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The usual objection to the proposal of allowing NAI after any word is "but that would require defining the effect of ''nai'' on every single word", as if that was an impossible task. To address that objection, I present here how NAI could interact with each one of Lojban's 124 grammatical word classes. Some of them are already allowed by the grammar. Most of them are obvious. Those that are not obvious are at least plausible, in my opinion.  
Fu'ivla of the form CCVVCV, which would obtain 5-letter CCVVC [[jbocre: rafsi|rafsi]], under an experimental proposal in [[the Book|the Book]]. They were proposed for [[jbocre: cultural fu'ivla|cultural fu'ivla]], but with the note that if they turn out to work, they could be used for [[jbocre: type 4 fu'ivla]] (I'd even call them [[jbocre: type 5 fu'ivla]] because the fact that they have rafsi makes them significantly different.)

===  NAI and magic words ===
All type-3 fu'ivla ending in a single vowel, and many type-4 fu'ivla such as those of form CVVC/CVCV (e.g. ''bauksita'', bauxite) can also be given rafsi. The rule is: Remove the final vowel and try to resolve what's left into a string of rafsi, all three-letter except possibly for the last which may be four-letter, and possibly with an 'r' inserted after the first if it is CVV (or 'n' if the next letter is 'r'). If this fails, then remove the first letter and try to resolve the remainder into a string of rafsi, all three-letter except possibly for the last which may be four-letter. If this fails, and the fu'ivla begins with a consonant and ends with a single vowel, then the result of removing the final vowel is its rafsi.

''A good thought, but that could never be parsed easily until we can figure out which word forms are fu'ivla and prove it. The morphology is complex enough already. --[[jbocre: rab.spir|rab.spir]]''

Selmaho | Now? | Proposed effect
Are these rafsi meant to be used '''only''' in the first position of a lujvo? The book gives ''tci'ilykemcantutra'' as an example. Now, ''naltci'ile'' is a valid fu'ivla. Is ''naltci'ilykemcantutra'' to be interpreted as naltci'il-y-kem-can-tutra? Could we use ''nalytci'ilykemcantutra'' for nal-y-tci'il-y-kem-can-tutra? --[[User:xorxes|xorxes]]

BAhE NAI  |  Yes  |  emphatic/nonce NAI
*Correct. These can be used anywhere in the lujvo. The Book's proposal cannot be used in final position, thus {cagyglauka} "barn owl" and {nalytci'ile} are valid under my proposal but not the Book's. The lujvo that have to be modified under my proposal are those that have a rafsi preceding the fu'ivla rafsi without a 'y' and a rafsi following it; a 'y' must be inserted. --phma
FAhO NAI  |  Yes  |  NAI is absorbed by FAhO before it can be processed
LOhU NAI  |  Yes  |  NAI is quoted as any word
SA NAI  |  Yes  |  NAI replaces the words erased by SA
SI NAI  |  Yes  |  NAI replaces the word erased by SI
SU NAI  |  Yes  |  NAI at the beginning of text
ZEI NAI  |  Yes  |  NAI is joined into a lujvo with word preceding ZEI; any-word ZEI any-word NAI = na'e any-word ZEI any-word
ZO NAI  |  Yes  |  NAI is quoted by ZO; ZO any-word NAI = na'e bo ZO any-word
ZOI NAI  |  Yes  |  NAI is used as delimiter word; ZOI any-word ... any-word NAI = na'e bo ZOI any-word ... any-word
===  NAI and sumti ===
Selmaho | Now? | Proposed effect
BE NAI  |  No  | BE NAI term = BE term NAI
BEI NAI  |  No  | BEI NAI term = BEI term NAI
FA NAI  |  No  | FA na'e bo, FA NAI KU = FA KU
KOhA NAI  |  No  | na'e bo KOhA
KU NAI  |  No  | na'e bo LA/LE, NA KU NAI = NA NAI KU, tag KU NAI = tag NAI KU, FA KU NAI = FA KU
LA NAI  |  No  | na'e bo LA
LAhE NAI  |  No  | na'e bo LAhE
LE NAI  |  No  | na'e bo LE
LEhU NAI  |  No  | na'e bo LOhU
LI NAI  |  No  | na'e bo LI
LIhU NAI  |  No  | na'e bo LU
LOhO NAI  |  No  | na'e bo LI
LUhU NAI  |  No  | na'e bo LAhE/NAhE BO
===  NAI and selbri ===
Selmaho | Now? | Proposed effect
BEhO NAI  |  No  | tanru-unit-2 linkargs NAI = na'e tanru-unit-2 linkargs
BRIVLA NAI  |  No  | na'e BRIVLA
GOhA NAI  |  No  | na'e GOhA
ME NAI  |  No  | na'e ME
MEhU NAI  |  No  | na'e ME
MOI NAI  |  No  | na'e ... MOI
NUhA NAI  |  No  | na'e NUhA
===  NAI and sentences ===
Selmaho | Now? | Proposed effect
CEhE NAI  |  No  | CEhE NA KU CEhE
CU NAI  |  No  |  CU NA
GEhU NAI  |  No  | NOI ke'a NA broda
GOI NAI  |  No  |  NOI ke'a NA broda
I NAI  |  No  | negates the following sentence
KEI NAI  |  No  |  NU subsentence KEI NAI = NU NA KU ZOhU subsentence KEI
KUhO NAI  |  No  |  NOI subsentence KUhO NAI = NOI NA KU ZOhU subsentence KUhO
LU NAI  |  Yes  |  NAI at beginning of text
NA NAI  |  No  |  ja'a nai = na, na nai = ja'a
NU NAI  |  Yes  |  NU NA KU ZOhU
NUhI NAI  |  No  | NUhI NAI ... NUhU =  NUhI naku NUhI ... NUhU NUhU
NUhU NAI  |  No  | terms NUhU NAI = na ku terms NUhU
TUhE NAI  |  No  |  NAI at the beginning of text
TUhU NAI  |  No  |  TUhE text TUhU NAI = TUhE NAI text TUHU
VAU NAI  |  No  | terms VAU NAI = naku terms VAU
VUhO NAI  |  No  | VUhO NAI relative-clauses = VUhO relative-clause NAI [[jbocre: ZIhE relative-clause NAI|ZIhE relative-clause NAI]] ...
ZIhE NAI  |  No  | ZIhE NAI relative-clause = ZIhE relative-clause NAI
ZOhU NAI  |  No  |  ZOhU NA KU ZOhU
===  NAI and connectives ===
Selmaho | Now? | Proposed effect
A NAI  |  Yes  |  negates second argument of A
BIhI NAI  |  Yes  | as now
GA NAI  |  Yes  |  negates first argument of GA
GI NAI  |  Yes  |  negates following argument of connective
GIhA NAI  |  Yes  |  negates second argument of GIhA
GUhA NAI  |  Yes  |  negates first argument of GUhA
JA NAI  |  Yes  |  negates second argument of JA
JOI NAI  |  Yes  | as now
PEhE NAI  |  No  | preceding NA KU for logical connectives, other-than for non-logical
===  NAI and tags ===
Selmaho | Now? | Proposed effect
BAI NAI  |  Yes  |  fi'o NA broda, where BAI = fi'o broda
CAhA NAI  |  No  |  fi'o NA broda, where CAhA = fi'o broda
CUhE NAI  |  No  |  fi'o NA broda, where CUhE = fi'o broda
FAhA NAI  |  Yes  |  fi'o NA broda, where FAhA = fi'o broda
FEhE NAI  |  No  |  time aspects
FEhU NAI  |  No  |  FIhO selbri FEhU NAI = FIhO NA selbri FEhU
FIhO NAI  |  No  |  FIhO NAI selbri FEhU = FIhO NA selbri FEhU
KI NAI  |  No  |  fi'o NA broda, where KI = fi'o broda
MOhI NAI  |  No  |  non-motion
PU NAI  |  Yes  |  fi'o NA broda, where PU = fi'o broda
ROI NAI  |  Yes  |  number ROI NAI = fi'o NA broda, where number ROI = fi'o broda
TAhE NAI  |  Yes  |  fi'o NA broda, where TAhE = fi'o broda
VA NAI  |  No  |  fi'o NA broda, where VA = fi'o broda
VEhA NAI  |  No  |  fi'o NA broda, where VEhA = fi'o broda
VIhA NAI  |  No  |  fi'o NA broda, where VIhA = fi'o broda
ZAhO NAI  |  Yes  |  fi'o NA broda, where ZAhO = fi'o broda
ZEhA NAI  |  No  |  fi'o NA broda, where ZEhA = fi'o broda
ZI NAI  |  No  |  fi'o NA broda, where ZI = fi'o broda
===  NAI and indicators and free modifiers ===
Selmaho | Now? | Proposed effect
CAI NAI  |  Yes  | as now
COI NAI  |  Yes  | as now
DAhO NAI  |  No  |  recover pro-assign
DOhU NAI  |  No  | unvocative marker; not speaking to you ...
DOI NAI  |  No  | unvocative marker; not speaking to you ...
FUhE NAI  |  No  |  negate composite indicator
FUhO NAI  |  No  |  negate composite indicator
NAI NAI  |  No  |  ja'ai nai = nai, nai nai = ja'ai
SEI NAI  |  No  | SEI na ku
SOI NAI  |  No  |  non-reciprocity
TO NAI  |  Yes  |  NAI at the beginning of text
TOI NAI  |  No  |  TO text TOI NAI = TO NAI text TOI
UI NAI  |  Yes  |  opposite UI
XI NAI  |  No  |  superscript
Y NAI  |  Yes  |  NAI
===  NAI and numbers and lerfu-strings ===
Selmaho | Now? | Proposed effect
BOI NAI  |  No  | other than (number BOI)/(lerfu-string BOI)
BU NAI  |  No  | other than (... BU)
BY NAI  |  No  | other than BY
FOI NAI  |  No  | other than (TEI lerfu-string FOI)
LAU NAI  |  No  |  cancel letteral shift
MAI NAI  |  No  | ( number | lerfu-string) MAI NAI = other than (number | lerfu-string) MAI
PA NAI  |  No  | other than PA
TEI NAI  |  No  | other than (TEI lerfu-string FOI)
===  NAI and mex ===
Selmaho | Now? | Proposed effect
BIhE NAI  |  No  | other than (operator)
FUhA NAI  |  No  | other than (FUhA rp-expression)
JOhI NAI  |  No  | na'e bo JOhI
KUhE NAI  |  No  | other than (PEhO ... KUhE)
MAhO NAI  |  No  | na'e MAhO
MOhE NAI  |  No  | na'e bo MOhE
NAhU NAI  |  No  | na'e NAhU
NIhE NAI  |  No  | na'e bo NIhE
PEhO NAI  |  No  | other than (PEhO ... KUhE)
TEhU NAI  |  No  | na'e/na'ebo ... TEhU
VEhO NAI  |  No  | other than (VEI mex VEhO)
VEI NAI  |  No  | other than (VEI mex VEhO)
VUhU NAI  |  No  | na'e VUhU
===  NAI and the rest ===
Selmaho | Now? | Proposed effect
BO NAI  |  No  | negates what follows in accordance with rules for that structure
CEI NAI  |  No  | (other than selbri) assign
CMENE NAI  |  No  |  incorporated to the name
CO NAI  |  No  | no tanru inversion
GAhO NAI  |  No  |  ke'inai = ga'o, ga'onai = ke'i
JAI NAI  |  No  | no modal conversion
KE NAI  |  No  | negates bracketed structure in accordance with rules for that structure
KEhE NAI  |  No  | negates bracketed structure in accordance with rules for that structure
NAhE NAI  |  No  | na'e nai = je'a, je'a nai = na'e, no'e nai = other than neutral point, to'e nai = je'a (as a polar extreme)
NIhO NAI  |  No  |  ni'onai = no'i, no'inai = ni'o
RAhO NAI  |  No  |  pro-assign non-update
SE NAI  |  No  | no conversion

Revision as of 17:09, 4 November 2013

Fu'ivla of the form CCVVCV, which would obtain 5-letter CCVVC rafsi, under an experimental proposal in the Book. They were proposed for cultural fu'ivla, but with the note that if they turn out to work, they could be used for jbocre: type 4 fu'ivla (I'd even call them jbocre: type 5 fu'ivla because the fact that they have rafsi makes them significantly different.)

All type-3 fu'ivla ending in a single vowel, and many type-4 fu'ivla such as those of form CVVC/CVCV (e.g. bauksita, bauxite) can also be given rafsi. The rule is: Remove the final vowel and try to resolve what's left into a string of rafsi, all three-letter except possibly for the last which may be four-letter, and possibly with an 'r' inserted after the first if it is CVV (or 'n' if the next letter is 'r'). If this fails, then remove the first letter and try to resolve the remainder into a string of rafsi, all three-letter except possibly for the last which may be four-letter. If this fails, and the fu'ivla begins with a consonant and ends with a single vowel, then the result of removing the final vowel is its rafsi.

A good thought, but that could never be parsed easily until we can figure out which word forms are fu'ivla and prove it. The morphology is complex enough already. --rab.spir

Are these rafsi meant to be used only in the first position of a lujvo? The book gives tci'ilykemcantutra as an example. Now, naltci'ile is a valid fu'ivla. Is naltci'ilykemcantutra to be interpreted as naltci'il-y-kem-can-tutra? Could we use nalytci'ilykemcantutra for nal-y-tci'il-y-kem-can-tutra? --xorxes

  • Correct. These can be used anywhere in the lujvo. The Book's proposal cannot be used in final position, thus {cagyglauka} "barn owl" and {nalytci'ile} are valid under my proposal but not the Book's. The lujvo that have to be modified under my proposal are those that have a rafsi preceding the fu'ivla rafsi without a 'y' and a rafsi following it; a 'y' must be inserted. --phma