desku ku falri'a})
- flower - xrula; nu xrula, in event sense
- fly - vofli; sfani (insect sense)
- fold - polje in causative sense; cinje, te polje in 'physical feature' sense
- food - cidja
- foolish - bebna
- foot - jamfu; jmagutci in 'unit' sense
- for - nothing. 'for X' might be te zu'e, fi'o tergu'a, fi'o tergunta; mukti; 'for x reason' = ki'u; "for each X, there is a Y which broda's X" -- use zo'u prenexes and da, de, di
- force - bapli 'compel'; danre, lafti, polje, se randa, te tinsa, ve rinci, se ranti, mosra, marxa, lanxe, jicla, katna, se jdari, se fapro, desku, se torni for various kinds of forces being yielded to, resisted, ignored.
- fork - forca; jimca in 'tree branch' sense; jimca pe'a in 'branch in path' sense;
- form - tarmi; binxo in sense 'create formation'; various places: binxo, se binxo, se banro, te marji - use a specific gismu eg boxfo, bolci, bliku if you want to say X is eg. of spherical form.; ??? in sense 'bureaucratic paperwork'
- forward - ca'u (tense); crane
- fowl - cipni (bird); datka (duck); gunse (goose); jipci (chicken); xruki (turkey)
- frame - greku (most general sense); selca'o 'window frame'; korbi dacti ('picture frame'); kinslexra/temslexra 'animation/film frame')
- free - zifre
- frequent - cafne; cf. di'i
- friend - pendo
- from - ra'i (origin); to'o (apart)
- front - crane
- fruit - grute
- full - culno
- future - ba, balvi
- garden - purdi
- general - kampu
- get - cpacu (get); te dunda (receive)
- girl - nixli; ninmu in some (inaccurate) English usage
- give - dunda
- glass - blaci
- glove - gluta
- go - klama, cliva ('leave')
- goat - kanba
- gold - solji (metal); pelxu (colour)
- good - xamgu; vrude; se vecnu (a saleable good), se pleji, se janta, se cteki, se jdima; kanro, gleki, fadni "i'm good"
- government - turni
- grain - gurni (general); tengu ('wood grain' /appearance/feel sense). se nanba, rarely
- grass - srasu; xukmi in a colloquial sense
- great - banli, traji; mutce xamgu
- green - crino
- grey - grusi
- grip - jgari; jimpe 'get a grip on'
- group - girzu; ganzu fi lo girzu ('group together'/ put into a group)
- growth - nu banro; banro in the sense of 'plant growth'
- guide - gidva
- gun - cecla
- hair - kerfa
- hammer - mruli; jusxai in sense 'severely damage'
- hand - xance
- hanging - dandu 'hang'
- happy - gleki
- harbour - marbi
- hard - jdari ('firm'); fu'inai (emotion); nandu (difficult)
- harmony - sarxe (agreement)
- hat - mapku
- hate - xebni
- have - ponse (own); bevri (to have on one's person); pu (past tense conjugation)
- he - N/A (ko'a?)
- head - stedu
- healthy - kanro
- hear - tirna
- hearing - snaga'e
- heart - risna (organ); cnise'i (metaphorical 'emotional self')
- heat - glare ('is hot'); glanejni ('heat'); glebre ('in heat' (sexual sense]
- help - sidju
- high - galtu (elevation)
- history - citri
- hole - kevna ('cave'/'cavity'); greke'a (passageway)
- hollow - nonvau ! nonce !
- hook - genxu (shape)
- hope - a'o (emote); pacna (verb); se pacna (noun)
- horn - jirna (body part); tabra (brass instrument); vruca'a (noise-maker)
- horse - xirma
- hospital - spita
- hour - cacra
- house - zdadi'u (building)
- how - ta'i (method); xokau (how many); sai (intensifier); mo (how are you?)
- humour - zo'o (emotive); xajmi (amusing)
- I - mi
- ice - bisli
- idea - sidbo; si'o
- if - ni'igi (logical implication), ri'agi (non-agentive cause), mu'igi (motivation), ki'ugi (justification)
- ill - bilma
- important - vajni
- impulse - djica suksa (sudden desire), muvdu bo temci je junta galfi (change in momentum)
- We probably want a fu'ivla for change in momentum, as it's jargon.
- in - ne'i; nenri
- increase - zengau, ba'orgau (agentive sense); nu zenba SUMTI, nu banro SUMTI (as in 'an increase in ..' or 'a growth of ..')
- industry - gundi
- ink - xinmo
- insect - cinki
- instrument - tutci; various (damri, flani, janbe, jgita, pipno, tabra, xagri) in 'musical' sense, possibly also {se damri}.
- insurance - binra
- interest - a'u (emote); cinri
- invention - se finti
- iron - tirse (metal); xulbuktci (clothing tool)
- island - daplu
- jelly - jduli (consistency); rutpesxu (fruit spread)
- jewel - jemna (polished stone); jmeja'i (for adornment)
- join - jorne
- journey - nu litru (journeying), nu farvi (spiritual or figurative journey)
- judge - (person) pajni
- judge - (judgement) nu pajni
- jump - plipe
- keep - ralte (possesion); ra'irgau (maintain condition); badydi'u (building)
- kettle - patxu ('pot'); jacpatxu ! nonce ! (kettle)
- key - ckiku
- kick - tikpa
- kind - xendo
- kiss - cinba
- knee - cidni; cidni darxi (agentive sense, strike with one's knee)
- knife - dakfu; dakfu gunta (agentive sense, to attack using a knife)
- knot - jgena
- knowledge - se djuno
- land - tumla (parcel); ??? (what happens after flight/falling)
- language - bangu
- last - fanmo (end); renvi (endure)
- late - lerci (not on time)
- laugh - cmila
- law - flalu
- lead - cnisa (metal); xlura (influence); gidva (guide); lidne (precede)
- leaf - pezli
- learning - cilre
- leather - bakskapi
- left - zunle (direction); stali (remain)
- leg - tuple
- let - curmi (allow)
- letter - xatra (missive); se mrilu (parcel); lerfu (character)
- level - pinta (horizontal/flat); klani (degree/amount)
- library - ckusro
- lift - lafti; lafmuvgau (to lift)
- light - gusni
- like - nelci (enjoy); simsa (similar)
- limit - (v) jimte
- line - linji (maths); depypoi (queue)
- linen - matli
- lip - ctebi
- liquid - litki
- list - liste (physical list only)
- little - cmalu
- living - jmive
- lock - stela
- long - clani
- look - catlu (examine); zgana (observe); viska (see)
- loose - kluza
- loss - u'anai (emote); cirko (lose)
- loud - cladu
- love - prami
- low - dizlo
- machine - minji
- make - zbasu (build); finti (invent)
- male - nakni
- man - nanmu
- manager - jitro
- map - cartu
- mark - barna (spot); ??? (verb)
- market - zarci
- married - speni
- mass - gunma (aggregate); junta (weight); grake (gram)
- match - mapti (compatibility); sacki (fire)
- material - marji
- may - cumki (permission)
- meal - sanmi
- measure - merli (to evaluate); platu (strategy/plan)
- meat - rectu
- medical - mikce ('doctor'); ve mikce ('treatment')
- meeting - penmi (to meet at a place); jmaji (a group collecting at a location)
- memory - morji
- metal - jinme
- middle - midju
- military - bilni
- milk - ladru
- mind - menli (thought); patpei (contrary opinion); jundi (attention)
- mine - pe/po (possession); ponse (possession); te kunra (ore)
- minute - mentu
- mist - dilnu (cloud); bumru (fog/vapor); bumgau (verb)
- mixed - jicla (stir); pluja (complex);
- money - jdini
- monkey - smani
- month - masti
- moon - lunra
- morning - cerni
- mother - mamta
- motion - some sense of 'muvdu'
- mountain - cmana
- mouth - moklu
- move - muvdu (to displace); kelka'u (game); muvgau (agentive)
- much - mutce
- muscle - sluji
- music - zgike ('music'); selsa'a (something sung)
- nail - dinko (tool); degycalku (finger/toe)
- name - cmene
- narrow - jarki
- nation - natmi
- natural - rarna
- near - jibni
- necessary - sarcu
- neck - cnebo
- need - nitcu
- needle - jesni
- nerve - nirna
- net - julne (lit.)
- new - cnino (unfamiliar)
- news - nuzba
- night - nicte
- no - na go'i (disagree); je'enai
- noise - savru (clamor); te tirna (sound interference)
- normal - cnano (average)
- north - berti
- nose - nazbi
- not - na; na'e
- note - notci (short letter); jundi (to notice); zgana (to observe)
- now - cabna; ca
- number - namcu (quantity); lerfu (symbol)
- nut - narge
- observation - se zgana
- of - pe
- off - ganlo (switch)
- offer - friti
- office - briju
- oil - ctile (petrol); grasu (grease); matne (butter)
- old - tolci'o; laldo ! experimental !
- on - kalri (switch); cpana (upon)
- only - steci; po'o (uniquely)
- open - kalri (state); kargau (action)
- operation - sazri (to use/manipulate); micka'agau (surgery)
- opinion - se jinvi
- opposite - dukti (contrary); to'e (grammar word)
- or - .a (OR), .onai (XOR)
- orange - narju (colour); najnimre (citrus)
- order - cticpe (a meal); minde (issue a command); tervencpe (request a product/service); cnici (arranged)
- organization - ganzu (to organise); bende (group)
- ornament - jadni
- other - drata
- out - bartu (exterior)
- oven - toknu
- over - gapru (above); ga'u (tense); mu'o (radio)
- owner - ponse
- page - papri (book); klacpe (summon)
- pain - cortu
- paint - cinta (pigment); cintypu'i (agentive); pirlarfi'i (art)
- paper - pelji
- parallel - panra
- parcel - se mrilu
- part - pagbu (portion); sepli (separate)
- past - purci
- paste - pesxu (texture/material); fukpu'i (computer)
- payment - se pleji
- peace - panpi
- pen - penbi
- pencil - pinsi
- person - prenu
- physical - ro'o (emote); xadni (corporeal)
- picture - pixra
- pig - xarju
- pin - pijne (fastener); jongau (to attach)
- pipe - flevau (flow); tubnu ('tube')
- place - stuzi (location); punji (put/place/set)
- plane - plita (2D form); vinji (aircraft)
- plant - spati (noun); sombo (verb)
- plate - palta
- play - kelci
- please - pe'u (vocative); pluka (pleasure)
- pleasure - pluka
- plough - sombo (verb)
- pocket - daski (pouch)
- point - farsni (non-agentive); mokca (vertex); degja'o (finger)
- poison - vindu (noun)
- polish - spali (surface)
- political - plajva (policy)
- poor - pindi (impoverished)
- porter - bevri (carry)
- position - munje judri (physical position)
- possible - cumki
- pot - patxu
- potato - patlu
- powder - purmo
- power - te tenfa (maths); nejni (energy)
- present - se dunda (gift); cabna (now)
- price - jdima
- print - prina (noun)
- prison - te pinfu
- private - sivni
- probable - lakne
- process - pruce (non-agentive)
- produce - cupra (production); stagi (vegetable)
- profit - prali (noun)
- property - se ckaji
- prose - prosa
- protest - pante
- public - gubni
- pull - lacpu
- pump - pambe
- punishment - ve sfasa
- purpose - te zukte
- push - catke
- put - punji (place/set)
- quality - se ckaji (trait)
- question - (n) preti, se danfu
- question - (v) senpi ('i question the truth of that')
- question - cf what, where, when, why; cf pau, xu, ma, mo, ji, je'i, ge'i, gi'i, gu'i, cu'e, xo, fi'a, pei, kau, ki'a, go'i
- quick - sutra
- quiet - smaji
- quite - see 'very'
- rail - garna (support)
- rain - carvi
- range - kuspe (extend)
- rat - ratcu
- rate - parbi 'rate of X relative to Y'
- ray - xadba linji (geometry), gusni linji (ray of light)
- reaction - selfra
- reading - ca'o tcidu
- ready - bredi
- reason - nibli (logical implication), rinka (non-agentive cause), mukti (motivation), krinu (justification)
- receipt - nu vecnu kei vreji
- record - vreji
- red - xunre
- regret - xenru (to regret), selxe'u (a regret)
- regular - dikni (cyclic), fadni (normal)
- relation - terki'i
- religion - lijda
- representative - krati
- request - e'o (emote); cpedu (petitions)
- respect - io (emote); sinma (venerate)
- responsible - fuzme (accountable)
- rest - surla (at east); selyli'a (remainder)
- reward - cnemu (verb); ve cnemu (noun)
- rhythm - rilti (music)
- rice - rismi
- right - pritu (direction); dragau (agentive 'correct'); krali (entitlement) !experimental!
- ring - djine (shape); degja'i (jewellery); ??? (sound)
- river - rirxe
- road - dargu
- rod - grana (shape)
- roll - cmananba (food); gurgau (dice); gunro (trundle)
- roof - drudi
- room - kumfa
- root - se tenfa (maths); genja (plants)
- rough - rufsu (texture)
- round - cukla (2D); ??? ('round 1.34 to 1.3'); ??? ('round the edges of a block of wood');
??? ('as she rounds the corner,...' -- ie movement path )
- rub - satre (verb);
- rule - javni
- run - bajra
- sad - badri
- safe - snura (secure)
- sail - falnu (noun); fankla (verb)
- salt - silna (noun)
- same - mintu
- sand - canre
- say - cusku (express);
- scale - ckilu (measurement); ??? (climb to top of..); ??? (lizard/fish)
- school - ckule
- science - saske
- scissors - relselba'e
- screw - klupe (tool)
- sea - xamsi
- seat - stizu (chair); tsestu (generic 'sitting place')
- second - snidu (time); remoi (order)
- secret - mipri
- secretary - ci'arse'u
- see - viska
- seed - tsiju
- seem - simlu
- selection - se cuxna (choose)
- self - sevzi
- send - benji
- sense - ganse
- separate - seirgau (verb)
- serious - junri
- servant - selfu
- sex - gletu; ??? (agentive 'determine the sex of' sense)
- shade - ctino (shadow), selti'o (a shade), nu ctino kei gasnu (to shade something, agentive)
- shake - desku
- shame - o'anai (emote); xenru (regret)
- sharp - kinli (cutting)
- sheep - lanme
- shelf - kajna
- ship - bloti
- shirt - creka
- shock - jenca (stun); ??? (electrocuted)
- shoe - cutci
- short - tordu
- shut - ganlo (state); ga'orgau (verb)
- side - mlana (direction); mlapau (face)
- sign - sinxa
- silk - silka
- silver - rijno (metal)
- simple - sampu
- sister - mensi
- size - cisni !experimental!; te merli
- skin - skapi
- skirt - skaci (garment); mlakla (sidestep)
- sky - tsani
- sleep - sipna
- slip - sakli
- slope - salpo
- slow - masno
- small - cmalu
- smash - marxa
- smell - sumne (verb); se sumne (noun)
- smile - cisma
- smoke - danmo (noun); damva'u (a cigarette)
- smooth - xutla (texture)
- snake - since
- sneeze - senci
- snow - snime
- so - mutce (very); ge'e (sentence beginning)
- soap - zbabu
- society - cecmu (community); kluce'u (sharing culture)
- sock - smoka (garment)
- soft - ranti
- solid - sligu (state)
- some - su'o (number)
- son - bersa (pref. verba). nanla more rarely
- song - se sanga
- sort - ganzu; cf. porsi
- sound - sance
- soup - stasu
- south - snanu
- space - canlu (area); kensa (outer-space)
- spade - canpa
- special - rirci (uncommon); steci (particular)
- sponge - panje
- spoon - smuci
- spring - vensa (season); ??? (suddenly leap); ??? (coil)
- square - kurtenfa (maths); kurfa (shape); ??? (business space)
- stage - tsina (platform)
- stamp - prina (impression/image)
- star - tarci
- start - cfari
- statement - midvla (comp.sci.); selsku (expression)
- station - tcana
- steam - gapci
- steel - gasta
- stem - stani (plant)
- step - stapa (foot); serti (stairs)
- stick - snipa (adhere); grana (shape)
- sticky - snipa
- stiff - tinsa (rigid)
- still - za'o (continuing for too long), bifcau (without wind), na muvdu (not moving)
- stitch - velfe'o (fabric), sluji cortu stuzi (cramp)
- stocking - smoka ??
- stomach - djaruntyrango (organ); betfu (abdomen)
- stone - rokci
- stop - sisti
- store - sorcu (deposit); zarci (market)
- story - lisri (tale); dijysenta (building)
- straight - sirji (line)
- strange - cizra
- street - klaji
- stretch - tcena
- strong - tsali
- structure - stura (arrangement)
- substance - xukmi (drug)
- such -
- sudden - suksa
- sugar - sakta
- suggestion - selti'i
- summer - crisa
- sun - solri
- support - sarji
- surprise - spaji (a surprise), spaji gasnu (to surprise)
- sweet - titla
- swim - limna
- system - ciste
- table - jubme
- tail - rebla
- take - lebna
- talk - tavla (chat), bacru (utter)
- tall - rajycla
- taste - vrusi (a food taste), nelci selji'i (an art taste), vrusi mupcpa (to taste/sample something)
- tax - cteki
- teaching - ca'o ctuca
- tendency - dikni lakne
- test - cipra (a test), cipra gasnu (to test something)
- than - no translation
- that - ta (that which the speaker is pointing at), go'a (that which has been expressed in the conversation), zo'e (something said purely for grammatical purposes)
- the - le
- then - gi (separation of logically connected things), ba (later in time), ce'o (forming a sequence)
- theory - velcki
- there - ta (pointed-at place)
- thick - rotsu (opposite of thin), menli xarnu (dumb)
- thin - cinla (opposite of thick), to'e viknu (opposite of viscous)
- thing - dacti (object), zo'e (something)
- this - ti (held/pointed-at thing)
- thought - pensi sidbo (idea/concept), pu pensi (past think)
- thread - cilta
- throat - galxe
- through - mulno sort of
- thumb - tamji
- thunder - lidysna
- ticket - pikta
- tight - tagji (close fitting); trati (taut). {lo tagji} actually makes sense as a xelfanva for 'tights'
- till - rupydacru?; plixa; (till, not 'til)
- time - temci (period of time); tcika (point in time); see 'day','night'
- tin - tinci
- tired - tatpi
- to - n/a mostly; sometimes bi'o seems to be meant, often "fa'a"
- toe - tamji
- together - .a or JOI (almost any JOI; joi itself is most typical.) in
- some senses, kansa ; i'i
- tomorrow - bavlamdei
- tongue - tance
- tooth - denci
- top - drudi; se cpana (additional implications vs drudi); creka ('put on a top') -
- touch - pensu; ganse for 'sense of touch'?; re'o (locational sense);"pencu", kuspe *for 'spans X to Y, touching Z';
- town - tcadu
- trade - canja; jibri; basti;
- train - trene (vehicular sense); jonpoi (physically-joined-objects sense);crezenzu'e, rapcreze'a
- transport - xe klama /xelkla, xe ka'a;se tcana?, "marce", "bevri"
- tray - palne
- tree - tricu
- trick - tcica, ticygau;
- trouble - raktu
- trousers - palku
- true - jetnu
- turn - carna, kruvi
- twist - torni; sometimes carna
- umbrella - santa (u'i)
- under - cnita; ni'a?
- unit - gradu
- up - ga'u; sort of galtu
- use - pilno
- value - vamji; ve vecnu, se jdima; steci
- verse - pemci; ??? (in sense delimited subset of text)
- very - mutce; in some contexts traji might be meant; carmi.
- vessel - vasru; bloti; kabri; blutu'u
- view - jvinu; se viska
- violent - ka vlile
- voice - voksa
- waiting - nu denpa/denpa; nu djabeipre (IOW waiting on people; waiter.)
- walk - cadzu
- wall - bitmu
- war - jamna
- warm - mligla or glare, depending on level of exaggeration.
- wash - lumci; flecu in sense 'wash of water/backwash'
- waste - festi, xaksu, vikmi
- watch - zgana, catlu; mencti; junla; ??? (in sense 'a watch/patrol'; some kind of zgaku'i. bilzgaku'i?)
- water - djacu (a quantity of water), djacu je spati dunda (to water some plants)
- wave - boxna
- wax - lakse
- way - pluta/ve pluta (route), tadji (method)
- weather - tcima
- week - jeftu (a week's duration), co'i jeftu ("the week")
- weight - junta (not tilju, but it may be relevant.)
- well - xamgu (good), jinto (water source), kanro (healthy), ke'u nai (continuing the discussion, "Well then, let's discuss the software package.")
- west - vu'a ("west of..."), stici (the west (not meaning America/Europe]
- wet - cilmo
- wheel - xislu
- when - ca ma
- where - bu'u ma (physical location), vi ma (near-to physical location)
- while - ca (at the same time as), ca'o (some time during)
- whistle - siclu (to make a whistling noise), se siclu (a whistling noise), se siclu tutci (a whistle)
- white - blabi
- who - ma, ma kau ("I know who killed Johnny")
- why - ki'u ma (what is the justification), mu'i ma (what is the motivation), ri'a ma (what is the physical/non-agentive cause), ni'i ma (why is that true), se ja'e ma (what effected it) [[also each with "kau" appended, as in "I know WHY it is"]]
- wide - ganra
- will - ba (future tense), te zukte (the will to do something), morsi ke minde notci (legal will)
- wind - brife
- window - canko
- wine - vanju
- wing - nalci
- winter - dunra
- wire - cilta (thin), skori (thick/braided)
- wise - prije
- with - se pi'o (using), tugni (agree)
- woman - makcu ninmu
- wood - mudri
- wool - sunla
- word - valsi
- work - gunka (to labor), briju (location), te jerna (paid work), jibri (job), se finti (creation), tolpo'u (functioning), jai rinka (to be effective)
- worm - curnu (invertebrate), lumbrinki (earthworm)
- wound - cagna (EXPERIMENTAL)/pilka je se cortu (a wound), xrani (to wound)
- writing - ca'o ciska (to be writing), selci'a (a writing)
- wrong - jitfa (false), toldrani (not right), te venfu (immoral)
- whip - bikla (sudden motion), bikla xarci (weapon)
- year - nanca
- yellow - pelxu
- yes - go'i/ja'a
- yesterday - prulamdei
- you - do (you, the listener), do'o (you, the listener, and others)
- young - citno