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*General strategy
**'''Base''': tsamra
***ko klama lo mi'a tsamra: Come to our base
**'''Team''': bende
***mi nelci le (mi bende|bende be mi): I like the team that includes me / my team
**'''Enemy''': bradi
***le bradi bende cu tsali: The enemy team is powerful.
**'''Friend / non-enemy''': tolbradi ({mi'a}, or {mi'o} (less frequently), both cmavo, can often also be used when describing your team)
***lo'i tolbradi cu cmalu: The set / number of friends is small.
***loni lo tolbradi cu zasti ~np~[[jbocre: kei|kei]]~/np~ cu cmalu: Same
**'''Buildable''': selzba
***~np~[[jbocre: mi'o|mi'o]]~/np~ nitcu lonu selzba zmadu: ~np~[[jbocre: we|we]]~/np~ need more buildables!
**'''Attack''': gunta
***ko gunta fi'o se kansa mi: Attack with me
***ko gunta ba'i mi: Attack for me (perhaps you're building)
***ko gunta le ~np~[[jbocre: bradi|bradi]]~/np~ tsamra: Rush / attack the enemy base ({bradi} is usually implied / obvious)
***gunta .ii / .ii gunta: Agh, attackers!
**'''Defend''': bandu
***ko bandu: Defend!
***ko bandu le tsamra: Defend the base!
**'''Weak''': ruble
***mi ruble: I'm weak!
***mi morsi ruble: I'm weak / perhaps about to die!
***le (mi'a|bradi) tsamra cu ruble: The (our/enemy) base is weak!
***le (mi'a|bradi) tsamra cu mutce ruble: The (our/enemy) base is very weak!
***le (mi'a|bradi) tsamra cu dukse ruble: The (our/enemy) base is too weak!
**'''Retreat''': rixmu'u / zilxru ~np~[[jbocre: lonu na gunta|lonu na gunta]]~/np~
***ko rixmu'u: Retreat!
**'''Advance''': cramu'u
***ko cramu'u: Advance!
**'''Cease attacking''': co'u gunta / sisti lonu gunta / sisti co gunta / gunta sisti
***ko co'u gunta: Cease attacking
**'''Begin attacking''': ko ca'a gunta / ko gasnu lonu gunta / ko gasnu lonu lonu gunta cu cfari
***ko co'a gunta: Begin attacking
**'''Kill''': catra
***ko catra mi: kill me (perhaps you got stuck in buggy part of a map and it would be more convenient to be teamkilled rather than wait for your poison to take effect
**'''Chase / attack / pursue weak enemy player''': jersi
***ko jersi ~np~[[jbocre: catra|catra]]~/np~: Chase (presumably with an intent of killing)! / ~np~[[jbocre: Chase-type of kill!|Chase-type of kill!]]~/np~
**'''Move (presumably out of the way) / stop blocking''': muvdu ~np~[[jbocre: dapoi na zunti|dapoi na zunti]]~/np~
***ko muvdu: Move!
**'''Camping''': badcando
***lo bradi cu badcando: The enemy is camping
***ko co'u badcando / ko sisti lonu do badcando: Stop camping!
** '''Not camping / aggressive / attacking / defending''': to'e badcando
***mi nelci lonu mi kelci lo to'e badcando po'o: I like playing with those who don't camp only
**'''Dying''': morsi
***~np~[[jbocre: mi|mi]]~/np~ bazi morsi: ~np~[[jbocre: I will|I will]]~/np~ soon die!
**'''Low on health''': sotka'o
***~np~[[jbocre: mi|mi]]~/np~ sotka'o: ~np~[[jbocre: I'm|I'm]]~/np~ low health!
***~np~[[jbocre: e bradi cu|e bradi cu]]~/np~ sotka'o: ~np~[[jbocre: The enem(y es)|The enem(y es)]]~/np~ low health!
**'''State of stage 1''': <pamoi?> <todo> ???
**'''State of stage 2''': <remoi?> <todo> ???
**'''State of stage 3''': <cimoi?> <todo> ???
**'''Ammunition / ammo''': danti
***kunti lo dalti: Out of ammo!
***so'u ~np~[[jbocre: lo|lo]]~/np~ dalti ~np~[[jbocre: cu co'e|cu co'e]]~/np~: Little ammo!
***li no ni lo dalti cu zasti: There is no ammo!
***no dapoico'e dalti / dalta fa no dapoico'e: There is no ammo!
***li so'u ni lo dalti cu zasti: There is little ammo!
***no ~np~[[jbocre: o|o]]~/np~ dalti cu (zasti onse ~np~[[jbocre: mi|le bradi cu]]~/np~): ~np~[[jbocre: /the enem(y es)|/the enem(y es)]]~/np~ have no ammo!
***so'u ~np~[[jbocre: o|o]]~/np~ dalti cu (zasti onse ~np~[[jbocre: mi|le bradi cu]]~/np~): ~np~[[jbocre: /the enem(y es)|/the enem(y es)]]~/np~ have little ammo!
**'''(One who) flank''': nalkanpynelkargunta / mlaguta
***.o'i mlaguta: Flank!
**'''Behind!''': trixe .o'i
***trixe .o'i: Look out (behind)!
**'''Sudden death''': suknunmro
***bazi suknunmro: Sudden death is soon!
**'''Wait''': denpa
***ko denpa lonu mi gunta kei lonu do cando: Wait for me to attack while you're inactive
***ko denpa lonu mi gunta kei fo lonu do gunta: Wait for me to attack before you to attack
**'''Soon (tense cmavo)''': ~np~[[jbocre: ba|ba]]~/np~zi
***mi ~np~[[jbocre: ba|ba]]~/np~zi gunta: I will soon attack
**'''Control point''': bedka'edai (note: stress is always on the penultimate syllable for brivla, so this is also {bedka'Edai})
***mi jibni lo bedka'edai: I'm near a Control Point
**'''Completely captured (control point)''': selmulkavbu
***le mi'a bende cu ~np~[[jbocre: ca|ca]]~/np~ selmulkavbu pa ~np~[[jbocre: lo|lo]]~/np~ ~np~[[jbocre: ci|ci]]~/np~ bedka'edai: Our team has one ~np~[[jbocre: out of three|out of three]]~/np~ points *completely* captured
***le mi'a bende cu ~np~[[jbocre: ca|ca]]~/np~ selmulkavbu ~np~[[jbocre: binxo|binxo]]~/np~ galfi pa ~np~[[jbocre: lo|lo]]~/np~ ~np~[[jbocre: ci|ci]]~/np~ bedka'edai: Our team is capturing one ~np~[[jbocre: out of three|out of three]]~/np~ points
**'''Neutral (control point)''': na selmulkavbu, narselzilkavbu, narselroldzakavbu
***no ~np~[[jbocre: lo|lo]]~/np~ bedka'edai cu na selmulkavbu: No control point is neutral
**'''Healing''': kanryzengau
***mi kanryzengau do noi sotka'o: I heal you, who is low on health
**'''Building''': zbasu
***~np~[[jbocre: le mi'a bende cu|le mi'a bende cu]]~/np~ nitcu lo zbasu: ~np~[[jbocre: Our team|Our team]]~/np~ need builder(s)!
**'''Main / primary entrance / middle''': ralnerkalri
***ko klama ~np~[[jbocre: e [jbocre: mi'a radi|e [jbocre: mi'a radi|mi'a radi]]~/np~ tsamra] fo lo ralnerkalri: Come ~np~[[jbocre: o [jbocre: our nemy|o [jbocre: our nemy|our nemy]]~/np~ base] via the main entrance
**'''Alternate / secondary entrance / halls''': relralnerkalri
**'''Non-main entrance''': nalralnerkalri
**'''Away / not present / inactive''': di'a jundi / na zvati (stop attentive / not present)
***: di'a jundi: AFK/BRB/away/not paying attention
**'''Inactive''': cando
***: le bradi bende cu cando: The enemy team is inactive / idle
**'''Toilet (presumably afk)''': vimstizu
***vimstizu: Toilet!
**'''Win''': jinga
***mi'a jinga: we win!
**'''Loses''': terji'a
***do terji'a: you lose!
**'''Client / Player / Soldier''': sonci
***du'e sonci cu badcando: Too many players are camping (note that, again, we've omitted {lo} after the PA (number) valsi}
**'''Credits''': remna jdini / jdini lo remna bende
***mi nitcu lo ~np~[[jbocre: remna jdini|remna jdini]]~/np~ zmadu ~np~[[jbocre: lonu mi terve'u lo <shotgun>|lonu mi terve'u lo <shotgun>]]~/np~: I need more ~np~[[jbocre: credits|credits]]~/np~ ~np~[[jbocre: to buy a shotgun|to buy a shotgun]]~/np~
**'''Evolution points / frags (alien evolution point sense)''': nalre'a jdini / jdini lo nalre'a bende
***mi ponse no nalre'a jdini: I have zero evolution points
**'''Frags (kills in game sense)''': ~np~[[jbocre: kelci|kelci]]~/np~ nilcatra
***.i mi mutce nelci tu'a so'i nilcatra
**'''Together / with''': kansa
***.e'u ko kansa mi ~np~[[jbocre: lonu gunta|lonu gunta]]~/np~: Let's group / operate together ~np~[[jbocre: in attacking|in attacking]]~/np~
**'''Leader''': jatna
***.i .e'u mi jatpa: I'll lead?  (To which ones could reply {vi'o} or {go'i})
**'''Backup / reinforcement / grouped teammates''': ???
**'''Feeding / giving enemy team too many / an excessive amount of funds''':
**'''Need''': nitcu
***le bradi bende cu nitcu lo jdini: The enemy team needs funds
***mi nitcu lonu do klama: I need to you come
***mi nitcu tu'a do: I need you
**'''Aliens''': se nalremterdi; or informally, nalre'a
**'''Humans''': remna
**'''Spectators''': nalkei
**'''Spawn (telenode or egg)''': cupra
***no nalre'a cupra ~np~[[jbocre: cu co'e|cu co'e]]~/np~: No aliens spawns!  (~np~[[jbocre: co'e|co'e]]~/np~ is implied without a selbri; if one takes the time to express is, it may as well be zasti)
***zasti fa no nalre'a cupra: Wordier but more explicit example meaning pretty much the same thing
***no cupra co nalre'a: If it's obvious which team has no spawns, it can be more convenient to express "spawns" first.
**'''Core buildable (reactor or overmind)''': matra
**'''Telenode''': rempra
**'''Reactor''': nenpra
**'''Machinegun turret''': samce'a
**'''Medistation''': ka'ozbe
**'''Armoury''': xacvau
**'''Repeater''': benji
**'''Defence computer''': skami
**'''Tesla generator''': terlindi
**'''Egg''': praji'e
**'''Overmind''': selmenli
**'''Acid tube''': tubnu
**'''Hovel (in old versions)''': marbi
**'''Barricade''': zunti
**'''Booster''': vidgau
**'''Trapper''': sputu
**'''Hive''': bicyzda
**'''Granger''': gunka
**'''Advanced granger''': zengu'a
**'''Dretch''': jukni
**'''Basilisk''': kavbu
**'''Advanced basilisk''': zenkavbu
**'''Marauder''': plipe
**'''Advanced marauder''': zenpi'e
**'''Dragoon''': sonci
**'''Advanced dragoon''': zensoi
**'''Tyrant''': brasoi
*Weapons, upgrades and equipment
**'''Blaster''': cmaxa'i
**'''Rifle''': sapxa'i
**'''Painsaw''': selba'e
**'''Shotgun''': ganxa'i
**'''Chaingun''': zmixa'i
**'''Las gun''': darxa'i
**'''Mass driver''': claxa'i
**'''Pulse rifle''': flexa'i
**'''Flame thrower''': fagyxa'i
**'''Lucifer cannon''': braxa'i
**'''Ammo''': ~np~[[jbocre: loni|loni]]~/np~ danti
**'''Light armour''':
*Miscellaneous useful phrases
**'''na nei''': nevermind / nothing / disregard that (neat use of infinite recursion with a vague predicate)
**'''doi''': generic vocative marker; identifies intended listener; elidable after COI.  Note that names can conveniently be abbreviated by spelling the first (occasionally few) letters.
*** .i ko klama l
**'''mu'o''': vocative: over (response OK) - more to come.
**'''vi'o''': vocative: wilco (ack and will comply).
**'''je'e''': vocative: roger (ack) - negative acknowledge; used to acknowledge offers and thanks.
**'''ki'e''': vocative: thanks - no thanks to you.
**'''ke'u''': repeating - continuing.
**'''ja'a go'i''': affirmative answer
**'''go'i''': agreeing answer
**'''na go'i''': negative answer

Latest revision as of 17:22, 4 November 2013

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current10:14, 8 May 2013 (3.88 MB)Gleki (talk | contribs)

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