lu guzme stasu li'u tcita di'e

.i nu'okiku le skamli je jipydru tcadu di'e stizu .itu'e dimna fa
ledu'u la xekcpi goiko'a litru la klaji belei xukmi te makfa
be'o noi rirci leka jarki kei letcy. jakyklaji .i ko'a penmi lebi'u dincau co to'e spuda goiko'e vi le pagbu poi pamei po'o
pagre ke'a .i ko'e vrucau stali .i ko'a bacru lu doi zunti. ko curmi le'oro'o li'u .i ko'e fi'uvosi'e carna zukte ni'o ko'a sutra pagre .i ze'i sumne leko'e se fenra joi fusra pelxu se dasni.i pagre mulno .ije trixe catlu .i viska noda .i suksa le co'a nu jimpe ledu'u ko'a ba'o cirko leko'a ka xekri

ni'o ko'a co'a cinmo lenu claxu da poi vo'a punajeca
djuno se pagbu ke'a .imu'a balbalfinpe .i pevmankybi'o fale tsani ki'u lenu claxu ko'igoi leko'a xekrykai .i lei jipydru ko'a
tepygau ki'u za'anai levo'e se mipri se djuno .i leko'a pruxi
cu cinmo lenu da'amei .iji'a leko'a tavla menli cu pensi ledu'u zo xekcpi na ca cmene vo'a .iji'a leko'a vasru menli cu sanji senva
lenu ko'i vofli pe'a .uinaidai .iji'a leko'a xance menli co'a djica co finti je facki lepoi cnino ku'o skari beko'a

ni'o la xekcpi ba'o klama la sancypurdi noi tcadu foldi co
te sabji fe le'i minji fo lenu sancypra ta'i le brife .i ko'a ganse le tolylau se siclu joi pu'u slilu ku pu'o lenu vo'a viska le minji ni'o zutse se'i.uusaidai .i denpa .i uedai tirna le di'inai popsna .i viska noda .ibaze'abo go'i lebi'u dacti co dukse ni moklu goiko'o

ni'o ko'o ge bacruxipa lu loi cmalu .i xu do ma badri li'u gi
ge bacruxire lu kajde mibypre le'o li'u gi’e bacruxici lu le
skari poi mapti lo xekcpi ku'o ledo skari na mintu .uanai
li'u .i ko'a danfu fi ko'o fe lu mi na kakne co pilji tavla do ga'inairu'e li'u .i ko'o smaji catlu .ije tunta milxe sepi'o le degji .i ko'o cisma .i bacru lu do na fatci dacti ku.o'a.u'i

ni'o ko'a fiko'o spuda lu ki'unai ledu'u mi na sorselvoksa
keiku mi kakne co logji nu tavla .ijepe'i bilga fa lo logji tavla lenu zasni sruma le nunza'i mi li'u .i le tsani cu grusi nu
gusycai .i ko'o bacru lu zo'ocai lebi'unai cmalu nu'o minde ledu'u lenu logji tavla kei fasnu mi .e le malxanri bemi .i xu la'edi'u fenki cipra li'u .i ko'o cimei cmila .i ko'a bacru lu tai ma .onai ti ku do ba cilre sera'a le datytsani li'u

ni'o vukiku ji'avi le skamli tcadu ku ko'ugoi la prijybebna
ge remna gi tadni loi valylarcu .i ko'u bilga lezu'o monzu'e bezi'o keinoi xaksu piso'e leko'u temci .i ze'ilenu na jibzukte keiku ko'u na'o pensi le vlazazypli .i kita'onai dzugre la sancypurdi calemu'e viska re tavysi'u bi'unai .i ko'a ca'o bacru
lu ju'o le jifyjoljetnu ca'a zasti li'anai seki'uku li'u .i ko'u dicra fi lenu bacru lu ta'a ku'i di'u nibli ledu'u da na dunli vo'a kei.i'unaicai.a'u li'u .i ko'o ge sutcta gibabo xagjycti vau ko'u .i cibybacru lu .e'u doranji li'u

ni'o fu'eza'anai voksa gi'e voksa vi la sancypurdi .i pale voksa pu'i cusku lu le fatci munje cu cmima le'i cumki munje gi'e menseljdi pagbu ro remselganse .i ku'i ma ba'o jdice ledu'u lo fadyselfri cu jdice xagmau le selfri co rirci paunai li'u
.i le drata voksa pu'i cusku lu lu le pevyvoksa bele so'imei
cu pevyvoksa la cevni li'u je'unai li'u .ijebabo le romoi voksa pu'i cusku lu pau jikykei jonai jigykei prijyske donpre li'u fu'o .i ba'eza'a le brife cu crogau lenku

ni'o lu ju'e mi'o go bradi simxu gi mulnunbirti sisku .iku'i mi'o go gunka gunma gi zasnunkemtugysi'u sisku li'u se bacru ko'a
.i ko'o tugni bacru lu xanri ju narxanri jetski .iosai .i
co'odo'u caku li'u .i binxo le carnalcyvolminji poi to'o litru .i
la xekcpi cu pamei vi la sancypurdi .i cpana le srasu fa lebi'u baktu bele xuncinta be'o .e lebi'u burcu .i ko'a vo'a co'a cintyzukte .i ze'ibaku la xekcpi mo'u xuncpi binxo .i mulno cinmo .i bacru lu .uicai caku zo xuncpi cmene mi .i cale ba mubypenmi bele dincau co to'e spuda kuku mi dunda le zmadu bele banzylai
li'u tu'u

("Watermelon Soup": The following could take place in the pastel spired city: 'It was fated that Blackbird travel in the Street of the Alchemists, which was unusually narrow even for that narrow-laned city. Blackbird met a mendicant at a place where only one person at a time could pass. The beggar stood in silence. Blackbird said, "Let me through!" He turned sideways & Blackbird rushed through. For a moment he smelled those rotting yellow rags. Then he was past looking back. The beggar was gone. Suddenly he realized
his blackness was also missing! He began to feel the emotion of
being without something he hadn't known he'd had. --Whales. The skies grew dark with the absence of his blackness. The spires
frightened him with their secret knowledge. His soul felt all-but-oneness. His ego thought that his name was not now "Blackbird". His dreaming mind thought that his blackness must be flying away, alas. His creative mind started wanting to make a new
color for himself. Blackbird came to the Sound Garden, which was a park provided with machines for making sound by means of the wind. He sensed their humming before he saw them. Sat & felt sorry for himself for awhile. Suddenly he heard a crashing
sound. But he saw nothing. Then after a bit he saw
the Thing with Too Many Mouths. The Thing With Too Many Mouths said, "O Little One, why are you sad?" & said, "Grr--Look out!" & said, "The color of a blackbird is not like that, h'm?!"--all at once. Blackbird said, "I can't multiply talk like that, sir!" It stared at him in silence. And nudged him with one finger. It smiled. "You're not real," It said. Blackbird answered, "Even though I'm not many-voiced, I still am capable of rational
discourse. And I think a rational being ought to
temporarily assume that I exist." The sky was brightly overcast. The Thing said, "Oho! The Little One would command that rational discourse transpire between me & a figment of my imagination. Wouldn't that prove I'm crazy?" It laughed threefold. Blackbird said, "How else will you learn about the Dreamtime?" Elsewhere in the pastel city there was a student of literature named The Philosopher. Most of his days were spent in meaningless activity, but when he had a little free time he would ponder word
usage. Anyway as he was strolling in the Sound
Garden he espied our two interlocutors. Blackbird was saying, "Therefore the True-mixed-with-false does certainly exist." "But that would mean a thing is not equal to itself!" he interrupted. The Thing glanced at The Philosopher & then devoured him greedily. "Pray continue," It said. There were, though i didn't actually observe them, voices in the Sound Garden. One voice said, "The actual universe is a subset of the possible universes, & selected by the mind out of all human perceptions. But who decided
that ordinary experience is better than extraordinary experience?" Another voice said, "'The Voice of the People is the Voice of God', huh!" The last voice said, "Is your philosophizing
social-playing or playing to win?" But i did observe that the wind was bitterly cold. "We are enemies if we seek absolute certainty. But we are co-workers if we seek tentative agreement," said Blackbird. The Thing said, "Imaginary-or-not truth-describer! Goodbye, now." It turned into a helicopter & flew away. Blackbird was alone in the Sound Garden. On the grass lay a brush & a can of red paint. He started painting himself red. Soon Blackbird was
a red bird. He felt complete. He said, "Now Redbird is my name. Next time I meet a beggar, I'll give generously!"')