bi'ai is equivalent to na ka'e na (that is naku ka'eku naku for those who value the book's prescriptions above common sense). It's proposed for the sake of symmetry. (cf. bilga, CAhA as sumtcita)
- .ianaicai .i ma smuni le si'o da na ka'enai broda
- ka'enai does not mean the same as ka'e na, it means na ka'e.
- xorxes:
- ka'e na means that the negative is possible. na ka'e and ka'enai, on the other hand, negate the possibility.
- What is the symmetry?
bi'ai = na ka'e na = ka'e nai na = not capable of not
na bi'ai = bi'ai nai = ka'e na = capable of not
bi'ai na = na ka'e = ka'e nai = not capable of
na bi'ai na = bi'ai nai na = ka'e = capable of
- And Rosta:
- Why only a cmavo for na ka'e na and not na ca'a na etc.?
- Adam:
- The symmetry is with other such constructs in the language. Just as it is much easier to say ro broda than naku su'o broda naku, it is much easier to say bi'aiku than naku ka'eku naku. A cmavo is not proposed for na ca'a na, because there does not seem to be any interesting difference between na ca'a and ca'a na. For the record, it was me who originally proposed this cmavo.
- And Rosta: