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la brismu is a living book which documents a proposed logic and formal semantics for Lojban. It features a collection of proposed axioms of Lojbanic logic, a collection of wikipedia:Metamath proofs built upon that logic, a schematic ontology which organizes selbri, and logical definitions for several common gismu. As of October 2024, it is the largest and most-formalized approach to logical Lojban, defining over 4% of the baseline and ontologizing another 12%.


la brismu supports defining valsi in terms of other valsi via go bi-implications. For example, the following definition of se, inspired by CLL examples 11.1 and 11.2, is formalized as ~df-se:

go ko'e se bu'a ko'a gi ko'a bu'a ko'e


Informal ontologies are given for the following concepts:

  • Chemistry
  • Colors
  • Cultures
  • Geometry
  • Phylogenetics

In the future, ontology logs will be provided for readability and maintainability.


The following categories are defined:

  • Loj, whose objects are equivalence classes of bridi and arrows are implications
  • Core(Loj), the core of Loj, whose objects are equivalence classes of bridi and arrows are bi-implications
  • Selb, the bicategory of relations whose objects are classes of sumti, arrows are binary selbri, and transformations are inclusions of subrelations between selbri

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