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Here are some rafsi that could have been assigned to specific gismu,

but weren't assigned to anything, with the gismu they were candidates for.

bep zbepi

boc bolci

bod broda brode brodi brodo brodu

bop botpi

box boxfo boxna

buc burcu

bup bukpu

ce'e cmene

ceb cenba cnebo ctebi

cej ckeji

cep crepu

cet centi

cet certu

coc cokcu

cod condi

cok cokcu

cot cortu

ded djedi

dex derxi

dip dzipo

doc dotco

fec flecu

fev febvi

fib fliba

foc forca

fod foldi

fof sfofa

fol foldi

for forca

fox fonxa

fu'u frumu

fu'u sfubu

fub sfubu

fuc funca

fum frumu fuzme

fup fukpi

fus fusra

fut fulta

gak grake

ge'i gleki

gis gismu

giv gidva

giz girzu

go'i gocti

go'o gotro

goi gocti

gor gotro

jod jordo

kef kerfa krefu

koc komcu korcu

kuv kruvi

lef lerfu

les klesi

lip plipe vlipa

lod loldi

log logji

lox lorxu

luc lumci

luk pluka

med megdo mledi

mok mokca moklu molki morko smoka

mug muzga

nec nelci

nej nejni

nij nivji

nob nobli

noc notci

nub nuzba

pux pruxi

ro'e brode ro'e romge

roc rokci rorci troci

rop ropno

se'o semto se'o stero

sem semto

so'u sorcu so'u sorgu spofu

sok smoka

suf sufti

sus suksa

te'e trene

tso petso

tuc ctuca tutci

va'a vraga

vag vlagi vraga

ve'i vreji

veb verba

vec vecnu

vej vreji

vet vreta

vo'e vorme

vo'i vofli

vof vofli

vom vorme

vos voksa

vuk vukro

xec xecto

xid xindo

xo'i xotli

xot xotli

xud xurdo

xut xruti xutla

zab zabna zajba zbabu

zad zmadu

zav zalvi

ze'i zbepi zekri zepti

zeb zenba

zek zekri

zik zgike zinki zmiku

zur zumri

zus zutse

zvi zivle

The only free rafsi that could be assigned to a gismu that doesn't have any 3-letter rafsi is bod, for brodi (or brodo or brodu, theoretically).

hey, gotta save some rafsi for future expansion! --Jay

Furthermore, it is already too nearly the case that anything with the

right lujvo tarmi actually does mean something. Having lots of unused

rafsi (and these are only the usable-but-unused ones; there are plenty

of rafsi like xox or zuz that just don't fit any gismu at all)

makes for better separation, just as banning gicmu and gisnu

keeps gismu better separated. So the above list is not a Bad


I used some rafsi be noda in the first verse of Jabberwocky. --phma