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L'''''o'''''jban (pronuncia-se [ˈloʒban]) é uma língua criada por um grupo de linguístas ao longo de 10 anos, que vem ganhando vários adeptos pelo mundo, notavelmente em em países anglófonos.
L'''''o'''''jban (pronuncia-se [ˈloʒban]) é uma língua criada por um grupo de linguístas ao longo de 10 anos, que vem ganhando vários adeptos pelo mundo, notavelmente em em países anglófonos.

Revision as of 18:45, 3 June 2014

Este artigo não foi traduzido integralmente. Ajude-nos a traduzir.

Lojban (pronuncia-se [ˈloʒban]) é uma língua criada por um grupo de linguístas ao longo de 10 anos, que vem ganhando vários adeptos pelo mundo, notavelmente em em países anglófonos.

É uma língua construída com base no chamada lógica de predicados, tornando-o uma espécie de ponte entre diferentes línguas e culturas.

Lojban, a Odisséia para nosso Universo.

O que é que é único sobre essa língua? Todas as línguas naturais nascidas de um povo e cultura têm desvantagens internas como complicações em regras gramaticais, preconceitos e restrições que desencorajam outras formas de pensar. Lojban é projetado para nos libertar destas restrições e ver o mundo de forma mais completa.

As vantagens de Lojban são:

  • Falar em Lojban permite você dizer as coisas de uma forma mais curta, sem detalhes desnecessários que distraem. Por exemplo, você não precisa sempre pensar em qual tempo (passado, presente ou futuro) irá usar em um verbo, quando já está claro a partir do contexto. Quando você precisar de detalhes, você adiciona-os. Mas, ao contrário de outras línguas, Lojban não força a isso.
  • Lojban dispõe de ferramentas inéditas para expressar emoções humanas.
Faça uma pergunta em Lojban
neste espaço para convidados

Lojban é uma viagem sem fim.

Sendo cuidadosamente trabalhada pelos seus criadores, Lojban dispõe de precisão e revela os delicados aspectos da lógica e de nossa mentalidade.

  • Lojban é limpo, simples, e com todas essas vantagens, o faz uma língua poderosa. Por que não começar a falar? *Lojban é para aqueles artistas que adorariam expressar os mínimos detalhes das emoções humanas.
  • Lojban é para os amantes do conhecimento (filósofos, no sentido original).
  • Lojban é para os cientistas que gostam de todos os conceitos sejam postos em um sistema conciso.
  • Lojban é a melhor ferramenta para a implementação de máquina de tradução automática.
  • Lojban rompe a barreira da incompreensão de pessoas com diferentes origens.
  • Por último, Lojban também é divertido!

Lojban é fácil de aprender - o número de radicais no idioma é somente de 1341. Não é muito para começar a falar!

E você pode falar de uma forma concisa:

✔ "co'e" (pronuncia-se "sho-rre") em Lojban significa "thinkamagic/crap/any object"  ;) .

✔ "se catlu" (pronounced as "seh shatlooh") - all that can be looked at: a face, a mountain landscape, the book.

This website stores basic information on Lojban for free public access.


Welcome to the lojban wiki!

What is lojban?

Beauty in the artifice: an introduction to Lojban by Ewa

Lojban is a carefully constructed spoken language. It has been built for over 50 years by dozens of workers and hundreds of supporters.

  • Lojban's grammar is based on simple rules, and its linguistic features are inspired by predicate logic.
  • Lojban allows the expression of nuances in emotion using words called attitudinals, which are like spoken emoticons. ue marks that you're surprised; ba'u marks that you're exaggerating.
  • You can be as vague or detailed as you like when speaking lojban. For example, specifying tense (past, present or future) or number (singular or plural) is optional when they're clear from context.
  • Lojban is machine parsable, so the syntactic structure and validity of a sentence is unambiguous, and can be analyzed using computer tools.
  • There is a live community of speakers expanding the lojban vocabulary day by day.

Lojban means different things to different people

  • a linguistic curiosity - a test-bed for language experimentation
  • a challenging way to expand their minds or discipline their thoughts
  • a new perspective on languages
  • an entertaining medium to communicate with friends or create art
  • a domain for exploring the intersection of human language and software

What will lojban mean for you?

Official publications

The Complete Lojban Language

'The Complete Lojban Language' book is an official publication by The Logical Language Group and is available in several formats:

This book will help those who already understand some lojban. It's the most complete reference of lojban language by far. It does not, however, teach vocabulary, style, colloquial language or other possible variations of the language.

Related documents

This reform was approved by the Logical Language Group in 2003.

Unofficial methods to learn lojban

These are learning resources that are made by people speaking lojban and that represent personal views of those authors:

la karda, a rapid-fire overview of the grammar in small pieces
search the dictionary
la sutysisku.png
la camxes is an automatic grammar checker of Lojban utterances. It can help you to understand the structure and correctness of sentences.
Wave Lessons, a popular textbook
Lojban guide
Provides hover translations of both sentences/phrases and words they contain.
Lojban in simple phrases
Also available in PDF. Or try flashcards: offers on-line Lojban vocabulary flashcards, Anki is a downloadable alternative.
try searching for arbitrary words in
the database of sentences
La Muplis.png
Some of the sentences are not proofread by fluent speakers of Lojban.
Join the chat
and try talking to other Lojbanists when they appear there. Try asking them questions.
yt-lesson in lojban i.png
«Lessons in Lojban» by Dustin Lacewell

Also check out:


Other learning materials ...

Connect with the community

«ro lo ma'a datka» and other Lojban songs by la guskant
«bripre jikca», a community literary vlog
«ba'o», a song by La Djemynai

Lojban is spoken by a vibrant community, producing literature, music, and art, and discussing questions about language and thought. The web comic xkcd said that, if you spoke Lojban, you'd have to speak with Lojbanists. That may not be such a bad thing!

Instant messaging (text chat)

Connecting to the chat

Use any of the following messengers (your and others' messages will be available in all of them no matter from which messenger you are sending your questions).

Answers from members of the community will arrive soon.


Using this method you will be able to read the history of the chat since the beginning of 2016.

  1. Install the free Telegram messenger on your Apple, Android or your desktop device
  2. join main Lojban chat groups by following these links:
  3. Ask questions on Lojban in ckule group, talk in or about Lojban in Lojban group and talk only in Lojban in jbosnu group.


The chat is also connected to a Discord server.

  1. Ask questions on Lojban in #ckule channel, talk in or about Lojban in #lojban channel and talk only in Lojban in #jbosnu channel.
  2. Freely chat about anything to like-minded Lojbanists in the #jboselbau channel.

Other methods

You may alternately try other methods of connecting.

Social media

Lojban has a presence on many of the most popular web sites: Facebook Logo Mini.svg Facebook, reddit-12.png Reddit, quora.png Quora.

Mailing lists

The lojban-beginners mailing list is for questions about learning and understanding Lojban. You can subscribe to the list by sending a question to

The general-purpose lojban mailing list, which covers anything else related to Lojban, was founded in 1989, and has about 500 subscribers. You can subscribe to it by sending an email to

International Contacts

an exposition by la guskant in Japanese
  Languages spoken
la selpa'i
English, German
la gleki
English, Russian
la ilmen
English, French
la tsani
English, French
la xorxes
English, Spanish
la guskant
English, French, Chinese, Japanese, Esperanto
la remod
English, Italian

Lojban around the world - other ways of communication ...

What's next?

  • Try your hand at translating into Lojban, or write your own original texts: Poetry, prose, blogs, tweets, etc.
  • Continue learning vocabulary using memorization software.
  • Help expand the dictionary by translating Lojban words into other languages, or coin new compound words and add them.

More info ...

This web site is dedicated to documenting Lojban and the activities of the Lojban-using community, and also serves as the official web site of the Logical Language Group (LLG), a non-profit organization founded in 1987 to promote the scientific study of the relationships between language, thought and human culture.
Quick Links

From Lojban news...

Community news

17 January 2021

- la janbe publishes tabgapci, an original song.

20 September 2020

- la solpa'i publishes Ua langu, an original song.

13 January 2020

- The LFK is selected and begins meeting on Mattermost.

24 September 2018

- la gleki publishes a translation of How the enemy came to Thlunrana, a story by Lord Dunsany dedicating it to a new meeting of the LLG.

24 July 2018

- la evar usar published an English video introduction to Lojban.

15 May 2018

- la evar usar published The Magic Unsystem (makfa nalciste), the fifth episode of a Lojban-language worldbuilding video series. (English subtitles)

28 April 2018

- la evar usar published The Human Inhabitans (remna xabju), the fourth episode of a Lojban-language worldbuilding video series. (English subtitles)

30 March 2018

- la evar usar published The Rainforest Buffet (cavyricfoi gusta), the third episode of a Lojban-language worldbuilding video series. (English subtitles)

28 February 2018

- la evar usar published The Food Web (citka je cidja ciste), the second episode of a Lojban-language worldbuilding video series. (English subtitles)


30 January 2018

- la guskant published the first episode of mEntulimu, a series of short videos about Lojban.

20 January 2018

- la evar usar published The Lay of the Land (tcila co tumla), the first episode of a Lojban-language worldbuilding video series. (English subtitles)

14 September 2017

- la guskant published almapamla, a translation of the song Amapola] by Joseph Lacalle

04 January 2017

- la uakci published no da re roi fasnu, a translation of Polish poem Nic dwa razy by Wisława Szymborska into Lojban.

12 November 2016

- la guskant published lo vliraitru, a documentary film in Lojban.

06 November 2016

- la uakci published sorxaizu'e sei catlu, a translation of Polish poem Terrorysta, on patrzy by Wisława Szymborska into Lojban.

13 October 2016

- la lalxu published la melbi e le ractu, an original short story in Lojban.

1 June 2016

- la selpa'i published lu mi za'o citno li'u, an original short story in Lojban.

On the Internet


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